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Current Tensions in Xinjiang-China



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Dec 21, 2005
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Communist China's Policy of Oppression in East Turkistan

After imperial rule had been overthrown, no powerful central authority was established for decades. When the Communist Party came to power in 1949, China soon turned into a state of fear. That process cost the lives of tens of millions of people because of the repressive and totalitarian methods the communists used to enforce their bloody ideology.

China: A State of Fear

When the Communist Party came to power in 1949, China rapidly turned into a state that spread terror throughout the world. Its policies based on violence and pressure have continued unabated since those early days. Communist ideology's unfeeling and ruthless conduct towards people and its materialist views that turn realtionships between people into purely mechanical intercourse, has led to a ruthless and cruel government instead of a compassionate and just one.

Red China's Fear of Islam

In the preceding section we saw how East Turkestan is of great strategic and economic importance for China. Yet the frequent arrests of devout Muslims in East Turkestan, not allowing them to live in accordance with their religion, and the pressure put on their religious leaders, make it clear that there is more to their policy of oppression. First and foremost, it means that Red China is greatly concerned by the presence of Islam in East Turkestan.

Communist China's Control over East Turkestan

With the outbreak of the Second World War, the Russians withdrew their forces from East Turkestan. As the nationalist Chinese government was defeated by Mao's communist guerillas in various regions of the country, it fled to Formosa (Taiwan). China fell to the communists, and East Turkestan with it. Within the course of that process, the people of East Turkestan once more made a bid for independence, and the independent Republic of East Turkestan was declared in 1944, though it only lasted until Mao took control of China in 1949.

Chinese Torture in East Turkestan

It has been shown in the preceding sections that the lands of East Turkestan have been Muslim for the last 1,000 years. Yet for more than half a century now, it has been living under occupation by the Chinese administration. A graffiti on a door at the University of Urumchi, described by Andrew Higgins (correspondent of The Independent) as "sheer racial venom" clearly reflects the Chinese view of the Uighur Turks:

Executions Are Still Being Carried Out In East Turkestan

Although China's policy regarding its own people is utterly ruthless, things are even worse in East Turkestan. The number of East Turkestan Muslims executed is enormous. Any initiative by the Muslim population to live according to their religion or speak their own language, which are fundamental rights, is savagely punished.

I have published these artilces on my personal webiste, after going throuh this book i really wonder for the safety of the Muslims in Pakistan and other religious minorities in the region. Can china really be anybodys ally? China controls a part of Kashmir what if china wants the whole of it? Are we in right sence of mind to help and boost coperation to our own destruction once the communist regime starts expanding its boundaries?

Please read the articles and post more info on this matter if you can find it...
China demands Guantanamo Uighurs

China has demanded the return of five Chinese Muslims resettled by the US in Albania after release from the Guantanamo Bay detention centre.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao said the "suspects should be sent to China as soon as possible".

The five were among a group of about 20 ethnic Uighurs held at the military camp in Cuba.

The Uighurs are a minority Muslim group, some of whom want an independent state in Xinjiang, western China.

On Saturday the US announced that the five men had been sent to Albania for resettlement.

US officials had concluded the ethnic Uighurs represented no danger but did not want to return them to China for fear they would face persecution.

'Terrorist suspects'
But the Chinese spokesman condemned the move by the US and Albania, calling it a "gross violation of international law".

"The five people accepted by the Albanian side are by no means refugees, but are terrorist suspects," he said.

Ethnically Turkic Muslims, mainly in Xinjiang
Made bid for independent state in 1940s
Sporadic violence in Xinjiang since 1991
Uighurs worried about Chinese immigration and erosion of traditional culture

He said the men belonged to the "East Turkestan group", a group China accuses of waging a violent separatist campaign in Xinjiang.

On Monday, the Chinese ambassador to Albania, Tian Changchun, issued a press release calling for the five to be repatriated immediately, China's state-run Xinhua news agency reported.

"They fought on the side of Taleban during the Afghan war, and this single fact can prove that they are nothing else but terror suspects," he said.

The Chinese government has frequently cracked down on Uighur dissidents and accuses Uighur militants of waging a bombing and assassination campaign.

It insists that Chinese nationals held at Guantanamo Bay on suspicion of terrorism should be returned.

red China fears all sorts of religions and groups which promote a common group identity and which are capable of challenging the communist dictatorship.Heck , they even fear some pseudo religious fitness cults like Falun Gong movement etc. Basically chinese authorities are paranoid of their own people:idiot: and live in a constant fear of an organised uprising by them.
Lilo said:
red China fears all sorts of religions and groups which promote a common group identity and which are capable of challenging the communist dictatorship.Heck , they even fear some pseudo religious fitness cults like Falun Gong movement etc. Basically chinese authorities are paranoid of their own people:idiot: and live in a constant fear of an organised uprising by them.

I think its a sheer propoganda against China and the mods should look into this type of posts i mean the entire thread seems to be propoganda too against China.
Now comming to Lillo's post well why the peopel of China will rise against the government when they are enjoying all the facilities of a modern life besdies the country is strong enough that even super power is concerned over its development furthermore it has no plans to attack any country and create problems for its peopel so its foolish to day that the chines authorities are paranoid with their own people.
Stop this propoganda atleast on this forum.
Jana said:
I think its a sheer propoganda against China and the mods should look into this type of posts i mean the entire thread seems to be propoganda too against China.
Now comming to Lillo's post well why the peopel of China will rise against the government when they are enjoying all the facilities of a modern life besdies the country is strong enough that even super power is concerned over its development furthermore it has no plans to attack any country and create problems for its peopel so its foolish to day that the chines authorities are paranoid with their own people.
Stop this propoganda atleast on this forum.

UN-China-Annan: Human rights group urges Annan to raise rights issues with China

Agence France-Presse - October 12, 2002

BEIJING, Oct 12 (AFP) - International rights campaigner Human Rights Watch (HRW) has urged UN Secretary General Kofi Annan to ask China to allow activists freedom in fighting AIDS and to open its ethnically-tense Xinjiang region to unrestricted monitoring.
The New York-based group said in a statement seen in Beijing Saturday that human rights should be at the forefront of Annan's visit to China and Central Asia.
The group said Annan, who arrives in China on Sunday, should press Beijing to allow greater freedom of association for grassroots activists fighting HIV/AIDS, and to ensure that the governments proposed measures to stop illegal blood collection in rural areas are implemented.
China has put activists -- including retired volunteer doctors -- under police surveillance, warned them against going into villages devastated by AIDS to help the stricken farmers and detained other activists.
In late August, prominent Chinese AIDS campaigner Wan Yanhai was detained for four weeks on charges of allegedly leaking state secrets in his work.
Wan has been particularly active in publicising the plight of rural communities devastated by the virus after selling blood to insanitary government-approved blood collectors during the 1980s and 1990s.
Illegal blood collections still continue, although on a much smaller scale, despite a government ban.
The rights group also called on Annan to urge China to open up its western Muslim-populated Xinjiang region to unrestricted access by UN and private human rights monitors and legal observers.
Foreigners can visit Xinjiang, but they are sometimes followed by police, who have been known to question locals who have contacts with the visitors.
Human rights groups and an overseas rights group for the ethnic Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang have said China is using the post-September 11 climate to crackdown harder on Uighurs, punishing even those who voice peaceful dissent.
They said China is trying to justify intensified repression of ethnic Uighurs on counter-terrorism grounds, without distinguishing between peaceful and violent dissent among Uighurs calling for autonomy or independence in Xinjiang.
HRW also said China, in dealing with growing protests by laid-off workers, should respect workers rights to organize and join independent trade unions as well as to engage in collective bargaining to seek redress of their grievances.
Annan will be in China from Sunday to Wednesday for "the annual visit he makes to each of the five permanent members of the (UN) Security Council," Annan's spokesman Fred Eckhard said. The visit is "not linked to any specific event," he added.
The five permanent members are holding difficult negotiations to find a consensus on what to do about Iraq, but Eckhard said Annan "does not see it as his role to intervene. It's their show."
Annan's 10-day tour includes Mongolia and five Central Asian republics of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.
Jana said:
I think its a sheer propoganda against China and the mods should look into this type of posts i mean the entire thread seems to be propoganda too against China.

Now comming to Lillo's post well why the peopel of China will rise against the government when they are enjoying all the facilities of a modern life besdies the country is strong enough that even super power is concerned over its development furthermore it has no plans to attack any country and create problems for its peopel so its foolish to day that the chines authorities are paranoid with their own people.

Stop this propoganda atleast on this forum.

Jana, propaganda isn't simply something that you don't like. And if you think this is propaganda, please come up with something to counter it and show us the truth.

The truth is, even though China is Pakistan's main ally, it is a communist state where freedom of expression, speech, religion, etc are severely limited. China has a long way to go in the human rights regard.
Jana said:
think its a sheer propoganda against China and the mods should look into this type of posts i mean the entire thread seems to be propoganda too against China.
One mans propaganda is another mans truth,so what..? labling it as propaganda without explaining why, doesnt change any thing.

Jana said:
the country is strong enough that even super power is concerned over its development
The mighty Soviet union was strong enough to make US piss in its pants, still... it imploded.A country's military power(or predicted power in this case) has nothing to do with a countrys stability.

why the peopel of China will rise against the government when they are enjoying all the facilities of a modern life
ur mistaken my friend , people of china means ~1.3 billion and ALL of them are NOT enjoying ALL the facilities of a modern life.


In Communist china basic healthcare facilities and free primary education were provided for by the governament. In present pesudo capitalist china,
it costs a fortune to get ur child educated beyond primary school level and even the basic healthcare facilities are out of reach for the masses.

Leave aside the facilities of a 'modern' life,

Chinese people dont have free access to facilities of a 'Human' life

like Freedom of speech , freedom of religon , freedom of assosiation right to justice etc
a simple google will turn up countless links on these issues ...u cant call this propaganda can u...?

....in march 2006,in the main report to the 2,927 NPC (National People’s Congress) delegates, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao explained why the Beijing leadership was so nervous. The widening gap between rich and poor and growing unrest of workers and peasants are undermining social stability.

Wen warned that “market reform” was going through “a very difficult period”. The economy grew 9.9 percent last year, foreign trade increased by 23.2 percent to $1.42 trillion and the country received $60.3 billion in foreign direct investment. However, these figures were achieved at the expense of the worsening social conditions of the Chinese masses.

“We need to see clearly that there are many hardships and problems in economic and social life. Many long-standing and deep-seated conflicts have yet to be fundamentally solved and new problems have arisen that cannot be ignored,” Wen declared in his televised speech.

“There is strong public concern over the difficulty of getting medical treatment and receiving an education, and the people’s interests are adversely affected by violations of regulations and policies ... including land expropriation, housing demolition and resident relocation, corporate restructuring, pollution and serious problems in production safety,” he warned. He pointed to China’s appalling industrial safety record, especially in the coal mines where nearly 6,000 workers died last year.

The Premier presented a list of limited measures aimed at placating widespread resentment toward the regime. The main focus was the countryside, where protests by poor farmers over land seizures, falling incomes, heavy taxation and lack of services have been particularly intense in recent years....

The above are the words of chinese Premier Wen Jiabao.U cant label this as propaganda right..?

During the period covered by this report, government repression of the Falun Gong spiritual movement continued. There have been thousands of cases of individuals receiving criminal, administrative, and extrajudicial punishment for engaging in Falun Gong practices, admitting that they believed in Falun Gong, or simply refusing to criticize the organization or its founder. The authorities and experts also wrote many articles characterizing the rise of religious groups that failed to register and cults such as Falun Gong as part of a plot by the West to undermine Chinese authority.

The authorities also continued their general crackdown on other groups considered to be "cults," such as the Xiang Gong, Guo Gong, and Zhong Gong qigong groups, some of which reportedly had a following comparable to that of the Falun Gong. In August 2001, police in Jiangsu arrested Shen Chang, the leader of a qigong group, and charged him with organizing gatherings aimed at disturbing social order and tax evasion. "

This sort of govt behaviour towards these "cults" in particular and religions in general...what can it be termed if it can be termed as paranoid..??

A.Rahman said:
China is communist, what did you expected?

Its worse bro,
China is a communist Govt employing capitalist policies on its masses
Lilo said:
The mighty Soviet union was strong enough to make US piss in its pants, still... it imploded.A country's military power(or predicted power in this case) has nothing to do with a countrys stability.

i was not talking about the military power as in this case US is more powerfull.
Lilo said:
This sort of govt behaviour towards these "cults" in particular and religions in general...what can it be termed if it can be termed as paranoid..??

What is your own history concerning the Thuggee?

The problem with FLG is that it brainwashes people to do unspeakable acts. The most pointed demonstration was a former PLA Officer who tried to burn himself and his daughter alive on national TV at Tianamen Square.

I really don't care about what you believe and what you do to yourself but when you decide such a horrible fate for a child, that needs to be destroyed.
Officer of Engineers said:
What is your own history concerning the Thuggee?

Whats "my own history" got to do with the discussion at hand..??
and that too abt some antique cult which operated before the british raj?
i can go on listing all the cults with their respective eccentric agendas which operated all over the world...so what..?

The problem with FLG is that it brainwashes people to do unspeakable acts. The most pointed demonstration was a former PLA Officer who tried to burn himself and his daughter alive on national TV at Tianamen Square.

How did u know that the cult itself brainwashed the 5 people to commit self immolation.Many tibetan activists committed selfimmolation ...does that mean tibetan buddhism or tibetan monks "brainwashed" them to commit selfimmolation..??
I see it more as an act of utter desperation rather than the result of systemic brainwashing.And the cultfollowers allege that it was orchestrated by the chinese govt to change the chinese public opinion against the cult...they may be lying or the govt was lying
...who knows..
What ever maybe the truth..U cannot label a cult numbering tens of millions followers by one random act by its followers.

....but when you decide such a horrible fate for a child, that needs to be destroyed.

..actually the cult was on the verge of destruction when that horrible fate was "decided by the cult" .

During the period covered by this report, government repression of the Falun Gong spiritual movement continued. There have been thousands of cases of individuals receiving criminal, administrative, and extrajudicial punishment for engaging in Falun Gong practices, admitting that they believed in Falun Gong, or simply refusing to criticize the organization or its founder. The authorities and experts also wrote many articles characterizing the rise of religious groups that failed to register and cults such as Falun Gong as part of a plot by the West to undermine Chinese authority.

Do you even know what FLG believes in? Damn right it's a cult and not for the 1st time in Chinese history. The time before this was called the Boxer Rebellion and they believed that they could stop bullets.
Officer of Engineers said:
Do you even know what FLG believes in? Damn right it's a cult and not for the 1st time in Chinese history. The time before this was called the Boxer Rebellion and they believed that they could stop bullets.

i know enough to comment on its potrayed evilness,and in this case terming falungong as a 'cult' may mean anything ...

cult n.
1. a. A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.
b. The followers of such a religion or sect.
2. A system or community of religious worship and ritual.
3. The formal means of expressing religious reverence; religious ceremony and ritual.
4. A usually nonscientific method or regimen claimed by its originator to have exclusive or exceptional power in curing a particular disease.
a. Obsessive, especially faddish, devotion to or veneration for a person, principle, or thing.
b. The object of such devotion.
6. An exclusive group of persons sharing an esoteric, usually artistic or intellectual interest.

U chose the first meaning and i chose the first with a combination of 2nd
i.e falungong is a system or community of religious worship and ritual. with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of a charismatic leader.

...and not for the 1st time in Chinese history. The time before this was called the Boxer Rebellion and they believed that they could stop bullets.

arey yaar why are you comparing falungong which advocates peaceful living with the violent boxer rebellion.?

and i think this discussion abt falun gong has dragged long enough and getting more and more outofsync... dont u think..?
i think pakistan should not get involve in this china is our friend and we should not do foolish things by commenting on chinas internal situition pakistan stands by china and this is nothing but a propaganda mind games what we call it in diplomatic state to state circle as you can understand that it has the potiential to weaken sino pak ties we should avoid this kinds of discussions in the very first place
long live
sino-pakistan friendship

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