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Creating ‘Islam in Europe’ as a threat is part of Israel’s new strategy!

Contrary. Israel just wants a small piece of land. Islamic countries on the other hand use Israel as a rally point against Jews all over the world.

Same way Kashmiri want small piece of land and India make it rally point against them:azn:. Grapes are sour
Europeans don't ask for Muslims not to practice religion but to live like everyone else and not drug dealing thugs like they are in the UK. Europeans/Americans are raised in a well controlled/organized society that has advanced thinking/system/laws. So for most part, most Europeans/Americans don't grow up witnessing 'scenes' or 'fights' or unusual systems/culture. So in America for example, many whites are afraid of the african americans because they aren't used to loud people or uppetdy poeples. In UK, these for them are some Muslims. Like the idiots in this video:


You can tell in this video, the bystanders are pretty scared and uncomfortable. Because they don't want their streets full of drug dealing idiots wnho are causing problems/delays in day to day life and often happening in violent ways like here. The people who try stopping this are mostly other minorities who are used to these scenes from their countries of origin or parents countries of origin. But they must understand that Westerners aren't used to it, it may be normal elsewhere but in West this makes people very uncomfortable. So these kind of uneducated, thuggish Muslims by name are embarrassing and if I was present in this road rage I would go off on both of these guys.

Now the other group which is a problem are the dawah/salafist type of guys who try converting everyone, dress in traditional Arab clothes which Westerners again aren't used to. These guys should look at the UK Muslim community and how its full of garbage before trying to convert others. Wrong priorities once again are problem. Any Westerner or Muslim born in West should take full advantage of strong economy/best education and aim for a degree in medical/engeering field because this will secure their financial future and allow them to raise healthy/educated family and allow you to have money to enjoy your life and not rely on anyone else. If you aren't aiming for degree or business then at least be law abiding citizen. If you aren't law abiding and resort to stupid things for your personal time then leave the West because you clearly don't belong in place that has opportunities for you to become rich/well informeded/influential.

Now of course we Muslims do get stereotypes and media attention in West. Don't let that bother you, all minorities are looked down upon by some parts of society. That's just how life is. And don't let negative aspects of it affect you. Pursue your life. And strive to be succesful and stay in your country if youre of use for it. You should stay unless we are forced out or deported one day. If that happens one day then so be it, all our skills will be used in nations of parents origins and we can transform these nations to make them more advanced/achieve political stability or something of that sort. So getting to OP, that isn't beneficial for Israel to have Western Muslims deported/targeted. Because it will mean serious initiative for ME(Arabs going back) which will be bad for Israel but also if tensions are high nobody wants uncontrollable Muslim/West tensions which will cause havoc. As majority of population aren't so bright nor logiical and will be very reactionary.
Europe created Israel they supported and are supporting Israel in its murderous campaign against people of Palestine.
True. Britain a SECULAR country declared the Balfour declaration. Now why would they be so interested in the creation of a non-secular Jewish homeland. That's strange to me. I studied some Islamic eschatology and what you can find from it can explain the word today.
Muslims should relax , and let anyone do what they want to do against Islam , just stick to the faith and the book we Muslims have , a Muslim i have complete Belief that the fate of this world has been written , and things will happen as they were mean to be ...


Sahih International
Indeed, those who disbelieve - it is all the same for them whether you warn them or do not warn them - they will not believe.
PEGIDA ... in germany..and spreading to UK...

I Blv a lot will have to be done by the muslim migrants in European nations to gain trust,.,specially since immigrants tend to be inclusive and huddle together.

You can start by getting rid of anjem choudhry :)
Conspiracy theory? Is it?
All thanks to America Islamophobia is now an epidemic. Islam as a religion has been repeatedly sullied by non-muslims, and by few muslims whom I call extremists. These extremists consider themselves to be the torch bearers of Islam and spread the misinterpreted versions of the holy book (IMO!!).
I'm not sure if Israel has its hands in the cookie jar, but am sure that many muslims have shot themselves in the foot by asking for special privileges in European countries.
Conspiracy theory? Is it?
All thanks to America Islamophobia is now an epidemic. Islam as a religion has been repeatedly sullied by non-muslims, and by few muslims whom I call extremists. These extremists consider themselves to be the torch bearers of Islam and spread the misinterpreted versions of the holy book (IMO!!).
I'm not sure if Israel has its hands in the cookie jar, but am sure that many muslims have shot themselves in the foot by asking for special privileges in European countries.

The solution is very simple. All those demanding respect and accommodation for their own beliefs must accord the same respect and accommodation to others' beliefs too. Respect others to be respected yourselves as all are equal before the law.
The solution is very simple. All those demanding respect and accommodation for their own beliefs must accord the same respect and accommodation to others' beliefs too. Respect others to be respected yourselves as all are equal before the law.

Well said. It's funny to see religious people take to the streets protesting silly things claiming they have freedom of speech and expression - while at the same time burn anyone who dares go against their religion.
Well said. It's funny to see religious people take to the streets protesting silly things claiming they have freedom of speech and expression - while at the same time burn anyone who dares go against their religion.

It is not funny any more. Unless we all drive home this reciprocity of mutual respect and tolerance, we will all end up killing each other for such silly reasons.
The Europeans are aware of the Islamic threat to their civilization for quite some time now, and they don't need the Israelis to read to them the writing on the wall..

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