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Cruise Missile Hatf-VIII (RAAD) successful test fire

aaahhhhh, as i was told months back, Ra'ad is not yet fully finished for operational deployment as changes were being done, more modifications and stuff like that. May be this one is the final outcome of the work being done on it.

Guys, there has been definitely modifications done in its shape. Compare the forward fuselage by pausing the video in post# 107 at 0.30sec and then compare it with the older pictures of Ra'ad. The forward fuselage is more wider at the front compared to the back end of the body, and if you compareit with the older pictures, you will see that the older had no such disticntion, ratherit was a stright body missile, and this one isn't. So definitely shape has been changed and some internal changes have happened too.

And as for terrain hugging capability, you are seeing just a few seconds of the whole flight which comprises of many minutes, and the terrain hugging comes at the final stage if its launched at its maximum range, as the more lower altitude it has, the more lesser its range will become due to more drag at lower altitudes. So the initial stage is at higher altitude and then slowly it comes down and goes into terrain hugging mode when its a few kilometers away from its target, or the final 50-100KM can be terrain mode. So many outcomes depending on the range its launched from and how far is the target.
I have seen Babur before it hit its target...it was atleast 50-75m above the ground...

---------- Post added at 04:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:39 PM ----------

Babur SLCM is undergoing tests...

The Part that you saw, how did they allowed you to see?
The canister launcher developed for Babur is going to be applied in multi-tube launcher and in Naval Ships....(not submarines)...

I hope this helps to understand...this is tomahawk...

Note that the missile is launched horizontally from the submarine....it rises above water vertically...
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One more thing. It was flying too high in the video ...
never did ISPR have shown Babur or Ra'ad are doing low altitude manuvers....
missile of this size at that hight is an easy prey for SAMs .... specially when spyder is in place......

I know, it is taking process and experiment. It will be more tests.

indian main defence line falls within the range of 350 km ...
Babar and Raad are Pakistan's response to India's ballistic missile defence programme....BMD is a costly affair, and even after investing billion of
dollars, India will not be able to protect all of its territory against nuclear strikes.

Perhaps India should take a leaf out of Iran's book and invest in cruise missile defence...Lol;-)
how many cruise missile Pakistan needs to defend itself in case of a war ...??
how many cruise missile Pakistan needs to defend itself in case of a war ...??

Last month USA and NATO fired 170 Tomahawks at Libyan targets within the period of 3 days, so against Indian military which is 3 times bigger as compared to Pak military we need 80 Baburs and 50 Ra'ad per day overall 3000 Ra'ad+Babur (Conventional warhead.)
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