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Creating ‘Islam in Europe’ as a threat is part of Israel’s new strategy!

It is not funny any more. Unless we all drive home this reciprocity of mutual respect and tolerance, we will all end up killing each other for such silly reasons.

I really doubt people leading the violent religious mobs believe what they preach - they just do it because they receive a lot of attention, something they have craved for since they were ugly 16 year old girls. The followers usually have low IQ and world exposure, which can be solved through education. TBH, I think giving importance to these idiots and responding to them will create more problem than it will solve.
The solution is very simple. All those demanding respect and accommodation for their own beliefs must accord the same respect and accommodation to others' beliefs too. Respect others to be respected yourselves as all are equal before the law.
I did not mean that the muslims dont respect other religions. I just meant, that asking for special rights in non Islamic countries would be akin to alienating themselves from rest of the population.
I really doubt people leading the violent religious mobs believe what they preach - they just do it because they receive a lot of attention, something they have craved for since they were ugly 16 year old girls. The followers usually have low IQ and world exposure, which can be solved through education. TBH, I think giving importance to these idiots and responding to them will create more problem than it will solve.

It is not just 16 year old misfits. Violent ideals have spread across the body of Islam across the world, and we all must take our responses seriously. Remember that all that is needed for evil to flourish is for good people to remain silent, whether by choice, disinterest, or intimidation.

I did not mean that the muslims dont respect other religions. I just meant, that by asking for special rights in non Islamic countries would be akin to alienating themselves from rest of the population.

Please note the wording of my response, which did not specifically mention any one religion. What I have said must apply to all sides and all belief systems.
Conspiracy theory? Is it?
All thanks to America Islamophobia is now an epidemic. Islam as a religion has been repeatedly sullied by non-muslims, and by few muslims whom I call extremists. These extremists consider themselves to be the torch bearers of Islam and spread the misinterpreted versions of the holy book (IMO!!).
I'm not sure if Israel has its hands in the cookie jar, but am sure that many muslims have shot themselves in the foot by asking for special privileges in European countries.
Post 9/11, there is quite a bit of interest in the western world in the basic tenets of Islam and understand the motivations for radical Islamic organizations. Groups like ISIS, Book Haram, Al Qaida etc publicly practise those basic Islamic tenets and the whole world is watching and realizing the truth about Islam.
Islam is a threat to the usurers - who sell/buy money as an item of merchandize. Islam is a threat to the International Banks, MNCs and profiteering without ethics. Zionist/international Jewelry thrives on usury.

Islam is biggest threat to itself and less threat to others. We see this all over the world. From yamen to Iraq to Syria to middle east countries to Pakistan. All other comes there after.
Please note the wording of my response, which did not specifically mention any one religion. What I have said must apply to all sides and all belief system
Well I assumed so because I was talking in context of Islam.
Well I assumed so because I was talking in context of Islam.

Which is why I explained my PoV again. Islam is not the only religion at fault for not according other belief systems the same respect as demanded for itself. Indeed, one can argue that some of the hostility being exhibited by Muslims is indeed reactionary.
Creating ‘Islam in Europe’ as a threat is part of Israel’s new strategy
Hossam Shaker

Thursday, 11 June 2015 15:40

What does it mean when the most prominent platform for Israeli strategic thinking is discussing the issue of "Islam in Europe" as part of its list of "strategic threats"?

The events of this week's 15th Herzliya Conference give us an impression of the trends dominating the thoughts of those drafting Israeli strategies. On Monday, the conference held a discussion titled "Islam and BDS in Europe: A Strategic Threat". For Islam and the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign to be classified as a threat to Israel's interests in Europe, it means that the nervous officials in Benjamin Netanyahu's government believe that they have to launch a fierce campaign to incite people against this growing trend in global civil society. Observers are left to guess the form in which the new incitement campaigns will be launched against Islam in Europe. There has already been heavy defamatory propaganda by pro-Israel lobby groups for years against Muslims and pro-Palestinian activism.

Considering Islam in Europe as a strategic threat to Israeli interests, in the naïve manner witnessed in the Herzliya Conference programme, perhaps helps us to understand some of the political alignments occurring over the past five years. The far-right in Europe, its radical parties and populist leaders, have made a historical reconciliation with Israel. Israeli officials have welcomed numerous party leaders who are accused of being anti-Semitic. Some have even expressed their understanding of the construction of illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank, while others even wore the Israeli army uniform when on the borders of the large prison called the Gaza Strip. As a result of this reconciliation, a mutual political discourse was formed which conveyed the message that Israel is defending Europe and Western civilisation against Islam.

We can assume, therefore, that certain Israeli trends have found an opportunity to emerge in light of the great fear in Europe over extremist groups, especially ISIS. These trends are now presenting themselves as allies of the West in this "clash of civilisations". Of course, this is at the expense of the Palestinians' inalienable rights.

There are important details to consider in this regard. For example, during Israel's attack on Gaza last summer, its propaganda justified the heinous acts committed by the Israeli army against Palestinian civilians on the basis of fighting "radical Islam". The Palestinians in the enclave and ISIS, which emerged from Iraq and Syria, were grouped together. On a number of occasions, Israeli diplomats distributed materials that were anti-Islam and anti-Muslim before withdrawing them hastily when challenged by protests in Ireland and Sweden, among others.

After the Charlie Hebdo incident in Paris, senior Israeli officials' words matched those of the far right-wing in Europe. The Israeli government, which involved itself in the aftermath of the incident, gave the impression that it was seeking to incite Europe against its Muslim citizens by means of their statements and clear implications.

What needs to be said is that these "strategic" trends are not doing Europe any favours. Instead, they are counting on splitting the ranks within Europe's multi-ethnic and multi-religious communities and spreading hatred therein. This has been adopted by Israel's new allies on the far-right who are professionals at provoking panic in order to gain votes. Instead of classifying the Muslims in Europe as a strategic threat, the Israeli strategists and their friends around the world who attended the Herzliya Conference should have looked into the consequences of following such a radical right-wing ideology, as the Israeli government currently does, even when this contradicts the logic of history.
Creating ‘Islam in Europe’ as a threat is part of Israel’s new strategy
Thanks For Tagging Sir..............:-)
Islam is biggest threat to itself and less threat to others. We see this all over the world. From yamen to Iraq to Syria to middle east countries to Pakistan. All other comes there after.
And what made you omit India where govt's writ is absent in more than half the country. That's what Manmohan had said but actually it is absent in more than half the country where security forces have been at war with FFs since 1947.
You can start by getting rid of anjem choudhry :)

British Muslims can't get rid of Andy, he is protected by the British laws and freedom of speech, he has been banned from almost every mosque in UK yet the British Government allows him to rally and use local community centres for his propaganda. Which again, its the British laws that are protecting him.
stupidity of muslims

they pay millions to run away from Islamic country to west
because injustice poverty and economical problems in muslim world

they got good life jobs and money in west

then they start making west a Muslim place like their home .WTF??????

do you guys want west corrupt injustice war zone crime full and deep in poverty ?
British Muslims can't get rid of Andy, he is protected by the British laws and freedom of speech, he has been banned from almost every mosque in UK yet the British Government allows him to rally and use local community centres for his propaganda. Which again, its the British laws that are protecting him.
Which is regrettable. I just commented on another thread as to why only the pakistani community in UK is riled with cases of yound educated lads falling into the death traps..while the same community is by far more productive elsewhere...
That man is eloquently putting wrong ideas in young brains,which has disastrous results
Which is regrettable. I just commented on another thread as to why only the pakistani community in UK is riled with cases of yound educated lads falling into the death traps..while the same community is by far more productive elsewhere...
That man is eloquently putting wrong ideas in young brains,which has disastrous results

When Mr Andy Choudhry was protesting freely against Bashar al Assad in London, he was protected by the Police where as handful of Mr Assad's supporters were attacked by skirt wearing big bearded terrorists, Police took no action. It took 20 wahabis to beat one Shia Lebanese. Police stood by, they were concerned about safety of Mr Andy.
Creating ‘Islam in Europe’ as a threat is part of Israel’s new strategy
Hossam Shaker

Thursday, 11 June 2015 15:40

What does it mean when the most prominent platform for Israeli strategic thinking is discussing the issue of "Islam in Europe" as part of its list of "strategic threats"?

The events of this week's 15th Herzliya Conference give us an impression of the trends dominating the thoughts of those drafting Israeli strategies. On Monday, the conference held a discussion titled "Islam and BDS in Europe: A Strategic Threat". For Islam and the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign to be classified as a threat to Israel's interests in Europe, it means that the nervous officials in Benjamin Netanyahu's government believe that they have to launch a fierce campaign to incite people against this growing trend in global civil society. Observers are left to guess the form in which the new incitement campaigns will be launched against Islam in Europe. There has already been heavy defamatory propaganda by pro-Israel lobby groups for years against Muslims and pro-Palestinian activism.

Considering Islam in Europe as a strategic threat to Israeli interests, in the naïve manner witnessed in the Herzliya Conference programme, perhaps helps us to understand some of the political alignments occurring over the past five years. The far-right in Europe, its radical parties and populist leaders, have made a historical reconciliation with Israel. Israeli officials have welcomed numerous party leaders who are accused of being anti-Semitic. Some have even expressed their understanding of the construction of illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank, while others even wore the Israeli army uniform when on the borders of the large prison called the Gaza Strip. As a result of this reconciliation, a mutual political discourse was formed which conveyed the message that Israel is defending Europe and Western civilisation against Islam.

We can assume, therefore, that certain Israeli trends have found an opportunity to emerge in light of the great fear in Europe over extremist groups, especially ISIS. These trends are now presenting themselves as allies of the West in this "clash of civilisations". Of course, this is at the expense of the Palestinians' inalienable rights.

There are important details to consider in this regard. For example, during Israel's attack on Gaza last summer, its propaganda justified the heinous acts committed by the Israeli army against Palestinian civilians on the basis of fighting "radical Islam". The Palestinians in the enclave and ISIS, which emerged from Iraq and Syria, were grouped together. On a number of occasions, Israeli diplomats distributed materials that were anti-Islam and anti-Muslim before withdrawing them hastily when challenged by protests in Ireland and Sweden, among others.

After the Charlie Hebdo incident in Paris, senior Israeli officials' words matched those of the far right-wing in Europe. The Israeli government, which involved itself in the aftermath of the incident, gave the impression that it was seeking to incite Europe against its Muslim citizens by means of their statements and clear implications.

What needs to be said is that these "strategic" trends are not doing Europe any favours. Instead, they are counting on splitting the ranks within Europe's multi-ethnic and multi-religious communities and spreading hatred therein. This has been adopted by Israel's new allies on the far-right who are professionals at provoking panic in order to gain votes. Instead of classifying the Muslims in Europe as a strategic threat, the Israeli strategists and their friends around the world who attended the Herzliya Conference should have looked into the consequences of following such a radical right-wing ideology, as the Israeli government currently does, even when this contradicts the logic of history.
Creating ‘Islam in Europe’ as a threat is part of Israel’s new strategy
so are ISIS and Al Qaeda working for Israel?
if that wasnt enough many middle eastern monarchies and states are doing a perfect job without the help of Israel.

stupidity of muslims

they pay millions to run away from Islamic country to west
because injustice poverty and economical problems in muslim world

they got good life jobs and money in west

then they start making west a Muslim place like their home .WTF??????

do you guys want west corrupt injustice war zone crime full and deep in poverty ?
what you missed is that then they give up all the comforts of life and successes they got in a Kafir country and decide to loose their virginity and life in the name of ISIS
what an ambition they have
stupidity of muslims

they pay millions to run away from Islamic country to west
because injustice poverty and economical problems in muslim world

they got good life jobs and money in west

then they start making west a Muslim place like their home .WTF??????

do you guys want west corrupt injustice war zone crime full and deep in poverty ?

I don't get it either. You run away from another shit hole to a nice place, only to turn the nice place into another shit hole.

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