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Cyril Almeida and Dr Shahid Masood School of Journalism

Bhai ki danishwari ki qadar hi koi nahi @The Eagle @The Sandman @django

Koi nahi Janab, qadar a jaye gi logo ko bas thora wakt lagta ha.

OT: First thing to understand here is that Army did not ask for ban on Cyril or Dawn nor to put his name in ECL but it was one after other attempt by NS to defame the military and ISI. However, Military asked for investigation about who leaked the news or made it to media for misinformation. It is clear that PMLn itself has been opposing hardly against Op in Punjab whereby PPPP and MQM has been pressing hard for the same in past including PTI so how come Military wouldn't conduct an op against such terrorists/criminals. NS is unloading the burden of his chest containing the hatred for Institution which is not new but since the start that he couldn't fit with any COAS during his tenures. Such attempt of NS & Co. is actual strike on behest of India to secure his investment as well as to sabotage the credibility of Military in these times while causing the defame. As the strike drama was thwarted well as well as any other intrusion was dealt accordingly, investment and other promises forced the Political Elite to come up with such lowest ever idea to do so. Such intentional leak served many purposes but only time will tell.
Oldest Pakistani newspaper at the moment is Nawaiwaqt
Alright i wil specific dawn started publishing English newspaper in 1942

Unfortunately true.

They shouldn't have published the story. Whether it is true or false is difficult to assess and even beside the point. More importantly, the damage it has caused is irreparable. Like I said, the enemy has also made full use of the opportunity to malign the government and the Pak army. Is this what we want in Pakistan? Because if we do we should continue to publish such malignant stories in our newspapers.

"This paper recently reported an extraordinary closed-door meeting between top government and intelligence officials where the foreign secretary briefed them..."

A newspaper has the responsibility to act in a responsible manner. Dawn clearly hasn't acted responsibly by leaking high-level information. The purportedly meeting was held behind closed doors for a reason. It should not be always about ratings and chest-thumping. How about putting the interests of the nation on top? This is irresponsible news reporting.
U know what i am windering IF publishing a leaked news (of any kind and which most of them are ) is illegal by law !??
Is Nation considered credible ?

how dare the government and military top brass lecture the press on how to do their job. How dare they treat a feted reporter like a criminal. And how dare they imply that they have either the right or the ability or the monopoly to declare what Pakistan’s “national interest” is. Or even more laughably, what “universally acknowledged principles of reporting” are. Since the government would counsel us, the press, on how to do our job, we would like to offer some advice for them, on how to better do theirs. Leave journalists alone. Worry a great deal about Pakistan’s image abroad – some of our actions and inactions as a country are indefensible – everyone knows it, no matter how much we may pretend otherwise. Salvage your own newly-minted reputation as a government envious of Kim Jong Il's press management.

You are accusing the oldest newspapers & most watched tv channel by pakistanis .. better off listing the credible ones
Like the oldest hag in town? the older it is the more credible?

Dawn was a good paper till its chief was Ahmad Ali Khan.But things have been south for them since he left and esp. when Saigols took over it.

Most watched? any source? I thought ARY and Geo ere the most watched ones...
Like the oldest hag in town? the older it is the more credible?

Dawn was a good paper till its chief was Ahmad Ali Khan.But things have been south for them since he left and esp. when Saigols took over it.

Most watched? any source? I thought ARY and Geo ere the most watched ones...
most watched i meant GEO
why Mr. Almeida refused to cooperate with the Authorities ? he himself is making this case suspicious .
I'm not an army apologist and will confront them when they are wrong. However, these so-called elite politicians and media moguls have no right of speaking. The reason why Pakistan has suffered is also their doing. Their blame games and lectures fall on deaf ears today. It is hypocritical on their part to lecture others about good and bad when they have never set a good example.
Most of them are playing into the hands of our enemies and external powers. So now it is beyond this normal narrative of incompetence and corruption. Now they have given targets and tasks to execute and they very well know it and it is not that difficult for a layman to spot it either. All he needs is to observe critically, correlate events and reach conclusions.

most watched i meant GEO
Now it is ARY. GEO has been left behind.
why Mr. Almeida refused to cooperate with the Authorities ? he himself is making this case suspicious .

After the assurance of the master that no harm will come to him and all he has to do as told since the leaking of twisted news.
Cyril has a large Indian following .. when ever he writes an article in Dawn, it's flooded with praises by Indians. And that's because he is army bashing all the time.

And that's the mindset of Nawaz group and the external powers who want to weaken the army (an agenda born in 1998). Cyril and Dawn are pawns in all this, knowingly I'm sure. One would have to be utterly stupid not to know.
After the assurance of the master that no harm will come to him and all he has to do as told since the leaking of twisted news.

actually in Pakistan its called Cheap Publicity Stunts but those Wanna be Famous Writers , now this Journalist gets his " Wah Wah " in all over the world , and he will be Present as a Victim for Pakistan'i Army or Establishment brutality .. i wonder if such people can see their faces in mirror after selling their Mother Land to enemies ..
actually in Pakistan its called Cheap Publicity Stunts but those Wanna be Famous Writers , now this Journalist gets his " Wah Wah " in all over the world , and he will be Present as a Victim for Pakistan'i Army or Establishment brutality .. i wonder if such people can see their faces in mirror after selling their Mother Land to enemies ..

Actually he is being played that first PMLn made and doctored an article, handed over to him to publish as he has been critique to Military in past as well and after publishing the same league banned him put him on ECL while accused the media outlet only to defame the military. ISPR clearly stated that Military did not ask for ban on Cyril nor the media outlet but a committee should be formed to investigate the real traitor. Cyril is made traitor by PMLn itself as an escape goat.
Actually he is being played that first PMLn made and doctored an article, handed over to him to publish as he has been critique to Military in past as well and after publishing the same league banned him put him on ECL while accused the media outlet only to defame the military. ISPR clearly stated that Military did not ask for ban on Cyril nor the media outlet but a committee should be formed to investigate the real traitor. Cyril is made traitor by PMLn itself as an escape goat.

What Cyril did is nothing new to Military to be honest, they wont be even yawning over this report , we got worse Jokers in Media houses like Hamid Mir , Najam Sethi etc .. Military has all the right to ask for a investigation if there is a alligation put on them , i am not a lawyer but i think if any individual put an allegation on someone he have the right to ask for Investigation and if the alligator found guilty than there must be some sort of punishment.
Journalism has become Opinionism, lack of quality on TV nowadays, which is sad to see.
What Cyril did is nothing new to Military to be honest, they wont be even yawning over this report , we got worse Jokers in Media houses like Hamid Mir , Najam Sethi etc .. Military has all the right to ask for a investigation if there is a alligation put on them , i am not a lawyer but i think if any individual put an allegation on someone he have the right to ask for Investigation and if the alligator found guilty than there must be some sort of punishment.

That's what Military expressed that it has no intention to ban the Jurno or Dawn but the need of investigation about the culprit that doctored a story with twist and leaked it deliberately for publication while on other hand, PMLn tried to take another advantage by putting Cyril in ECL to malign the Military that timely denied such ban that ended in embarrassment for PMLn and recalled the notification. Whoever done this, must be punished in real time for an example that the rest may never attempt for such forgery and fraudulent activity.
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