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CWG: After dog, snake found in athlete's room


Dec 6, 2009
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The clock is ticking and the Delhi government is desperately trying to salvage the Commonwealth Games mess. A snake in the athletes living quarters in the Games Village is the latest headache for the Delhi Government.

A snake was found in a room in the residential tower, earmarked for the South African athletes, who have not arrived yet, said Commissioner Harris Mbulelo Mejeke.

"We can't go and stay till things are fixed up. We have very grave concerns. If snakes are found we can't ask our teams to stay there. Yesterday we found asnake but I don't know whether it was an Indian snake. But it was there in one of our rooms," Mejeke said.
CWG: After dog, snake found in athlete's room - India News - IBNLive
The clock is ticking and the Delhi government is desperately trying to salvage the Commonwealth Games mess. A snake in the athletes living quarters in the Games Village is the latest headache for the Delhi Government.

A snake was found in a room in the residential tower, earmarked for the South African athletes, who have not arrived yet, said Commissioner Harris Mbulelo Mejeke.

"We can't go and stay till things are fixed up. We have very grave concerns. If snakes are found we can't ask our teams to stay there. Yesterday we found asnake but I don't know whether it was an Indian snake. But it was there in one of our rooms," Mejeke said.
CWG: After dog, snake found in athlete's room - India News - IBNLive

After dog, they found a snake. Next they will find humans. after all dogs and snakes have been here on Earth for much longer than humans.
The clock is ticking and the Delhi government is desperately trying to salvage the Commonwealth Games mess. A snake in the athletes living quarters in the Games Village is the latest headache for the Delhi Government.

A snake was found in a room in the residential tower, earmarked for the South African athletes, who have not arrived yet, said Commissioner Harris Mbulelo Mejeke.

"We can't go and stay till things are fixed up. We have very grave concerns. If snakes are found we can't ask our teams to stay there. Yesterday we found asnake but I don't know whether it was an Indian snake. But it was there in one of our rooms," Mejeke said.
CWG: After dog, snake found in athlete's room - India News - IBNLive

One would imagine that South Africans knew a thing or two about snakes, right? It is not as if they have come from Ireland where there are no snakes. It has been raining and flooding the past month, the poor creature must have crawled out of its watery hole and taken shelter in the first building it found.
Snakes, dogs, insects, mosquitoes.... all show the harmony of human and nature... It is a part of the showcase of how animal friendly India is :-)
Snakes, dogs, insects, mosquitoes.... all show the harmony of human and nature... It is a part of the showcase of how animal friendly India is :-)

Or maybe Kalmadi told them that they could participate too in the games !!! :lol:
Snakes, dogs, insects, mosquitoes.... all show the harmony of human and nature... It is a part of the showcase of how animal friendly India is :-)

dont be angry yaar:rofl: now you guys make fun too much these games never show a single bright side of delhi until now sorry to say. and now bollywood has new villon kalmandi also heheeh:rofl:
dont be angry yaar:rofl: now you guys make fun too much these games never show a single bright side of delhi until now sorry to say. and now bollywood has new villon kalmandi also heheeh:rofl:

I am 100% sure someone in bollywood is keenly taking down notes for his next movie project! :cheers:
It's such a farce - now everyone has just thrown up their hands. What's next? Dead bodies - Kalmadi may have built something on a cemetery for all I know.
If more reptiles or animals are found, then this will surely scare the hell out of the athletes.

And if they pull out, Kalmadi will have to play the games with the snakes and dogs.
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It's such a farce - now everyone has just thrown up their hands. What's next? Dead bodies - Kalmadi may have built something on a cemetery for all I know.

hahahahah man every indian hate kalmadi today dont know what the hell is his future. i think he should look a securty company like black water to save him:rofl:
BeChara Kalmadi :rofl:

Aram se jeene nahi de rahe ho tu aram se marne tu do :rofl::rofl:
This one-man focus on Kalmadi is misleading and dangerous. Kalmadi is most certainly a crook, but he is not the only one. There are a lot of people involved in the corruption here. A lot of people are being shielded by making Kalmadi a lone scapegoat.
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hahahahah man every indian hate kalmadi today dont know what the hell is his future. i think he should look a securty company like black water to save him:rofl:

He should join Lashkar-e-Toiba. They would accept him gladly for doing such damage to India and also we will get a reason to just shoot him in the A$$!:lol:

P.S. On a second thought...how do we know if he is already not a member of LeT!
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