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Current theories on the possible alternate forms of life out there in the universe


Jun 2, 2012
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What if there was a museum that contained every type of life form in the universe? This experience takes you on a tour through the possible forms alien life might take, from the eerily familiar to the utterly exotic, ranging from the inside of the Earth to the most hostile corners of the universe. New research is upending our idea of life and where it could be hiding: not just on Earth-like planets, where beings could mimic what our planet has produced, but in far flung places like the hearts of dead stars and the rings of gas giant planets. Nowhere in the universe is off limits. Only when we know what else is out there will we truly know ourselves. This thought experiment will give us a glimpse into what could be out there, how we might find it, and just how far nature’s imagination might stretch. Big thanks to Protocol Labs for their continued support of this series: https://protocol.ai.

Concept, visuals, and score by melodysheep, aka John D. Boswell.
Narrated by Will Crowley. Additional visuals by Lynn Huberty, Tim Stupak, NASA, and Evolve. Featuring soundbites from Nick Lane, Jonathan Losos, Caleb Scharf, Shawn Domagal-Goldman, Chris Crowe, Jack Cohen, and Jill Tarter.
Thanks @PeaceGen, I commend you for finding this such a masterpiece. A unique work in every respect. We all humans everywhere should combine our political, socio-economic, religious and technological brilliances and do two things : (a). Enable a harmonious and borderless humanity on this world, (b). Sally out into space to search out for life and interact whenever possible which might develop us too because what else is our life for then ?

A brilliant watch. A well-spent 38 minutes.

And it seems to me that the Museum of Alien Life's facade was modeled on the Seed Vault in Svalbard.

Lastly, for me Earth will always remain The Planet of the Cats.

@Hamartia Antidote @ps3linux @fitpOsitive @Mentee @Bilal9 @-=virus=- @graphican @RealNapster @Pakistan Space Agency @Naofumi @bluesky


@truthfollower, I see that you have already watched it.
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Thanks @PeaceGen, I commend you for finding this such a masterpiece. A unique work in every respect. We all humans everywhere should combine our political, socio-economic, religious and technological brilliances and do two things : (a). Enable a harmonious and borderless humanity on this world, (b). Sally out into space to search out for life and interact whenever possible which might develop us too because what else is our life for then ?

A brilliant watch. A well-spent 38 minutes.

Lastly, for me Earth will always remain The Planet of the Cats.

@Hamartia Antidote @ps3linux @fitpOsitive @Mentee @Bilal9 @-=virus=- @graphican @RealNapster @Pakistan Space Agency @Naofumi @bluesky


@truthfollower, I see that you have already watched it.
Definitely there were and there are. Just out of our reach. Life is not unique on earth. And conditions for life, as we think necessary for life, may be different on different places.
My research suggests that more scientists are discovering the Universe the more they are coming to a conclusion that we would very well be alone in this Universe. But you never know we may get a surprise. But findings until now has proven to be one big disappointment.
My research suggests that more scientists are discovering the Universe the more they are coming to a conclusion that we would very well be alone in this Universe. But you never know we may get a surprise. But findings until now has proven to be one big disappointment.

I believe that alien life exist out there. And it is my opinion that we are not meant to find them or interact with them...

Let me introduce you to another thought. All abrahmic religions believe in Angel's and consider it a normal thing In the books (Torat, Quran and Bible). Did you ever thought that angels are also aliens ?? I mean they don't belong to this world. Have a place of their own. And are an intelligent life form. And have the means to travel between Skies, earth and planets (as the Qur'an says there are 7 "zameeny", 7 world's). So all those who think aliens don't exist. Here you go. @jamahir
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My research suggests that more scientists are discovering the Universe the more they are coming to a conclusion that we would very well be alone in this Universe. But you never know we may get a surprise. But findings until now has proven to be one big disappointment.

You are right to say we may have a surprise but which findings are you talking about which are a disappointment ? We haven't even explored Mars. SpaceX has said it will land humans on Mars by 2026 and I think even that possibly short excursion may include a biochemist and a geologist. Proper settlements there by 2035 and venturing into the Asteroid Belt will give lot of answers including about life.

I believe that alien life exist out there.


And it is my opinion that we are not meant to find them or interact with them...

Why do you say so ?


@Foinikas, the OP and the discussion.
(b). Sally out into space to search out for life and interact whenever possible which might develop us too because what else is our life for then ?
There are trillions of stars in billions of galaxies. Many of these stars in the outer Universe may contain Earth-like satellites where life may form if the conditions there are right. But there is no way to know or confirm.

Note that only the right condition on The Earth is responsible for the creation of life, but it is not so right on other Solar Planets. So far, no life has been discovered on any other Solar Planet. Some are very hot and some are very cold, unsuitable to create life or sustain it.

Before imagining life on other planets in our own Milky Way galaxy, we should focus on the nearest star in our vicinity. The nearest one is called Proxima Centauri. However, 4.23 years is needed its light to reach our Earth.

This star is quite small and it has only two planets. Even if there is life there, it is impossible to know about it. So, forget about the living guys from outer space coming to our Earth one day and say, "Good Morning" to you.
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Why do you say so ?

Okay. Before answering this question let me repeat it is my opinion. That's it. (religion play a very important part in this).

It will destroy the whole status-quo on earth, will bring a paradigm shift in how our planet, it's system, its inhabitants think, work, rule etc... I mean everything will become redundant suddenly. How do we know if they are going to rule us or we going to rule them ? Which will depend on if They found us or we found them ? This is an event of so much importance that atleast one of the abrahmic religion would have already hinted of it but none of them did so. Which make me believe it won't happen. Quran and Ahadees (sayings of Prophet Muhammad) narrate detail events of the end of the world and none of them point towards an encounter with alien life at that time of before that... Though it says much about Yajooj Majooj (Go and Magog) but then we know that they exist on this planet and are not extra-terestrial.
Note that only the right condition on The Earth is responsible for the creation of life, but it is not so right on other Solar Planets. So far, no life has been discovered on any other Solar Planet. Some are very hot and some are very cold, unsuitable to create life or sustain it.

Please watch the vid because it speaks of life forming on other planets and in other objects as is permissible by the environments there which will be different to the conditions on Earth. There is no one type of life but many types. Towards the end the vid speaks of even machine life that may be a popular life form in the universe because of being not limited by the constraints of biological life. Please watch the vid, it is very educating. I won't spoil your viewing by listing what else it contains.

Before imagining life on other planets in our own Milky Way galaxy, we should focus on the nearest star in our vicinity. The nearest one is called Proxima Centauri. However, 4.23 years is needed its light to reach our Earth.

There is an under-development propulsion system called MEGA drive which is part-electric and part-mechanical and through a mechanism that I didn't understand fully, interacts with gravity so as to be able to propel a spacecraft to nearly light speed. Please read this recent post of mine on that. The post also contains a vid interview of the professor who developed that drive and the vid also shows a working mechanism of the prototype.

Okay. Before answering this question let me repeat it is my opinion. That's it. (religion play a very important part in this).

It will destroy the whole status-quo on earth, will bring a paradigm shift in how our planet, it's system, its inhabitants think, work, rule etc... I mean everything will become redundant suddenly. How do we know if they are going to rule us or we going to rule them ? Which will depend on if They found us or we found them ? This is an event of so much importance that atleast one of the abrahmic religion would have already hinted of it but none of them did so. Which make me believe it won't happen. Quran and Ahadees (sayings of Prophet Muhammad) narrate detail events of the end of the world and none of them point towards an encounter with alien life at that time of before that... Though it says much about Yajooj Majooj (Go and Magog) but then we know that they exist on this planet and are not extra-terestrial.

I completely agree with you but not the underlined. The philosophers and prophets down history, whether the Greeks or the Abrahamics or others then or those more recent, progressed human thought well enough but many of them were limited by circumstance or probably did not venture much. Just because Islamic literature which you say doesn't mention end of life through interaction with extra-terrestrial life should we stop our thinking and imagination there ? :) Aren't we Muslims told to seek knowledge even if it makes us travel "as far as China" ? Should we not interact with alien life not because of any natural reason but "artificially" because of imagined religious restriction ? :) What if we encounter alien life in say 15 years ? Should we refuse to acknowledge it ?

You know I'm not a communist,but I think this is another capitalist thing to grab money...

Ha ha. But I don't think so. I think the presentation is sincere.
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Everything is alive. Everything we touch and feel is alive. We live inside the life and apparently non-living things like water, rocks, light etc too are alive. Earth is alive, space is alive, the moon is alive and everything has a life. But how can we say that?

Let's ponder what would be a true dead thing. If something was truly truly truly dead:
  • it will be absolutely motionless, quiet and perfectly still
  • it will have zero energy in it and thus cannot give energy (life) to anything else. If something is truly dead, it cannot be a source of life for something else.
The above two definitions are my personal findings. I am happy for anyone to ponder and suggest otherwise - but these two definitions actually explain that a dead thing will be life-less in every way and form.

Now if we accept this definition of death, we find there is nothing which is dead because:
  • Everything is in motion: animals, plants, water, air, atoms, light, electromagnetic waves, gravitational waves - no matter what you look at, everything is in motion. Atoms inside an element are vibrating, electrons inside atoms are rotating, atoms are themselves made of up sub-atomic particles that are vibrating, sub-atomic particles are made up of a one-dimensional vibrating strand of energy (as explained by M theory). So nothing is truly motionless or still. Everything is in motion, everything is alive and whatever is made up of atoms, photons (light) or waves must also be alive although its life may be incomprehensible for us - but if units are live, the sum of units must also be alive.
  • Everything causes life for something else: Water is a source of life for plants and animals, thus it must have a life in itself which it transfers. Light (sunlight or any other light) transfers energy to plants and they create food using it, thus light must have a life which it transfers to plants. Apparently, other non-living things like air - too is alive because it carries life for animals and plants and therefore it carries life energy which it transfers to other life forms.
Now the closest to the truly dead thing I have found is wood/coal ash - which no one eats and no one can absorb anything out of it - but on the criteria of motion, it too is made up of atoms and they are vibrating, continuously in motion. Thus ash too is alive although its life is even less palpable and on that account stones are alive, the stand is alive, the soil is alive.

On the basis of this observation, I have concluded that death doesn't exist. There is nothing that is truly truly truly dead in existence. The whole existence is alive - and that means we live inside a giant life where everything is moving and is a source of life for something else. Death is non-existent but what we usually call "death" is the transformation of energy from one life-state to a less understood life. As our consciousness is growing, slowly we will be able to comprehend life at lower levels like in water, air and elements found in nature.

@Hamartia Antidote @ps3linux @fitpOsitive @Mentee @Bilal9 @-=virus=- @RealNapster @Pakistan Space Agency @Naofumi @bluesky @Zarvan @truthfollower,
I completely agree with you but not the underlined. The philosophers and prophets down history, whether the Greeks or the Abrahamics or others then or those more recent, progressed human thought well enough but many of them were limited by circumstance or probably did not venture much. Just because Islamic literature which you say doesn't mention end of life through interaction with extra-terrestrial life should we stop our thinking and imagination there ? :) Aren't we Muslims told to seek knowledge even if it makes us travel "as far as China" ? Should we not interact with alien life not because of any natural reason but "artificially" because of imagined religious restriction ? :) What if we encounter alien life in say 15 years ? Should we refuse to acknowledge it ?

The last prophet was broad enough to split moon into two for you and talk to you about his journey to skies in one night. I am sure he would have told us about any future alien endeavour too if one was supposed to be there in future. He prepared us for Dajjal, why won't he prepare us for alien interaction. Khair, let's see what future holds for us. Btw if you have read much about Dajjal, you would be aware of his decieving power and tricks. He will recreate ones parents, will show you heaven and hell on both of his side's. Don't you think dajjali power can show you ships landing and aliens descending from thsoe ships ?? It is a possibility just like there is actual possibility of real life alien life contacting us or being contacted by us. I am just saying everything can happen if you talk possibilities. Just saying some things are not meant to occure.
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