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CV-16 Liaoning - Type 001 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

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Pride of PLA Navy to make port call in Hong Kong
Analysts say visit to mark handover anniversary next month is aimed at boosting patriotism and is a rare chance for Beijing to show its military muscle

Kristin Huang Minnie Chan UPDATED : Saturday, 24 Jun 2017, 12:20AM


The People’s Liberation Army is to make its most visible appearance in Hong Kong in 20 years, marking the handover anniversary with an unprecedented port call by its first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, sources told the South China Morning Post.

It will sail to the city for the first time early next month, following a visit by Xi Jinping – his first trip to the city since he became president in 2013.
Although US warships and aircraft carriers often berth in Hong Kong’s open waters, it’s extremely unusual for the PLA navy to make such a symbolic show. Mainlanders have yet to be given the chance to explore the Liaoning, a refitted former Soviet carrier that Beijing bought from a Ukraine shipyard in 1998.

Analysts say the port call will be an attempt to encourage patriotism while displaying the PLA’s military muscle at a time of renewed tensions in the South China Sea.

“Allowing Hong Kong people to see how the Chinese military has developed is a way to boost patriotism,”military expert Zhou Chenming said. “The Liaoning carrier is a calling card for China’s military, and visiting Hong Kong is a rare chance to show its strength and to show confidence to the outside world,” Zhou said.

Collin Koh, a maritime expert from the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies at Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University, echoed that view, adding that the visit would be part of efforts by the PLA’s Hong Kong garrison to win hearts and minds, and raise awareness and support for the military.

More than that, both analysts agreed that the aircraft carrier’s presence in Hong Kong waters would also be aimed at sending a message beyond China.
“This will be a demonstration of Beijing’s resolve to defend China’s territorial integrity and sovereignty,” Koh said.

Zhou believed it would prepare China’s navy to “go global” and said the visit was also a move to extinguish ideas of independence in places like Hong Kong and Taiwan.

The PLA recently signalled that its Hong Kong garrison was no longer just a symbol of sovereignty but a combat-ready force that could demonstrate China’s military might. “The PLA’s garrison in Hong Kong is not only a military garrison; more importantly, it is a political garrison,” commander Yuan Yubai and political commissar Wei Liang of the Southern Theatre Command wrote in an article last week.

Zhou also said the visit would help pave the way for the South Sea Fleet, which oversees maritime security in the South China Sea, to add its own aircraft carrier in the future.

Although Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has recently taken a more friendly tone towards China, Vietnam is unwilling to steer clear of the disputed waters. General Fang Fenghui, joint chief of staff of the PLA, cut short a visit to Vietnam earlier this month in a move seen as the latest sign of Beijing’s anger over Vietnamese activity in the area.
Too many foreign navy ships (especially US Navy) have made port calls in Hong Kong, and on the other hand PLAN ships had far less visits, in a way it affects the distorted view on "national identity" of some Hong Kong residence who looked to the West for political support.

More frequent PLAN ships in Victoria harbour in future shall present visible reminder to the Hong Kong people that they belonged to a large powerful nation called China.
Too many foreign navy ships (especially US Navy) have made port calls in Hong Kong, and on the other hand PLAN ships had far less visits, in a way it affects the distorted view on "national identity" of some Hong Kong residence who looked to the West for political support.

More frequent PLAN ships in Victoria harbour in future shall present visible reminder to the Hong Kong people that they belonged to a large powerful nation called China.

These people need to learn that they are Chinese and only China will protect them from harm.
PLAN ships had far less visits
PLA Hong Kong Garrison commands PLAN South Sea Fleet 38081 squadron (南海舰队38081部队), has a naval base in Ngong Shuen Chau Naval Base (Stonecutters Island, 昂船洲海军基地) which is in densely populated Kowloon district. The squadron operates two 056 corvettes, two 037-II missile boats, two 074 landing ships and some auxiliary equipment.

The Garrison HQ is in PLA Forces Hong Kong Building (中国人民解放军驻香港部队大厦), a prominent high-rise in the middle of very busy central business district.

These are high profile presence, but you are right, perhaps more is needed to further strengthen people's confidence and passion in their country.

distorted view on "national identity" of some Hong Kong residence
These people need to learn that they are Chinese and only China will protect them from harm
Yes there are some but only very small minority of the population by now.
Excellent news. :cheers:

A focus on Military power is very important, especially considering China's history in the past few hundred years.

Economic power without military power is useless. Both are needed.

These people need to learn that they are Chinese and only China will protect them from harm.

Yes there are some but only very small minority of the population by now.

Agreed. :tup:
PLA Hong Kong Garrison commands PLAN South Sea Fleet 38081 squadron (南海舰队38081部队), has a naval base in Ngong Shuen Chau Naval Base (Stonecutters Island, 昂船洲海军基地) which is in densely populated Kowloon district. The squadron operates two 056 corvettes, two 037-II missile boats, two 074 landing ships and some auxiliary equipment.

The Garrison HQ is in PLA Forces Hong Kong Building (中国人民解放军驻香港部队大厦), a prominent high-rise in the middle of very busy central business district.

These are high profile presence, but you are right, perhaps more is needed to further strengthen people's confidence and passion in their country.

Yes there are some but only very small minority of the population by now.

Even though Stonecutter island is populated area, the navy ships are still hardly visible to major HK population. they are more like 宅男。

Victoria Harbour is the key location to show your presence. I used to work in TST East, lots of people traffic on the Star Walk 星光大道 along the harbour, channel ferries full of people, small passenger boats regularly plying btw HK island and Kowloon, and lots of tourists too. This is the place to show your navy ships to the mass.

The close premises around Garrison HQ of PLA Forces Hong Kong Building is so quiet that you would hardly guessed that this is a military building, believe me, it is a very quite there., I walked around that place before.

The point is, PLA HK garrison should show their presence as the former British HK colonial military did, to remind people who is the real boss.
Even though Stonecutter island is populated area, the navy ships are still hardly visible to major HK population. they are more like 宅男。

Victoria Harbour is the key location to show your presence. I used to work in TST East, lots of people traffic on the Star Walk 星光大道 along the harbour, channel ferries full of people, small passenger boats regularly plying btw HK island and Kowloon, and lots of tourists too. This is the place to show your navy ships to the mass.

The close premises around Garrison HQ of PLA Forces Hong Kong Building is so quiet that you would hardly guessed that this is a military building, believe me, it is a very quite there., I walked around that place before.

The point is, PLA HK garrison should show their presence as the former British HK colonial military did, to remind people who is the real boss.
I am not sure whether the former British military show up frequently in Victoria harbour or patrol the streets, at least when I traveled there (quite frequently, before 1997) I've never seen any, not even at airport or government buildings. You are right, that building used to be Tamar, HQ of British military, though it's in Admiralty but it's isolated, so no one really care about it. I did see US AC once though when I took Turbojet to Macau, the AC was at far west of Victoria, closer to Lantau. British military was next to invisible, but Royal HK Police, Jardines, Swire, Hutchison (before acuqired by Li Ka-Shing), Wharf Holdings (before acquired by Sir Pao Yue Kong), Hong Kong Land, Dairy Farm, Cathay Pacific, HSBC, Standard Chartered, SCMP, Royal HK Jockey Club, University of HK, ... and such were everywhere. The point is, British military was next to invisible, perhaps those minority lack confidence in present days, not miss those warship in Victoria Harbor of old days.

Same here in Shanghai, we can occasionally see armed police, but rarely see any military let alone warships (most citizens take metro that goes under Huangpu river anyway, like myself), but I'm sure every Shanghainese know who is our real boss, and I guess it's common sense for even the most ignorant Hong Kong minority to know this basic hard fact. The point is, it doesn't take a warship to remind people who is their real boss.

Don't get me wrong, I am not against use of force, it just depends on the case. I have traveled to other places, met different people and understand how they see China, briefly speaking the emotion is either fear (out of mis-understanding, mis-perception, etc), or hate (intrinsic, something can't change). To deal with some who fears you, I will suggest rapprochement, it minimizes damage on both sides, cost less and win-win, it's the best way. In fact by absorbing someone to your side, it enriches you and makes you even stronger. But when it comes to dealing with someone who simply hates you, then perhaps force is the way. It's no longer about showing force, deterring your enemy, but devote everything possible to crush a sworn enemy.
Video -> http://weibo.com/tv/v/F9st3swza?fid=1034:03c8ffbe4678789b42c3414062a44cfe





China's aircraft carrier formation sets out for training mission
Source: Xinhua| 2017-06-25 14:46:38|Editor: Zhang Dongmiao

QINGDAO, June 25 (Xinhua) -- A flotilla with aircraft carrier Liaoning set out from Qingdao in east China on Sunday for a routine training mission, a military statement said.

The naval formation includes destroyers Jinan and Yinchuan, frigate Yantai and a squadron of J-15 fighter jets and helicopters.

The training mission, like previous ones, is expected to strengthen coordination among the vessels and improve the skills of crew and pilots in different marine regions.
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Video -> http://weibo.com/tv/v/F9st3swza?fid=1034:03c8ffbe4678789b42c3414062a44cfe
China's aircraft carrier formation sets out for training mission
Source: Xinhua| 2017-06-25 14:46:38|Editor: Zhang Dongmiao

QINGDAO, June 25 (Xinhua) -- A flotilla with aircraft carrier Liaoning set out from Qingdao in east China on Sunday for a routine training mission, a military statement said.

The naval formation includes destroyers Jinan and Yinchuan, frigate Yantai and a squadron of J-15 fighter jets and helicopters.

The training mission, like previous ones, is expected to strengthen coordination among the vessels and improve the skills of crew and pilots in different marine regions.
This fleet may head down to SCS and stop over at HK for port of call.

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