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Cuba shows Israel the mirror

Neither you accepted the UN Resolution for Palestinian at the first place and assuming that Arabs should be satisfied with Zionists.
Again hypocrisy by your side. what if any other Nation Control the Israel
The Zionists accepted the UN resolution
The Arabs did not accept it

Before you accuse me of hypocrisy, think about what you write

If someone else conquers the Land of Israel, I personally go out to rebel
The Zionists accepted the UN resolution
The Arabs did not accept it
Note that once the Arabs rejected it - including not just the Arabs of Palestine but the leaders of surrounding countries - the Resolution was null and void: therefore the Zionists still have a legal claim to political rights in the 30% of the Palestine Mandate that didn't become part of Transjordan as well as grounds for Jewish-owned properties that were seized throughout the rest of the Arab World in violation of the Mandate.

Yes, the Zionists are the good guys and the Israel-haters the bad guys and everything otherwise Pakistanis may have been taught in school or madrassa are lies. But do Pakistanis really care about the truth? Or does it all boil down to "Might is right the government is strong so we must all do injustice together and call anyone who opposes us evil or at least as bad as we are"?
The only thing you can see here is that the world was silent for terrorists
And that the world can not distinguish between good and evil

This is of course because the leftist religion rules the world today, and in the leftist religion there is no such thing as good or bad
There is a weak and strong, and the strong is to blame for them, so you have to support the weak.
In short, hypocrisy

The only way forward for Israel is to keep herself strong , that would be enough for these insect nations to keep burning.
Note that once the Arabs rejected it - including not just the Arabs of Palestine but the leaders of surrounding countries - the Resolution was null and void: therefore the Zionists still have a legal claim to political rights in the 30% of the Palestine Mandate that didn't become part of Transjordan as well as grounds for Jewish-owned properties that were seized throughout the rest of the Arab World in violation of the Mandate.

Yes, the Zionists are the good guys and the Israel-haters the bad guys and everything otherwise Pakistanis may have been taught in school or madrassa are lies. But do Pakistanis really care about the truth? Or does it all boil down to "Might is right the government is strong so we must all do injustice together and call anyone who opposes us evil or at least as bad as we are"?
Yes, the resolution is essentially an offer that has no legal validity unless both sides agree to be bound by it.

All the "experts on their own" in this forum (and in general in the world) are simply sheep, rather a herd of sheep, above them there are herding dogs, and above the dogs are the shepherds.
They have no thought of their own, the shepherds have inserted lines of code into their brain, and those lines of code are what you hear from them.
If someone steers clear of the road, there are shepherd dogs to take him back.
Israel deserves more.they are the most shameful people on earth!
The only way forward for Israel is to keep herself strong , that would be enough for these insect nations to keep burning.
Against external threats

Israel's real problem is internal, it is the State of Israel itself,But that's another issue
A people's "basic rights" are related to their "virtues and failures"?

i will not enter that swamp of dictionary definitions that you're now trying to drag me into.

you're trying to pin your definitions of words, and by that, how i should think about Israel.

you wont let Israeli failures be discussed or uncovered at all, on a pakistani hence muslim forum.

so this is the last reply you get from me. good luck coming up with the next piece of fish-bait that you hope to keep me busy with. i will not waste my time or energy on people like you.

It's not my conscience that was injured in this thread.

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