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Cross-border attack: Pakistan's patience 'running thin' with Afghan Taliban


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Cross-border attack: Pakistan's patience 'running thin' with Afghan Taliban​

Despite promises, Afghan soil continues to be used by terrorists as five more soldiers embrace martyrdom in Kurram

Kamran Yousaf
February 06, 2022

a view of the pak afghan border photo file

A view of the Pak-Afghan border.

Pakistan's patience with the interim Afghan government seems to be running thin as for the first time it publically condemned the use of Afghan soil against it since the Taliban takeover after five of its soldiers embraced martyrdom in exchange of fire with terrorists from across the border on Sunday.

"Terrorists from inside Afghanistan across the international border, opened fire on Pakistani troops in Kurram District," read a statement issued by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR).

Pakistani troops responded in a "befitting" manner causing heavy causalities to terrorists, the military's media wing said. However, as a result of exchange of fire at least five Pakistani soldiers were martyred, it added.

Those who were martyred include Lance Naik Ajab Noor (resident of Karachi, age 34 years), Sepoy Ziaullah Khan (resident of Lakki Marwat, age 22 years), Sepoy Naheed Iqbal (resident of Karak, age 23 years), Sepoy Sameerullah Khan (resident of Bannu, age 18 years) and Sepoy Sajid Ali (resident of Bahawalnagar, age 27 years).

According to the ISPR, Pakistan strongly condemned the use of Afghan soil by terrorists for activities against Pakistan and "expects that interim Afghan government will not allow the conduct of such activities against Pakistan, in future".

"Pak Army is determined to defend Pakistan’s borders against the menace of terrorism and such sacrifices of our brave men further strengthen our resolve," the statement added.

This is the first time Pakistan officially condemned the use of Afghan soil against it under the Taliban rule. On previous occasions, Pakistan opted to downplay similar incidents. Even when the local Taliban soldiers tried to disrupt the border fencing, Pakistan termed it a "localised problem".

It appears now that Pakistan is running out of patience with the interim Taliban government as despite its repeated promises Afghan soil continued to be used by terrorists against Pakistan.

Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, while condemning the terrorist attack, said in a statement that the interim Taliban government should ensure that such attacks do not take place as promised.

Paying homage to the sacrifices of the security forces, he said that their sacrifices will not go in vain.

The latest incident came on the heels of coordinated terrorist attacks in the Panjgur and Naushki areas of Balochistan. The Pakistani intelligence agencies intercepted communication between the attackers and their handlers in India and Afghanistan.

It is believed that Pakistan has conveyed its concerns to the Taliban government about the repeated use of Afghan soil by terrorists.

The Taliban government during the recent visit of National Security Advisor Dr Moeed Yusuf assured that Afghan soil would not be allowed to use against anyone including Pakistan.

Since the Taliban takeover, Islamabad wanted the interim government to either take action against banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) or deny them space to operate out of Afghan soil.

But the Afghan Taliban instead offered to broker a peace deal between Pakistan and the TTP. It was because of this reason that the TTP had agreed to a month-long ceasefire in November. But the truce ended with no progress in peace talks.

Since then the TTP stepped up attacks while Pakistan also resumed operations against the terrorist outfit.

The Afghan Taliban are thought to be still keen to revive talks between Pakistan and the TTP but the spike in terrorist attacks mean there are no prospects of such talks in the foreseeable future.
Miserable nuclear state of Pakistan , randi rona continues, rotay raho sari zindgi, itni shadeed bombari karo k unki maon k buchy gir jain pait main jinho na in terrorist ko paal k rakha hoa ha

We used to have excuses before. Afghanistan was occupied by US/NATO forces. It was difficult for Pakistan to intervene. That era has passed now.

I understand that Pak doesn't want to antagonize the Afghan Taliban, but when your soldiers are being attacked day in day out something needs to change. I am not a fan of upsetting the other side by doing US type unilateral operations. It creates distrust and does more harm than good. The question is whether Afghan Taliban can conduct operations against TTP based on intel provided by Pak intel agencies. Shouldn't this be next step in tackling Indian sponsored terror groups?
Grim days ahead for our Nation on Internal Security front.
As long as we dont constitute powerfull Law Enforcement structure internally we dont stand a chance.
Military is never an option for internal security. And our Military is more then capable amd professional to defend our borders.
And this stupid trend of pitting 100% blame of every attack occuring inside our borders to external security must stop if we want to survive.
Invest heavily on law enforcement , Decentralize administration to Cities , Be more open to ideological discussions on National and regional levels.
If we become a strong well integrated stable Country from inside. No enemy from outside can do sh**.
IEA is better in dealing with them look how many they arrested and assinatinated in recent weeks.. IEA is more annoyed with this groups then Islamabad as they are roaming balochistan so they shouldn't become a scapegoat here but what needs to happen is better interoperaility and selling further arms to IEA border security operation rooms and more electronics such as access to pakistan satellite images they will sniff them out in a matter of weeks.. Mind you border is vast
There is one thing in common in All Afghanis, whether norther alliance, ex-ANA, liberal afghans, the diaspora, IS-Khorasan, and almost all groups within Afghan Taliban that is serious hatred against Pakistan.

Perhaps Haqqanis maybe little pro-pakistan group but overwhelmingly IEA has evil designs against Pakistan. That is evident from the safe heaven IEA is giving to TTP. TTP is launching attacks after attacks while enjoying safe heaven from Afghan Taliban.

Only way I see is to keep Talibs busy in some other front. Successful intelligence op would be to create chaos between Iran & Afghanistan border. Make them busy with each other. Right now they both got us in their cross hair.

IEA is better in dealing with them look how many they arrested and assinatinated in recently.. IEA is more annoyed with this groups then Islamabad as they are roaming balochistan so they shouldn't become a scapegoat here but what needs to happen is better interoperaility and selling further arms to IEA border security operation rooms and more electronics

How come you can make such conclusion ??..

Army has said more then once that TTP & IEA are one and same. Your interior minister said, the other day in NA that IEA has rejected to hand over TTP saying that they have fought with us, we will not take action against them. Why you seems to be protecting IEA always ?
IEA is better in dealing with them look how many they arrested and assinatinated in recent weeks.. IEA is more annoyed with this groups then Islamabad as they are roaming balochistan so they shouldn't become a scapegoat here but what needs to happen is better interoperaility and selling further arms to IEA border security operation rooms and more electronics such as access to pakistan satellite images they will sniff them out in a matter of weeks.. Mind you border is vast
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There is one thing in common in All Afghanis, whether norther alliance, ex-ANA, liberal afghans, the diaspora, IS-Khorasan, and almost all groups within Afghan Taliban that is serious hatred against Pakistan.

Perhaps Haqqanis maybe little pro-pakistan group but overwhelmingly IEA has evil designs against Pakistan. That is evident from the safe heaven IEA is giving to TTP. TTP is launching attacks after attacks while enjoying safe heaven from Afghan Taliban.

Only way I see is to keep Talibs busy in some other front. Successful intelligence op would be to create chaos between Iran & Afghanistan border. Make them busy with each other. Right now they both got us in their cross hair.

How come you can make such conclusion ??..

Army has said more then once that TTP & IEA are one and same. Your interior minister said, the other day in NA that IEA has rejected to hand over TTP saying that they have fought with us, we will not take action against them. Why you seems to be protecting IEA always ?

Army has never said that shxt and what makes you fuking think IEA has such designs it is intellectual bankruptcy and how many times do they have to repeat they don't like this groups publically as they give window to foriegners.. Why kill so many TTP and BLA if they like them.. If you wanna build a state you won't like such things besides they don't want to border gangus and use pakistan as shield.. they have vested interests in pak army...
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Army has never said that shxt and what makes you fuking IEA has such designates it is intellectual bankruptcy and many times do they have to repeat they don't like this groups as they give window to foriegners

That's hilarious! so many Pakistani soldiers are martyred only after IEA came to power So many attacks launched by TTP while in safe shelter of IEA. The IEA itself removed fence from places. IEA army chief has said Durand line as nothing but imaginary line. Even the govt has realized, interior minister clearly told that IEA has rejected to take any action against TTP as they have fought together and have alliances . Still you are having wet dreams of IEA being friendly to you ?. You are living in a fool's paradise. High time to wake up, it really look odd when someone is denying solid evidences on your face.
Didn’t moeed yousef say that if Pakistan gets another attack then they will do a strike or something?

Let’s see how this works out.

I was having the view that Pak should continue intelligence ops and go after HVT one by one. (As we were doing) But now since TTP are doing attacks so openly & frequently, its high time to hunt TTP even if it needs air-power.
That's hilarious! so many Pakistani soldiers are martyred only after IEA came to power So many attacks launched by TTP while in safe shelter of IEA. The IEA itself removed fence from places. IEA army chief has said Durand line as nothing but imaginary line. Even the govt has realized, interior minister clearly told that IEA has rejected to take any action against TTP as they have fought together and have alliances . Still you are having wet dreams of IEA being friendly to you ?. You are living in a fool's paradise. High time to wake up, it really look odd when someone is denying solid evidences on your face.

Stop distorting truth they are not against the fence and explain why many ttp has died in afg recently... From their geopolitical calculus it is the contrary they wanna see even stronger pakistan.. They have selfish interests in pak army which is above your IQ to understand or grasp..

There is no incentive nor are they liars when they give their words and this the same ppl who refused to handover one man and chose 20 years war because it was against their customs and they are many things but liars they aren't
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