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Daesh Attacker Who Attacked Gurdwara in Kabul was reportedly Indian Citizen

Hey you are an intelligent guy. How can you I mean connect this to Pakistan.

Come on be a little responsible.
We don't need additional conspiracy theories. We don't give more reasons for enemies to paint this on us. We should all be sensitive before declaring a verdict.
i think you did not understand it correctly, let me rephrase that....
In Jan this year it was reported that NDS & RAW planned to attack Kartarpur using ISKP. Pakistani Intel foiled that terror bid, hence NDS changed the plan and diverted sources to attack the gurdawara in Kabul
You will be surprised to know Indian constitution considers sikhs(Buddhists and jains too) as part of Hinduism...
In fact, this does NOT surprise me at all. This degree of appropriation of other faith groups is no new phenomenon in Hindustan.

In England, Sikhs and Hindus are distinct. Neither group is "owned" by the other or regarded as "an offshoot" of the other.

Indeed, English born Sikhs would strike you down if you claimed their faith to be some subset of Hinduism.

As long as people live within your distorted bubble, Sikhism and other faiths will continue to be a "part of Hinduism" and Islam will continue to be a "religion of the invaders".

Christians and parsees will stay quiet while we fight it out - smart move really.
8 heartless people have 'liked' the the op

This is why we need CAA, Sikhs from Afghanistan, Pakistan need to come to their motherland

Afghan Taliban denied it. The only other armed flag-less assets in Afg belong to the Republic of India.

Suicide bombing is a hall mark of Pakistan based LeT
8 heartless people have 'liked' the the op
Make that "9". People aren't liking the deaths of these innocents, rather folks like that the op has brought this news to our attention. We should all remain abreast of the nefarious designs of certain parties in Afghanistan.

Suicide bombing is a hall mark of Pakistan based LeT
Wow with evidence like this, I guess it's case closed.
Its funny even sikhs live in a place where they are hated the most for their past where they defeated afgans and ruled them for a small time.

I don't care what those foreign Sikhs think...Indian Sikhs die for India....Sikhs constitute the highest number of soldiers and officers in army as a group than any other ethnic group in India.

its actaully a shame for indian population.2% controlling the whole nation's army..and we all know sikhs get free whisky for their contribution...they literally take bath in alcohol
Suicide bombing is a hall mark of Pakistan based LeT
Quote a dozen one confirmed cases or else refrain from peddling lies.At one point in time LeT was known for being active in IoJK but they have no history in Afghanistan.

This is why we need CAA, Sikhs from Afghanistan, Pakistan need to come to their motherland
Their motherland is where they were born.
The ISKP came into existence from TTP and Indian intelligence RAW and NDS have provided logistical support to ISKP in past and used it for attacking Pakistan. ISKP is a proxy of India and Ghani govt.
I dont believe this. I believe NATO Transported ISISK from SYria and Iraqi battlefields and relocated them to Afghanistan to use them as an asymmetrical alternative force against the taliban, sort of like a similiar "currency" in method of fighting btwn taliban and ISISK. But maybe you are right...they are a nasty group.

Its ridiculous to suggest Ghani could be a proxy leader for ISISK..are you crazy? Ghani cant even hold the Afghan army together, and he isnt a militia leader so how could he use ISISK as a proxy? wow.. your wild theories bro.
8 heartless people have 'liked' the the op

This is why we need CAA, Sikhs from Afghanistan, Pakistan need to come to their motherland

Suicide bombing is a hall mark of Pakistan based LeT
LOL.. you nothing lol.. Why are hindus extremists?
I dont believe this. I believe NATO Transported ISISK from SYria and Iraqi battlefields and relocated them to Afghanistan to use them as an asymmetrical alternative force against the taliban, sort of like a similiar "currency" in method of fighting btwn taliban and ISISK. But maybe you are right...they are a nasty group.

Its ridiculous to suggest Ghani could be a proxy leader for ISISK..are you crazy? Ghani cant even hold the Afghan army together, and he isnt a militia leader so how could he use ISISK as a proxy? wow.. your wild theories bro.

Afghanistan is mess the transport and logistics were handled by Nato and USA and then access was transfered to NDS to counter taliban. NDS lives on Indian funds. Remember kerala nurses evacuated from Baghdad few made it to Afghanistan and TTP factions also joined ISKP and NDS brought them under Indian raw command. That is how it works.

With Afghan peace deal the table has turned for NDS and RAW at this very moment India is losing Afghanistan. First batch of prisoner exchange has happened. So these are India's last attempt to gain some benefits from their investments. After the attack whole Indian media blamed LET but attacked was claimed by iskp as the media in India was doing it. Indian goal was to use this propaganda on domestic population and turn Sikhs against Muslims and Pakistan. Internationally people know it is done by iskp domestically in India they don't as media gave the blame on let. If you can understand what is happening here.
Quote a dozen one confirmed cases or else refrain from peddling lies.At one point in time LeT was known for being active in IoJK but they have no history in Afghanistan.

Their motherland is where they were born.

Just type 'suicide bombing pakistan' 100s of articles will appear

This happened just a few days ago;

Pakistani doctor arrested in Minnesota on ISIS charge

Lashkar militant admits killing Sikhs in Chittisinghpura
In March 2000, Lashkar-e-Taiba militants are claimed to have been involved in the Chittisingh massacre, where 35 Sikhs in the town of Chittisinghpura in Kashmir were killed. An 18-year-old male, who was arrested in December of that year, admitted in an interview with a New York Times correspondent to the involvement of the group and expressed no regret in perpetrating the anti-Sikh massacre. In a separate interview with the same correspondent, Hafiz Muhammad Saeed denied knowing the young man and dismissed any possible involvement of LeT

Just type 'suicide bombing pakistan' 100s of articles will appear
They were done by Bharat and Afghan supported TTP not LeT.

Lashkar militant admits killing Sikhs in Chittisinghpura
In March 2000, Lashkar-e-Taiba militants are claimed to have been involved in the Chittisingh massacre, where 35 Sikhs in the town of Chittisinghpura in Kashmir were killed. An 18-year-old male, who was arrested in December of that year, admitted in an interview with a New York Times correspondent to the involvement of the group and expressed no regret in perpetrating the anti-Sikh massacre. In a separate interview with the same correspondent, Hafiz Muhammad Saeed denied knowing the young man and dismissed any possible involvement of LeT
I admit that was one good false flag.
P.S:-Us DSP ka kiya bana jis nai Afzal Guru sai confession liya thaa,baad mai Pulwama mai bomb blast kai time DSP thaa aur baad mai terrorists ferry karta pakra giya thaa?
They were done by Bharat and Afghan supported TTP not LeT.

I admit that was one good false flag.
P.S:-Us DSP ka kiya bana jis nai Afzal Guru sai confession liya thaa,baad mai Pulwama mai bomb blast kai time DSP thaa aur baad mai terrorists ferry karta pakra giya thaa?

Why are you not in FBI ?

Kartarput Sab may be the next target of India and India will blame Afghan Talian giving example that as a Gurudwara in Afghanistan was targetted, another one is targetted in Pakistan.

Remember, neither Afghan Taliban has any hatred towards Sikhs nor it is here in Paksitan. There is no logical explanation of this attack other than that India wants to use it as a pretext of a possible attack on Kartarpur Sab.

Sikh brothers - be warned. You are being targetted by hateful RSS, Nirandara Modi and the sick state of India.

Your own brothers in ISIL killed Sikhs. The brothers that you are secretly proud of.
How can Sikhs be your
brothers !!!??

Kabul Sikh temple siege: Dozens killed in attack claimed by ISIL

The attack on Wednesday was claimed by the ISIL (ISIS) armed group. Earlier, the Taliban armed group denied it was behind the siege that left at least eight others wounded.

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