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Crunch time: pick one, Haqqani network or the US



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Sep 4, 2012
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ISLAMABAD: Hillary Clinton, the 67th Untied States Secretary of State, has lost out to Leon Panetta, the 23rd United States Secretary of Defence. Panetta has teamed up with General (R) David Petraeus, the former four-star general of the United States army and the current director of the CIA. As far as Pakistan is concerned, Panetta is deriving additional strength from the mood at the United States House of Representatives as well as the United States Senate; both the houses are gradually embracing a more hawkish stance.

Clinton had been advocating a more reconciliatory approach of dialogue and compromise but the Haqqanis had refused to bow down to US prerogatives. According to Marvin Weinbaum of the University of Illinois, “Few question the desirability of finding a political resolution to the Afghan conflict or doubt Pakistan’s pivotal role. The growing divide of opinion in this country is over how best to achieve that outcome.”

The formal Foreign Terrorist Organisation (FTO) designation for the Haqqanis, according to Daniel Markey, CFR’s senior fellow for India, Pakistan and South Asia, is “largely a bureaucratic, internal, US government manoeuvre” but for Pakistan it means that the State versus Defence tug-of-war has been settled in favour of Panetta. It also means that the military half of the US government has won over the more dovish civilian forces.

The FTO designation for the Haqqani network has now made the network subject to US sanctions under section 219 of the US Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). For Pakistan, the worst case scenario flowing out of the designation could be a “state sponsor of terrorism” label.

For now, Pakistan can treat this as US government’s non-military manoeuvre to try and induce a divorce between Pakistan’s military intelligence apparatus and the Haqqanis.

Our Foreign Office, according to Wajahat Khan, “will be able to backstop and goalkeep for Chaklala and Aabpara in the short-run…… But not against a sustained diplomatic (and/or economic) assault” that in all probability will follow.

On September 6, The New York Times reported that the White House also backs the blacklisting of the Haqqani network. To be certain, it is our non-military face that is the most vulnerable as we need a wholesome $24 billion foreign injection over the following 24 months — and that is just to avoid a default.

On Pakistan’s part, it is decision time for our uniformed decision makers. On the American side, there is a definite element of scape-goating as the Haqqanis are responsible for no more than 10 percent of American casualties. All said and done, Clinton has lost and Panetta is giving us a choice between the Haqqanis and the US.

Crunch time: pick one, Haqqani network or the US - thenews.com.pk
Crunch time: pick one, Haqqani network or the US - thenews.com.pk[/url]

This article is a timely reflection of the real choices placed before Pakistan’s military rulers. On the one hand awaits a future confrontation with a Taliban proxy army going vindictive out of betrayal by turning their guns on the Pakistani state, while on the other stands the possibility of confronting American resolve. Yet if history serves to predict the future, I would say that the Pakistanis will cower before the more powerful. They have already perfected the art of internalizing former masters in place of their litany of historical submissions under their feet. This is the underlying reason for Pakistanis implying that Muhammad bin Qasim was the first Pakistani, followed by the glorification of military missiles with names borrowed from Afghan leaders such as “Ghorid”, “Ghaznavid”, and “Abdali”. Given their more recent servitude before Imperial Britain, it is also no coincidence that Pakistani leaders have been noted to behave more British that the British themselves.

What are the odds that two centuries from now, Pakistanis will be naming their spears after Bush and Obama, complete with Stetson hats and a twang in their English? The most probable outcome is a no-brainer…
this time say no to america enough is enough. Now talibans are good and Haqqani is bad who is next for what they will attack JuD, LeT?
This article is a timely reflection of the real choices placed before Pakistan’s military rulers. On the one hand awaits a future confrontation with a Taliban proxy army going vindictive out of betrayal by turning their guns on the Pakistani state, while on the other stands the possibility of confronting American resolve. Yet if history serves to predict the future, I would say that the Pakistanis will cower before the more powerful. They have already perfected the art of internalizing former masters in place of their litany of historical submissions under their feet. This is the underlying reason for Pakistanis implying that Muhammad bin Qasim was the first Pakistani, followed by the glorification of military missiles with names borrowed from Afghan leaders such as “Ghorid”, “Ghaznavid”, and “Abdali”. Given their more recent servitude before Imperial Britain, it is also no coincidence that Pakistani leaders have been noted to behave more British that the British themselves.

What are the odds that two centuries from now, Pakistanis will be naming their spears after Bush and Obama, complete with Stetson hats and a twang in their English? The most probable outcome is a no-brainer…

I agree with your logic of Pakistan naming its weapon after the dacoits is wrong and they might switch in the future from Afghan dacoits to US names two centuries from now, but one thing for sure even after two more centuries and that is the Afghanistan remain as it has for past two hundred centuries.
This article is a timely reflection of the real choices placed before Pakistan’s military rulers. On the one hand awaits a future confrontation with a Taliban proxy army going vindictive out of betrayal by turning their guns on the Pakistani state, while on the other stands the possibility of confronting American resolve. Yet if history serves to predict the future, I would say that the Pakistanis will cower before the more powerful. They have already perfected the art of internalizing former masters in place of their litany of historical submissions under their feet. This is the underlying reason for Pakistanis implying that Muhammad bin Qasim was the first Pakistani, followed by the glorification of military missiles with names borrowed from Afghan leaders such as “Ghorid”, “Ghaznavid”, and “Abdali”. Given their more recent servitude before Imperial Britain, it is also no coincidence that Pakistani leaders have been noted to behave more British that the British themselves.

What are the odds that two centuries from now, Pakistanis will be naming their spears after Bush and Obama, complete with Stetson hats and a twang in their English? The most probable outcome is a no-brainer…
Pakistan would be a developed and peaceful country if we hadnt a cotntry named Afghanistan as neighbour which always let its land to foriegner to terorrise Pakistan and by migrating here even more.

This article is a timely reflection of the real choices placed before Pakistan’s military rulers. On the one hand awaits a future confrontation with a Taliban proxy army going vindictive out of betrayal by turning their guns on the Pakistani state, while on the other stands the possibility of confronting American resolve. Yet if history serves to predict the future, I would say that the Pakistanis will cower before the more powerful. They have already perfected the art of internalizing former masters in place of their litany of historical submissions under their feet. This is the underlying reason for Pakistanis implying that Muhammad bin Qasim was the first Pakistani, followed by the glorification of military missiles with names borrowed from Afghan leaders such as “Ghorid”, “Ghaznavid”, and “Abdali”. Given their more recent servitude before Imperial Britain, it is also no coincidence that Pakistani leaders have been noted to behave more British that the British themselves.

What are the odds that two centuries from now, Pakistanis will be naming their spears after Bush and Obama, complete with Stetson hats and a twang in their English? The most probable outcome is a no-brainer…
Pakistan would be a developed and peaceful country if we hadnt a cotntry named Afghanistan as neighbour which always let its land to foriegner to terorrise Pakistan and by migrating here even more.
I agree with your logic of Pakistan naming its weapon after the dacoits is wrong and they might switch in the future from Afghan dacoits to US names two centuries from now, but one thing for sure even after two more centuries and that is the Afghanistan remain as it has for past two hundred centuries.

That's good, baby steps first...as for Afghanistan remaining in the past or leap-frogging into the future, either way, it will happen on our own watch.

Pakistan would be a developed and peaceful country if we hadnt a cotntry named Afghanistan as neighbour which always let its land to foriegner to terorrise Pakistan and by migrating here even more.

Couldn't have happened to a nicer people...and how may I ask and with who's permission did the state of Pakistan emerge and inherited a military equipped with superior capabilities to that of the Afghans?
Pakistan will now choose the haqqani network, I can point out why?

a) US cannot confront Pakistan beyond a certain extent because Pakistan is a nuclear power, US may be a super power, but it wont have any impact in case of pakistan.
b) Pakistan at the present does not rely on US equipment for its military, All main stream weapons are from Chinese origins, JF-17 Pakistan air force, Al Khalid main battle tank - pakistan army.
C) Pakistan can have a conflict with United States which is not going to stay beyond 2014, but it cannot have a conflict with Taliban, who have a significant presence in FATA.

United States has only one option.

a) Increase drone attacks against haqqani network militants. they may also conduct airstrikes using Fixed Wing Fighter aircraft if their drones are under threat.
Pakistan will now choose the haqqani network, I can point out why?

a) US cannot confront Pakistan beyond a certain extent because Pakistan is a nuclear power, US may be a super power, but it wont have any impact in case of pakistan.
b) Pakistan at the present does not rely on US equipment for its military, All main stream weapons are from Chinese origins, JF-17 Pakistan air force, Al Khalid main battle tank - pakistan army.
C) Pakistan can have a conflict with United States which is not going to stay beyond 2014, but it cannot have a conflict with Taliban, who have a significant presence in FATA.

United States has only one option.

a) Increase drone attacks against haqqani network militants. they may also conduct airstrikes using Fixed Wing Fighter aircraft if their drones are under threat.

Naaah....we Afghans have a saying about the Americans...."they signal left but move to the right"....
That's good, baby steps first...as for Afghanistan remaining in the past or leap-frogging into the future, either way, it will happen on our own watch.

Couldn't have happened to a nicer people...and how may I ask and with who's permission did the state of Pakistan emerge and inherited a military equipped with superior capabilities to that of the Afghans?

As I said you are being used by US and india. They will eat your minerals etc too later..dont ride high get your home in order free of foriegn influence so that we dont have to suffer because of you.
As I said you are being used by US and india . They will eat your minerals etc too later..dont ride high get your home in order free of foriegn influence so that we dont have to suffer because of you.

US used Afghanistan till 1989, but not after that, India never used Afghanistan, I wonder how taliban came to power in 1996? The terrain which you used to bleed Soviet's are now used against you, You also tried the same against Americans, But since they possessed certain technological advancements which soviets lacked, They were able to tackle the menace to some extend, Americans never suffered like Russians, Now the Americans are also using the same tactics against you, which you cannot control.
Naaah....we Afghans have a saying about the Americans...."they signal left but move to the right"....
and what were you saying about Russians???
Russia's position was 10 times better then the position of Us today.
Russian's did not used Afghans as shield. American's are using ANA as shield they cover them selves behind ANA and that also backfired after few incidents. now they fear ANA more then taliban. and the economy of us is also in very critical situation. Russians fought bravely they were and are brave people not like US and nato thugs who start crying during clashes with taliban. even they have far better technology.

US used Afghanistan till 1989, but not after that, India never used Afghanistan, I wonder how taliban came to power in 1996? The terrain which you used to bleed Soviet's are now used against you, You also tried the same against Americans, But since they possessed certain technological advancements which soviets lacked, They were able to tackle the menace to some extend, Americans never suffered like Russians, Now the Americans are also using the same tactics against you, which you cannot control.
hahaha you must be kidding or you have been smoking some thing???
American's are too much in shiiiit now days. they just want to get out of afghanistan.
Yes Americans want to go out of Afghanistan, They proved they are not shits by two things

a) OBL Raid : Operation Neptune Spear
b) Drone Strikes: 36 Drone strikes after Pakistan's threat to shoot drones after salala incident.
Thinking from the Pakistan POV only one thing comes to mind

Devil and the deep blue sea.
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