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Cyril Almeida and Dr Shahid Masood School of Journalism

i get it only credible people are who dance to the tunes of army .. rest all are traitors
Hey either you are very stupid or else ur something "else", lets assume that ur just stupid which is highly unlikely, buddy iam a student of law so ur arguments about codified standards dont work on me, nothing is above national security, this article which that dipshit published came at a time when india and pak were at each others throats, india likes to promote a "phenomina" internationally that the legitimate elected govt of pakistan is for peace and withrawing kashmir resistance while isi is a rogue group which is the main obstacle to regional peace, this article spoke the voice of india, this is digital sabotage at its best, when matters of national security arise, every law from freedom of expression to civil liberties is thrown aside by every state of this world cause no one is a dumb prat like u...

You are accusing the oldest newspapers & most watched tv channel by pakistanis .. better off listing the credible ones
Credible channels and journalists, what world do u live in??, geo is now recognized by most of the population as indian funded agents and by the way who are you to pass verdicts on what gave success to sadiq khan??, whether islam or pakistan had a role in his rise to power is a matter best known to him or are u his mother, people dont argue with this prat, he us definately an anti islam, anti pakistan, anti army asshole, most probably a fake id or a freaking libtard...

Dawn owned the story its Editor took responsibility here is what they have to say ::

Reaction to Dawn story

THERE are times in a news organisation’s history that determine its adherence to the highest principles of journalism — its duty to inform the public objectively, accurately and fearlessly.

This paper recently reported an extraordinary closed-door meeting between top government and intelligence officials where the foreign secretary briefed them on what he saw as Pakistan’s growing international isolation; following this, there was a discussion on the impediments in the way of dealing with the problem of militancy in the country.

The fallout of the story has been intense, and on Tuesday evening, the government placed Dawn’s senior writer, Cyril Almeida, on the Exit Control List.

While any media organisation can commit an error of judgement and Dawn is no exception, the paper believes it handled the story in a professional manner and carried it only after verification from multiple sources.

Moreover, in accordance with the principles of fair and balanced journalism, for which Dawn is respected not only in Pakistan but also internationally, it twice carried the denials issued by the Prime Minister’s Office.

Journalism has a long and glorious tradition of keeping its promise to its audience even in the face of enormous pressure brought to bear upon it from the corridors of power. Time has proved this to be the correct stance. Some of the most contentious yet historically significant stories have been told by news organisations while resisting the state’s narrow, self-serving and ever-shifting definition of ‘national interest’.

One could include in this list, among others, the Pentagon Papers detailing US government duplicity in its conduct of the Vietnam War; the Abu Ghraib pictures that exposed torture of prisoners at the hands of US soldiers in Iraq; the WikiLeaks release in 2010 of US State Department diplomatic communications; and Edward Snowden’s disclosure of the National Security Agency’s global surveillance system.

Even more so in Pakistan, where decades of a militarised security environment have undermined the importance of holding the state to account — something that certain sections of the media have become complicit in despite their long, hard-won struggle for freedom — such a furore as generated by the Dawn report was not unexpected.

However, this news organisation will continue to defend itself robustly against any allegation of vested interest, false reporting or violation of national security.

As gatekeeper of information that was “verified, cross-checked and fact-checked”, the editor of this paper bears sole responsibility for the story in question. The government should at once remove Mr Almeida’s name from the ECL and salvage some of its dignity.

Published in Dawn October 12th, 2016
Oh so they can throw the national insterest of 200 million people to the winds but Allah forbid putting a journalist on ecl, destroy this country, make it indias slave, snatch its nukes, make it bow before the west, stop its struggle for freedom of kashmir which im sorry to say will see many indian army dogs sent to hell by mujahideen, or moreover nuke pakistan, but dont ever put a journalist on ecl, he is too important, he is above the state of pakistan, the state of pakistan must bow down and pay homage to dawn, dawn is god so the feelings of dawn are so much more imp than the state of pakistan, ofcourse no action can be taken against dawn(god) as they are above any law of pakistan, right asshole....
Hey either you are very stupid or else ur something "else", lets assume that ur just stupid which is highly unlikely, buddy iam a student of law so ur arguments about codified standards dont work on me, nothing is above national security, this article which that dipshit published came at a time when india and pak were at each others throats, india likes to promote a "phenomina" internationally that the legitimate elected govt of pakistan is for peace and withrawing kashmir resistance while isi is a rogue group which is the main obstacle to regional peace, this article spoke the voice of india, this is digital sabotage at its best, when matters of national security arise, every law from freedom of expression to civil liberties is thrown aside by every state of this world cause no one is a dumb prat like u...

Here we go another " mumtaz mahir e qanoon" stooping to his low level reflecting his personality .. vakil sahab No need to loose it and go mental !! will get to the point now hamid khan (PTI) is a senior lawyer and this is what he has to saysay

Credible channels and journalists, what world do u live in??, geo is now recognized by most of the population as indian funded agents and by the way who are you to pass verdicts on what gave success to sadiq khan??, whether islam or pakistan had a role in his rise to power is a matter best known to him or are u his mother, people dont argue with this prat, he us definately an anti islam, anti pakistan, anti army asshole, most probably a fake id or a freaking libtard...

yeah right few indivisuals who would like to stay in denial mode resort to the same rhetoric Reality is GEO and DAWN are the oldest and most credible news sources .. as for your issues with my opinion on Sadiq Khan open a thread and your curosity will be answered!!

Oh so they can throw the national insterest of 200 million people to the winds but Allah forbid putting a journalist on ecl, destroy this country, make it indias slave, snatch its nukes, make it bow before the west, stop its struggle for freedom of kashmir which im sorry to say will see many indian army dogs sent to hell by mujahideen, or moreover nuke pakistan, but dont ever put a journalist on ecl, he is too important, he is above the state of pakistan, the state of pakistan must bow down and pay homage to dawn, dawn is god so the feelings of dawn are so much more imp than the state of pakistan, ofcourse no action can be taken against dawn(god) as they are above any law of pakistan, right asshole....

you should know since you the mumtaz mahir e qanoon National interest of 200 mill Pakistanis lies with the politicians who they opted for in elections you should also know barring journalists thats against freedom of speech.

Hey either you are very stupid or else ur something "else", lets assume that ur just stupid which is highly unlikely, buddy iam a student of law so ur arguments about codified standards dont work on me, nothing is above national security, this article which that dipshit published came at a time when india and pak were at each others throats, india likes to promote a "phenomina" internationally that the legitimate elected govt of pakistan is for peace and withrawing kashmir resistance while isi is a rogue group which is the main obstacle to regional peace, this article spoke the voice of india, this is digital sabotage at its best, when matters of national security arise, every law from freedom of expression to civil liberties is thrown aside by every state of this world cause no one is a dumb prat like u...

Credible channels and journalists, what world do u live in??, geo is now recognized by most of the population as indian funded agents and by the way who are you to pass verdicts on what gave success to sadiq khan??, whether islam or pakistan had a role in his rise to power is a matter best known to him or are u his mother, people dont argue with this prat, he us definately an anti islam, anti pakistan, anti army asshole, most probably a fake id or a freaking libtard...

Oh so they can throw the national insterest of 200 million people to the winds but Allah forbid putting a journalist on ecl, destroy this country, make it indias slave, snatch its nukes, make it bow before the west, stop its struggle for freedom of kashmir which im sorry to say will see many indian army dogs sent to hell by mujahideen, or moreover nuke pakistan, but dont ever put a journalist on ecl, he is too important, he is above the state of pakistan, the state of pakistan must bow down and pay homage to dawn, dawn is god so the feelings of dawn are so much more imp than the state of pakistan, ofcourse no action can be taken against dawn(god) as they are above any law of pakistan, right asshole....
also your post is reported for using foul language and childish remarks
Army should take off the govt and in three months start new election where PML N is banned it is modi govt
Cyril Almeida and Dr Shahid Masood School of Journalism

So it seems that Cyril Almeida has been banned from leaving the country. That is a serious punishment for a journalist whose only crime was not writing “Sponsored Content” at the beggining of his story about a civil-military meeting.

Snark aside, lets list the possibilities.

1. Cyril Almeida, who is an Op-Ed writer and has not filed a story for years, went out and got an amazing scoop after hard work and deep analysis.

2. Someone made a story and gave it to Cyril with clear instructions on how to publish it.

3. Cyril Almeida made the whole thing up.

All journalists rallying behind Cyril and Dawn must consider these possibilities before doing so.

If possibility No.1 is true then all journalist must rally behind Dawn and Cyril irrespective of what National Interest is or is perceived to be by our security establishment.

However, if No.2 or 3 are correct then we must recognize Cyril Almeida as the latest student of Dr Shahid Masood School of Journalism and treat him as such and recognize that rallying behind him is detrimental to the cause of free press in the country.

So, what is this School of Journalism? All journalists in Pakistan worth the newsprint their articles are printed upon understand how this school works:
Step number one: Endear oneself to a specific party in Pakistan’s power politics.
Step number two: Air all planted news pretending that you have spent time, effort etc to gather and analyze some crucial information.
Step number three: Profit.

This is how (I think) an establishment ‘journalist’ knows everything about meetings happening behind closed doors. This is how he knows when Army Chief (allegedly) brutally admonishes CM Sindh or Nawaz Sharif in secret meetings. Understandably, the current govt doesn’t like the good Doctor because he is clearly a partisan in the power-play and no longer an objective reporter. His partisanship (in opinion of many commentators) absolves him from the ability to hide behind the banner of “press freedom” while doing what he does. That is the reason behind our deep non-existent respect for such journalists.

Now since I don’t get any information from behind closed doors and don’t have access either to the govt or the military I will have to resort to conjecture.

We can eliminate possibility No.3 (from the aforementioned list of possibilities) because the story is obviously true. Even the first denial published by the PM’s office admitted that the story contains “half-truths”. Half truth is a type of truth and that is the best we can get in this country.

So we are left with possibilities 1 and 2.

If possibility No.1 were true, the civil govt would’ve been in complete disarray and there would’ve been a witch hunt to find the people who leaked the story because they are the actual culprits, not Cyril. It’s not even that hard to find the culprit(s) and start actual legal proceedings against them, because the meeting only had half a dozen or so people and all their names are known. They can be fired, taken to court etc. But we know there is no witch-hunt, no effort to find the real culprits.

Which leaves us with possibility No.2. Whoever leaked the story was sanctioned from the highest levels to do so. This argument gets more weight when we see that the govt is not angry at the story, the military is. Furthermore, we can also see that the military is angry at the government too which can’t be explained if the possibilities 1 and 3 were true.

If this possibility is true we can predict that there will be no witch hunt, and that after temporarily putting Cyril’s name in ECL (which makes no sense whatsoever) the story will be buried and this will go the way Memogate did.

This leads us to the actual story behind the story: Why was this story leaked and by whom? This is what true journalists in Pakistan (if any exist) should be asking.

Of course, all that is just conjecture. I do not know anything. I am not even a true journalist. But all those who are must be wary of supporting a new charlatan just because at the end of the day all underhanded tactics and partisan journalism, irrespective of their political positions, hurt the actual cause of free press in the country.

Clarification: I have used Dr Shahid Masood as an example of a perceived establishment journalist only. He may or may not be actually an establishment stooge, but for sake of exposing a hypocritical stance, I am making an assumption that he is – which may be erroneous. In short, if obvious partisanship and publishing planted material takes from the credibility of one journalist, it should be the same for the other.

Waqas Ahmed is Editor, Digital Media, at Daily Pakistan Global. You can reach him at waqas@dailypakistan.com.pk

i dont know about cyril, but Dr.Shahid masood already fined for imposing wrong allegation on honorable Chief justice of Sindh high court, for that he not only fined, and banned from airing his program.

so no compression between the two.
That's what Military expressed that it has no intention to ban the Jurno or Dawn but the need of investigation about the culprit that doctored a story with twist and leaked it deliberately for publication while on other hand, PMLn tried to take another advantage by putting Cyril in ECL to malign the Military that timely denied such ban that ended in embarrassment for PMLn and recalled the notification. Whoever done this, must be punished in real time for an example that the rest may never attempt for such forgery and fraudulent activity.

If you see all this situation in the cover of Imran khans possible Dharana, it will benefit him ...either one like it or not the civil -Military relationships is not very well ..
If you see all this situation in the cover of Imran khans possible Dharana, it will benefit him ...either one like it or not the civil -Military relationships is not very well .

You may be right to the some extent but on other hand, it was a multipurpose shot by NS. One as being holding the grudge against Military since long and wants to defame the RS that too at the time of peak and about to leave with honour while on other hand, a divergent created deliberately so the main issues could be placed as secondary or after that yet people are busy about Civil-Military issues and upcoming dharna is nowhere in mainstream as well as the Leaks and every possible pressure. Though, in the end, such shot is going to back fire as there are many options to deal with such manipulators.
You may be right to the some extent but on other hand, it was a multipurpose shot by NS. One as being holding the grudge against Military since long and wants to defame the RS that too at the time of peak and about to leave with honour while on other hand, a divergent created deliberately so the main issues could be placed as secondary or after that yet people are busy about Civil-Military issues and upcoming dharna is nowhere in mainstream as well as the Leaks and every possible pressure. Though, in the end, such shot is going to back fire as there are many options to deal with such manipulators.

Yeah , he ( NS ) always kept the Grudge against the army, and if you notice the people who have been spotted around him are the same who were with Mushi in his last days giving him wrong suggestions ..i believe NS days are numbered and he is not in mood to go down easily , he will try his best to take down the system and blame it on establishment and Army ..
he will try his best to take down the system and blame it on establishment and Army ..

Sometimes, it seems like when the one is done with all the looting and corruption and became aware that time has come to answer or be prepared for justice, as per new tactics in Pakistan, an attempt of political suicide is made to be called as political martyr while playing a victim card and people forgets so easily due to fake innocence.
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