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Creation of Bangladesh: Shining Moment or Strategic Blunder

@ $ 1 billion ???? We know how costly the interest rate is ?????? Moreso, these money would be utilized only those infrastructure which would be used for transit facility. It is being there that whatever project we make the final approval will come from Delhi, my foot ???? " Delhi bhuhat door hai "

Considering the inflation hovering around 8 to 10 percent per annum what we get back after 20 years is worth lot less than 1 billion.

India is not a rich country to dole out loans and not expect to get anything in return. It you look at breakdown on how this 1 billion will be used, you will understand a huge portion of which will be used for roads,ports,buses,bridges,railways which all come under infrastructure and will benefit the transit to NE and in the process will benefit BD immensely.

India is spending 1 trillion dollars on infrastructure projects in next 5 to 10 years which will accelerate our growth rate to double digits. You do not understand how immensely it will benefit BD in long run by allowing these projects to go through. You may not need them on priority basis and may not effectively use these to its potential right now, but in 20 years when this loan is due, you would have benefited multiple times.
Come on man, everyone knows that mamata ruined this trip. No point in blaming bd here

And who is Mamta when Bd was negotiating with central government of India. Do you think Obama ask every single governor of 50 states to sign a international deal. India basically showed middle finger to Bd nation and told us that we are like ant. India has no respect for Bangladesh and if you failed to see that then I feel sorry for Bangladesh.
And who is Mamta when Bd was negotiating with central government of India. Do you think Obama ask every single governor of 50 states to sign a internal deal. India basically showed middle finger to Bd nation and told us that we are like ant. India has no respect for Bangladesh and if you failed to see that then I feel sorry for Bangladesh.

It was a drama staged by both Manmohan Singh and Mamata together. Mamata was consulted at every stage but India decided it did not need to give BD this deal.
It was a drama staged by both Manmohan Singh and Mamata together. Mamata was consulted at every stage but India decided it did not need to give BD this deal.

If you guys think it was all a drama then so be it. Just don't forget, we have the riparian rights to the water. We will consider your demands, but don't expect we will give up our rights. It has been close to 50 years these issues have been simmering without any breakthrough. Don't expect any miracles overnight. At present our prime minister MMS and GOI seem to genuinely working to solve these thorny issues. In our scheme of things, water falls under state rights. Even if we solve overnight your water issues, Mamata has to ultimately give her consent.
If you guys think it was all a drama then so be it. Just don't forget, we have the riparian rights to the water. We will consider your demands, but don't expect we will give up our rights. It has been close to 50 years these issues have been simmering without any breakthrough. Don't expect any miracles overnight. At present our prime minister MMS and GOI seem to genuinely working to solve these thorny issues. In our scheme of things, water falls under state rights. Even if we solve overnight your water issues, Mamata has to ultimately give her consent.

Thats fair enough but don't expect to be getting transit anytime soon and don't be surprised when Chinese frigates start docking in Chittagong Port.
Sorry i didnt mean to hurt you. Everyone used to say you are bihari and you never replied them. Anyway, My bad. It is true that Pakistan is trying to be friendly with us but it is also true that they committed genocide and rape. So this hatred is justified. It is even more justified cause being muslims they killed muslims. I can understand your ideology but please as a bangladeshi you should honour sacrifices made by our people...

But one important thing... Our guys also killed lots of innocent Biharis, after 16 December. That was also being "Muslims" killing Muslims. What about that? We can't blame them non-stop for killing us and ignore our killing them.
Thats fair enough but don't expect to be getting transit anytime soon and don't be surprised when Chinese frigates start docking in Chittagong Port.

You guys denied us transit for past 60 years...but we survived. We are providing funds to facilitate this transit. If you guys were smart you could have funded this transit and let us use it for a while and used this as a bargaining chip to meet your demands. As of now you guys don't have any leverage to twist our arms to comply to your demands.
You guys denied us transit for past 60 years...but we survived. We are providing funds to facilitate this transit. If you guys were smart you could have funded this transit and let us use it for a while and used this as a bargaining chip to meet your demands. As of now you guys don't have any leverage to twist our arms to comply to your demands.

China is enough leverage against India. You need transit to keep your North East secure. It is a strategic imperative for India.
Thats fair enough but don't expect to be getting transit anytime soon and don't be surprised when Chinese frigates start docking in Chittagong Port.

China is enough leverage against India. You need transit to keep your North East secure. It is a strategic imperative for India.

That will be the day when Chinese Navy docks in BD ports on a permanent basis i.e. have a naval base as in Myanmar.

It will not be an Indian problem.

It will have the US working overtime even if they get a sniff of such a contingency.

NE will always be secure as it has been all through the days post Independence, notwithstanding the BD posters day dreams!
And who is Mamta when Bd was negotiating with central government of India. Do you think Obama ask every single governor of 50 states to sign a internal deal. India basically showed middle finger to Bd nation and told us that we are like ant. India has no respect for Bangladesh and if you failed to see that then I feel sorry for Bangladesh.

She was the chief minister of west bengal when this deal was being formulated. She Had more than a few months to raise issues on this deal but she didnt, she spoke up only when the indian PM was about to leave for bangladesh. So i think she only did this to gain positive feedback from the people of west bengal so that she can get re elected. So its mostly her fault.
what do u think....we give a **** to those chinks...and their third grade frigates....in case of a indo-china war....those frigates will be destroyed in no time as was done in 1971 to the pakis....these frigates cannot operate so far from their mainland.....indian navy will block all chinese supply routes running through the bay of bengal, indian ocean, and arabian sea region, what will they do then......and as of BD providing support to these frigates.....in that case BD's supply lines will be cut too....it's india on three sides of BD.....but i dont think that will be the case....india wants to help BD....that is why we allow duty free trade in our markets to BD products....we invest billions into BD infrastructure.....and i think there lots of people in BD who recognises these facts....and most of the bangladeshis r not traitors like u ppl.....helping the enemies of the state who gave u freedom from pakistan.....remember those genocides the pak army committed in BD....those rapes...those killings....(or was ur family protected by the state at that tym)....if not, who were there to support u at that time......take up the matter to the UN, to the international community.......even the big daddy US...the god appointed justice givers...shied away...remember that....who took the risk of war to give u ur rights, ur freedom.....oh, yes it was this evil evil india.....ppl like u r brain washed by the isi operatives their and the isi controlled media.....but i think most of the bangladeshis recognises these facts.....so, inspite of being known as pro-indian....AL came to power by ppl's vote.....which establishes the fact that there IS a good support for india-bd relationship.........and as for the water treaty.....the treaty which was drafted was completely unfavorable to the people of west bengal....most of the ganges water get used by bihar and UP...and if 48% of teesta waters were diverted to BD then there would be acute shortage of freash water in bengal.......already he haldia port is drying up due to all these diversion of water...any further would put Haldia inoperable.....so, Bangladeshis posting here think abt it....we wouldn't be doing good to u causing ourselves harm...u also wouldn't do the sm as i'm sure....so Mamata did the right thing by objecting to the water treaty(like a true leader of the people)....also according to international norms of shared rivers....BD is entitled to around 20% of the teesta waters....48% is out qs......we cannot endanger oue people's lives to do good to u...........LONG LIVE INDIA - BANGLADESH FRIENDSHIP

Ummm.....U high or something??
And who is Mamta when Bd was negotiating with central government of India. Do you think Obama ask every single governor of 50 states to sign a internal deal. India basically showed middle finger to Bd nation and told us that we are like ant. India has no respect for Bangladesh and if you failed to see that then I feel sorry for Bangladesh.

Maybe this will help you to understand the US even though you are enjoying yourself in the US not knowing anything about the US and the Federal structure.

Arizona taking up fight to limit federal government authority

From new laws targeting illegal immigrants to lawsuits over federal health-care reform, Arizona is seeking myriad opportunities to take back power from a federal government that it believes has overstepped its authority....

Proponents of states' rights typically seize on the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution as their legal basis for challenging the federal government. It states that "the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Arizona taking up fight to limit federal government authority
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