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The Times of Israel : The Deepening India-Israel Relations

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What If Its him? :lol:
@Yzd Khalifa your kind comments on the OP please.

All right, here we go,

I think the OP is being extremely emotional, while trying to prove that Israel is being a friend of India, at the same time, it appears to me that the OP must have forgotten that India enjoys very strong relations with the Arab World, especially the GCC, with an upper high trade volume. It's not about oil though, India's investment in the UAE, Qatar, and Bahrain exceeds 30 times more than what it is with Israel. What India wants from Israel is the same what India needs from Russia and France, @BLACKGOLD raised a very valuable point though, that India balances its relations with everybody, and some Indians are being overhyped when it comes to Israel, and I have seen some anti-Israel Indians as well, therefore, I wouldn't assume that India supports Israel unconditionally. Tbqh, India has been accused of being bias, but there are people who don't know a thing about what India does to the Palestinian people. Yearly, India donates money and provide humanitarian aids to them, funds projects, and publicly support their cause, with all honesty, I can't say India offers a lip service to them, because they try to do their best.

If India was a blindly pro-Israel, it would have cut its oil imports ages ago, and would never sign military agreements with the UAE, or it wouldn't try to develop its relations with the Arab World, and the Muslim World by large.

So, with threads like these I would expect nothing, but a flux of affection that's all.

India is a sovereign state, and believe me, if India wants to please Israel, India should bow to the West, but they will never do, considering the fact that they are an ex-imperialist victim.

I will continue posting as soon as I finish some stuff at work


India is very soft trudging with Israel relationship because Arab countries will cut the tap off oil which Hindustan needs desperately

It's not really about oil, and if they posed an embargo on India, both economies will have a devastating setback.
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But this $hit hurts! Does'nt it? That is why you reacted.
But the report just described the facts of the matter. Whether you like it or not........ :)

I don't care about India israel relations, I think some article written by some if their bloggers are really stupid with too much fear-mingering.
If not starting relation with Israel during 1990s, India's fear is they will be breakup or isolated without friends if Israel come closer to Pakistan.

India doesn't have much choice but force to work with Israel common interests. So it is understood that the relation of both countries are fruitful.
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