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Cultural Decline of England

Besides criket maybe half of modern sports originated or spread from England. Even though somebody got a world title, it's still part of English culture. In China or else where people eat a curry dish and everybody knows it's from Indian culture. Do you agree?

Yes, but that contrasts the past from the present. Cricket may have spread from England to India a 150 years ago, but the point here is the psyche of the modern day Britain. The steel in the soul is missing. This is not the country of the past. There is no 'toughness' in there. In a way that is what you too are referring to when you say 'losing weight'.
Who attacks Indias space program/science? maybe a slightly sarcastic news article but thats not an attack, Indians think everything is personal. As for Cricket, no body plays it, its not national sport like India etc so England losing really isnt an issue, football/rugby/golf/f1 are all more popular than Cricket and we do well in them, India are shocking at every sport otuside of cricket/hockey because they dont play them, I dont know anyone in the UK who plays cricket apart from my brother who used to play professionally.

Our language, tv shows etc are watched all over, hell even in China that crapfest Downton Abbey had a viewer ship over 150,000,000 people, our sports are played worldwide and our teams are the most watched, our education is still among the best and research/development/science/technology is a huge growth area, major banking area etc etc etc, not a decline atall just business as usual.

Also, the vast majority of our citizens live a fairly decent life thanks to our manageable population, something that high population coutnries like India will never really be able to give to all of their people. Sure we have poor people like anyone else but most of them are local chavs who prefer to drink and smoke than contribute to society, they still live a good life compared to 90% of the world its just their priorities lie elsewhere than living a meaningful life, and the only other problem is people belonging to certain regions coming over here with tribal mentalities knocking the averages down and sucking money out, immigrants are great if your a contributor not so great if your a muslim with 8 kids and your command of English is MOVE.
I know this sounds too dramatic, but the unceremonious exit of England from Cricket World Cup to me is only the latest in a long line of things that indicates a society in decline. Inward looking, stuck in prolonged debates of immigration (that seems to last unreasolved for decades) and Aid, the fact that they are being left behind by more vigorous players doesn't seem to sink in to them. WHen they first began losing out in Cricket they consoled themselves by sayig they were rising in Football. But turns out, the Beckhamized, Celebritized version of Football they took pride in is no good. They got booted out there too.

Every time they attack our scientific work and space research, I ask myself 'the problem is not that we have a program but that they don't?' Now increasingly falling back on Industry, Technology Levels, military strength and Sport, I think England is the starkest reminder of what happens when a society becomes complacent, too inward looking and obsessed with the little things that make you believe your privileged position is eternal. There are lessons in this for us. Eternal Hunger and Eternal Ambition is everything.

World Cup 2015: Bangladesh Knock England Out, May Face India in Quarters - World Cup 2015 News

To be honest........
UK may be declining yes but they are still the 6th largest economy in the world and larger than India.
As a sporting power they were 3rd in the last Olympic and India was 55th.
And they are still the top five nuclear power in the world.
And they have veto power in the UNSC.
England is one of the greatest countries in the world. It is the perfect place to bring up a family. It is safe and developed and fair law and order system.

With all due respect to China, India etc etc you cannot offer this. Not yet anyway.

Stupid thread.
England is one of the greatest countries in the world. It is the perfect place to bring up a family. It is safe and developed and fair law and order system.

With all due respect to China, India etc etc you cannot offer this. Not yet anyway.

Stupid thread.

May I ask, how many countries have you lived in?
Half of the population is over 41. Nobody that age will have the same drive and ambition as a young person would.

Maybe what triggered OP to open such a thread that you were crushed by Bangladesh
Srsly WTF is up with the English team
At the end of the the quality of life of most of the EU and England is far far ahead with most of the developing nation including India and China...So being not a powerful nation is not so imporant rather England is providing quality of life to its citizen and it is much more important....And of course, Engalnd made a mistake by allowing tons of illetarate migrants to settle down and it has to pay the price for it...Otherwise, England at 21st centrury is far ahead is most of the social indicators than than of the Asian nations expect Japan and Singapore...
You forgot, Drugs, Alcohol, Single Mothers, Children having Children, Dysfunctionalism, Work Stress, Obsession with Money, No Respect for Elders, Obsession with Celebrity without Talent, Loss of Empire, Loss of Self-Belief, Lack of Passion in Sport... i can go on for hours...


These things are the core of any society and not financial institutions or scientific prowess.

If these foundations are shaken, then there is no hope.

The title is misleading!

Honestly, UK is loosing weight in world economy, military as well as international politics. But she could still be proud to be a giant in modern culture, art, finacial services and sciences.

UK is still respected out of respect for legacy.

And while it holds a prominent position still, the country is declining due to misplaced priorities and a decline and hate of their traditions and way of living. There was a time when there was some socio-cultural stability in UK during 60s and 70s. However, all of that is slowly declining.

They should have modeled on turning UK into a Denmark or Norway or even Switzerland rather than a mini-USA.

Even German and French universities are now poaching off Asian students who wanted to go there, because of crazy visa system.

Military power can never achieve long term objectives, which the erstwhile empire failed to understand.

Half of the population is over 41. Nobody that age will have the same drive and ambition as a young person would.

You people really really need to tighten your belts if you have to save your society. Talent, quality of life and financial stability come only after socio-culture and self-belief pillars are strong.

The best would be a Nordic model rather than a US model which doesn't give any returns in the long run.
England is one of the greatest countries in the world. It is the perfect place to bring up a family. It is safe and developed and fair law and order system.

With all due respect to China, India etc etc you cannot offer this. Not yet anyway.

Stupid thread.

I was comparing past England with Present. You didn't get the point. No one is saying that England is not a better place on HDI right now.
To be honest........
UK may be declining yes but they are still the 6th largest economy in the world and larger than India.
As a sporting power they were 3rd in the last Olympic and India was 55th.
And they are still the top five nuclear power in the world.
And they have veto power in the UNSC.

I never denied that fact that their HDI is better than us.
At the end of the the quality of life of most of the EU and England is far far ahead with most of the developing nation including India and China...So being not a powerful nation is not so imporant rather England is providing quality of life to its citizen and it is much more important....And of course, Engalnd made a mistake by allowing tons of illetarate migrants to settle down and it has to pay the price for it...Otherwise, England at 21st centrury is far ahead is most of the social indicators than than of the Asian nations expect Japan and Singapore...

I have no problem considering England in the league of a Scandinavian country. But is that what they want? If it is a conscious choice to 'little England', then it's fine. But where in their national narrative do you find that? Even those that say 'Little ENgland' seem to assume they are in a privileged position in the world- ask them to give up the UNSC seat and they'll go all arms up.
To be honest........
UK may be declining yes but they are still the 6th largest economy in the world and larger than India.
As a sporting power they were 3rd in the last Olympic and India was 55th.
And they are still the top five nuclear power in the world.
And they have veto power in the UNSC.

Thats about to change..........

UK is facing deindustiralisation of 7% each year, in last 2-3 decades they have lost 30% of their industry.

It has become something of a cliché that the next generation is the first in history likely to be less well off than its parents. The same thing is said in all periods of prolonged economic pessimism, only to be proved spectacularly wrong. However dark it gets, somehow or other, the march of progress always reasserts itself.

Yet nothing is ever guaranteed, and there may be more reasons for such declinist thinking in Britain today than at any stage in the last century. From the cost of living to standards of health and education, virtually all the measures by which we track economic progress are going sharply into reverse.

Our nation stands on the cusp of potentially catastrophic relative decline, with perhaps one last chance, measured only in years, to turn things around. Growth has returned, but it won’t be sustained without urgent action to arrest myriad failings in our midst.

Exhibit A: living standards. Analysis released by the Office for National Statistics this week shows that disposable income as a whole has risen somewhat since the start of the crisis – but this is entirely accounted for by population growth, lower interest rates and higher employment. Real income per household is going backwards, and is now no higher than it was 10 years ago. Already, this appears to be the longest peacetime hiatus in living standards of the modern age.

Exhibit B: more and more of our income is absorbed by basic essentials. Down the ages, we have had to spend ever less of our time and income keeping body and soul together. This has given us more time for leisure, and more money for discretionary spending, creating a virtuous circle of economic growth.

The ONS analysis shows that we are now going the other way. The amount of our income accounted for by “essentials” – housing, water, sewerage, energy bills and fuel – has risen over a decade from 19.9 per cent to 27.3 per cent. Once food is taken into account, the numbers are more striking still. Cumulative inflation as measured by the Consumer Prices Index – the yardstick used by the Bank of England – has been roughly 30 per cent. Yet the Tullett Prebon Essentials Index – which takes in most of the necessities of modern living – has gone up by more than 60 per cent. Consumers’ discretionary spending has been eroded even more severely than that fall in disposable income suggests.

I know this sounds too dramatic, but the unceremonious exit of England from Cricket World Cup to me is only the latest in a long line of things that indicates a society in decline. Inward looking, stuck in prolonged debates of immigration (that seems to last unreasolved for decades) and Aid, the fact that they are being left behind by more vigorous players doesn't seem to sink in to them. WHen they first began losing out in Cricket they consoled themselves by sayig they were rising in Football. But turns out, the Beckhamized, Celebritized version of Football they took pride in is no good. They got booted out there too.

Every time they attack our scientific work and space research, I ask myself 'the problem is not that we have a program but that they don't?' Now increasingly falling back on Industry, Technology Levels, military strength and Sport, I think England is the starkest reminder of what happens when a society becomes complacent, too inward looking and obsessed with the little things that make you believe your privileged position is eternal. There are lessons in this for us. Eternal Hunger and Eternal Ambition is everything.

World Cup 2015: Bangladesh Knock England Out, May Face India in Quarters - World Cup 2015 News

You quit the forum voluntarily citing some non existent moral high ground and now you are back with a vigour. Clear lack of Self Esteem! Shame
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