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Cultural history holds back Chinese research


Apr 28, 2011
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Cultural history holds back Chinese research


Confucius and Zhuang have produced a culture in China that values isolation and inhibits curiosity. Neither is good for science, says Peng Gong.

25 January 2012

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh recently lamented that, when it comes to scientific research, China is now ahead of India. “India's relative position in the world of science has been declining,” he said. “And we have been overtaken by countries like China.” But although China is now second only to the United States in the number of scientific papers produced, many say that the quality of its research needs to improve. Misconduct is a common problem, but there are other, cultural, reasons for China's poor performance, too.

Two cultural genes have passed through generations of Chinese intellectuals for more than 2,000 years.

The first is the thoughts of Confucius, who proposed that intellectuals should become loyal administrators.

The second is the writings of Zhuang Zhou, who said that a harmonious society would come from isolating families so as to avoid exchange and conflict, and by shunning technology to avoid greed.

Together, these cultures have encouraged small-scale and self-sufficient practices in Chinese society, but discouraged curiosity, commercialization and technology. They helped to produce a scientific void in Chinese society that persisted for millennia. And they continue to be relevant today.

One consequence is that every member of the academic community in China wants to do leading research, with few willing to play assisting roles. Not everyone, however, is qualified to lead, so this results in wasteful repetition and redundancy. Investigators use all kind of excuses to purchase similar types of equipment and do similar types of data processing.

We see this problem even at the largest scale. In any Chinese collaboration, universities, research institutions and separate government agencies all want to be the lead organization, which makes it extremely hard for the participating scientists to share data with each other. For example, the China Meteorological Administration has some 2,000 weather stations, from which it gathers the information used to issue weather forecasts, among other things. In addition, the Bureau of Hydrology operates some 20,000 gauge stations, which also collect weather data and could be used to substantially improve the spatial precision of the Meteorological Administration's forecasts, yet it does not make them available.

A related problem is the lack of division of work. Research administrators tend to value, and therefore reward, only those who claim to be doing original research, which forces people away from (useful) supporting roles. It also explains why, libraries and instrument retail companies aside, there are few specialized research services inside China. That leaves research labs with no choice but to do everything themselves, even routine work such as sample analysis and database development. With no sensible allocation of duties to people and organizations with different talents, delays in research are inevitable.

“China should begin to divide its research work and assign jobs to personnel with the appropriate specializations.”

What can be done about these cultural obstacles? First, the scientific spirit must be established early in the education system. China has already improved its universities, using successful models copied from the Western world. It must now do the same in its schools. China's schoolteachers must do more to encourage curiosity in children, and science education should begin in the earliest years. This would require significant reforms to school curricula, as well as investment in teacher training.

The importance of collaborative research should be formally recognized and encouraged, by individual scientists as well as research administrators. Financial incentives in the form of grants, merit increases or promotion should be given to those involved in successful collaborations, with the intellectual contribution of each collaborator clearly identified.

China should also begin to divide its research work and assign jobs to personnel with the appropriate specializations. Positions must be created for chemical analysts, computer engineers, experimentalists, instrumentation staff and specialized data providers.

Finally, it must make more effort to help its scientists participate in international projects, and to entice outstanding foreign scientists to China. We need international evaluations for proposal review and strategic planning. For major research projects, it would be helpful to invite critique at the design and completion stages. The same should be done at universities to help them become internationally influential. China must learn from the European Union and provide financial support to international collaborators. For example, when the Chinese government funded a 46-million-renminbi (US$7-million) global land-cover mapping project in 2009, it ruled that none of the money could be paid to collaborators in foreign countries. A global project, of course, needs samples to be collected from all over the world, yet it is impossible for Chinese scientists to do this in many foreign countries. China must realize that isolation and self-sufficiency is no recipe for success in modern science. It will be a difficult change, but the price is affordable. And the result will be a strong China and the peaceful world that Chinese people have dreamed of for generations.

Cultural history holds back Chinese research : Nature News & Comment

Cultural history holds back Chinese research : Nature News & Comment
very true!
chinese peaple are smart , hard workers and prretty fair business men.

it's no wonder they have very good scientists and education...:
|China Universities in Top 500 - 2010
China academic universities and colleges ranking

so what makes them suck when it comes to the "money time"?

it's pretty obvious... they are affraid to dream! they dont belive in big dreams and inovative idaeas like in the west they mostly belive in Obedience & discipline.
it's pretty obvious... they are affraid to dream! they dont belive in big dreams and inovative idaeas like in the west they mostly belive in Obedience & discipline.
The problem is particularly big in China, where Chinese youth are taught to not to think for themselves but only repeat what the communist party teaches them, because thinking for themselves will them in prison as political prisoners.

This is why there is nothing creative and original coming from China, due to the Chinese education system that stomps on the slightest flame of free-thinking at the earliest age. And with zero creativity, China cannnot climb up the value ladder and be stuck in 3rd world status forever.
This a problem common to all collectivist cultures,whether it is Chinese,Indian or Japanese.You should read works of Sudhir Kakkar and David McClleland to get a grasp over this subject.There was an study conducted on Indians and Japanese regarding nAch (Indian one took place in Kakinada).
very true!
chinese peaple are smart , hard workers and prretty fair business men.

it's no wonder they have very good scientists and education...:
|China Universities in Top 500 - 2010
China academic universities and colleges ranking

so what makes them suck when it comes to the "money time"?

it's pretty obvious... they are affraid to dream! they dont belive in big dreams and inovative idaeas like in the west they mostly belive in Obedience & discipline.
have you ever red any chinese art and science journals? or your chinese are afraid to dream stereotype is just another products of western propaganda?
creativity exists in every people's mind, poor people need to put their creativity into making money first then spiritual substance. Me and my business partner are creative minded, you can see my raw random sketches on one of my threads, and our first own collection went disastrous financially that led to closing down of our first company in London, but now the much moderate collections (somehow conservative) give us much better prospect that we couldn't image.
believe me or not in art schools in London there are more Chinese, Japanese and Korean students than the locals, and they often more successful.
The problem is particularly big in China, where Chinese youth are taught to not to think for themselves but only repeat what the communist party teaches them, because thinking for themselves will them in prison as political prisoners.

This is why there is nothing creative and original coming from China, due to the Chinese education system that stomps on the slightest flame of free-thinking at the earliest age. And with zero creativity, China cannnot climb up the value ladder and be stuck in 3rd world status forever.
And which country in East Asia emulated Chinese Confucianism the most?
The answer is: Confucius is Korean
A lie propagated by Chinese nationalists.

as claimed by Korean nationalists
Korean nationalists claim he wasn't Chinese, since he came from Shang Dynasty, the non-Chinese kingdom. That's all.

So is Jesus Christ.
Another lie propagated by Chinese nationalists. You can repeat the lie 1000 times but that doesn't make it true, rather you make a fool out of yourself for claiming what is obviously a lie in the eyes of others.
The whole "Korean nationalists claim that Confucius is Korean" comes from a false Chinese belief that Confucius was such an important figure in human history that others would claim ownership of.

The truth is Koreans consider Confucius to be a cannibal who helped to keep China down in the benefit of China's neighbors. The very fact that Korea is mostly a Christian/Buddhist nation while China stuck to Confucianism and promotes Confucius heavily around the world today shows who really feel they "own" Confucius.

Remember, Koreans call Confucius a cannibal and they would be greatly ashamed to call a cannibal one of them.
The whole "Korean nationalists claim that Confucius is Korean" comes from a false Chinese belief that Confucius was such an important figure in human history that others would claim ownership of.

The truth is Koreans consider Confucius to be a cannibal who helped to keep China down in the benefit of China's neighbors. The very fact that Korea is mostly a Christian/Buddhist nation while China stuck to Confucianism and promotes Confucius heavily around the world today shows who really feel they "own" Confucius.

Remember, Koreans call Confucius a cannibal and they would be greatly ashamed to call a cannibal one of them.
Troll again and again,Do you even know how to spell the word “shame”.
South Korea Celebrates the 2560th Anniversary of Confucius’ Birthday
have you ever red any chinese art and science journals? or your chinese are afraid to dream stereotype is just another products of western propaganda?
creativity exists in every people's mind, poor people need to put their creativity into making money first then spiritual substance. Me and my business partner are creative minded, you can see my raw random sketches on one of my threads, and our first own collection went disastrous financially that led to closing down of our first company in London, but now the much moderate collections (somehow conservative) give us much better prospect that we couldn't image.
believe me or not in art schools in London there are more Chinese, Japanese and Korean students than the locals, and they often more successful.

How much of your research is devoted to Basic sciences (Particle physics,String theory etc.)?Don't bring forth the crappy ability to pirate some MP3 players.It is basic science which lay foundation of civilisational growth.
Here is an interesting comment from a 'slashdotter'...

US Losing R&D Dominance To Asia? - Slashdot
In a weird twist, I'm working for a company in China as an engineer. They couldn't find the talent there. Chinese engineers are missing a critical talent: the ability to fail.

It works like this: in China, you are taught there is a correct answer for each problem. If A then B. If C then D. If E then F. Always deterministic. You never fail because there is always a tried and true path.

Works great for copying, but not in improving or creating products. That takes going down unexplored paths. And failing. And recovering. And failing. And recovering.

When starting a new project with my team, I was asked "What is the method for creating a new product?" They fully expected me to give them a recipe. Something deterministic.

I'm underwhelmed by their engineering skills too. They jump on the first method/equation/model they find and refuse to budge even when I present them with physical evidence that their model is flat out wrong.

Sorry for venting. I shouldn't complain. I'm getting very well paid to do something an entire department of 50 other engineers can't do: go out on a limb.
When I used to work for Santa Clara Plastics (later SCP Global) then later for DRAM manufacturer Micron Tech, the reluctance of Chinese engineers to innovate and therefore intellectually and emotionally endure failures came to the fore. SCP manufactured robotics for wafer handling. How the equipment are used is up to the imagination of the final end user. When we went to install upgrades months later, we found out that the features that accompanies the new tools were being purchased more for 'face' value than for actual exploitation. Some of the tools were designed more for 300mm wafers but they were bought for 200mm lines that in facilities in no way could be upgraded to handle 300mm. They had to be purchased to persuade investors to risk and/or to remain invested.

The slashdotter's comment above is not unusual and its frequency among professionals, technical and managerial, usually in private, indicate a deep institutional inertia in China involving risk taking and tolerance for failures that came from genuine technical causes instead of human (in)competence. Taiwanese companies suffered the same but they quickly broke out of that mentality due to high interactions with Western counterparts, technical and managerial, in working in Taiwan and in Western countries, particularly the US. There is no mystery on why Taiwanese semicon manufacturers sped ahead of their mainland Chinese competitors: Tolerance for failures and the refusal to punish those who fail out of genuine technical investigations.
: Tolerance for failures and the refusal to punish those who fail out of genuine technical investigations.

Changing.. but very very slowly.. ironically the United states has a large part to play in this change.
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