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Crackdown against communists spreading poison in our Universities


Apr 28, 2011
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This guy has raised a very valid question. There is large number of Professors who are known communists and hate Islam and state of Pakistan and its Armed Forces and are poisoning the minds of our students specially those from smaller provinces.

Therefore a Radaul Fasad operation is needed against these groups otherwise cancer of BLA and Sindhi Nationalists and PTM will continue to grow.
In the past Universities were hubs of knowledge and free thoughts exchanged amongst peers.


iF wE aLlOw gAy MaRrIaGeS wE wIlL bEcOME a SuPeRpOwER!!!

Communists want that the people worship the states and its idols. Whereas we Muslims freed our minds from this kind of slavery. Islam demands submission to the one true lord, the king of kings, and this notion made us free and culminated in the creation of Pakistan!
The focus of the hybrid war is now the educated young class. The universities are filled with such scum teachers. LUMS and the likes are breeding grounds for breeding elites that hate the country and its roots.
they are not paid to disclose that information so why would they ?
The students should come to their own conclusion and challenge the professor. Wasn't it last year several FC Balochestan frontier corps were kidnapped held at random and brutally murdered by having their throats slit by BLA.
Try this in other world universities and the professors would be arrested, banned from teaching and thrown in jail for inciting terrorism and hatred.
This is all the fault of the state and the government which tolerates such anti-state elements.

Unfortunately many problems in Pakistan today can be traced back to lethargic state response. There is no courage nor will to tackle anti-state elements. Whether they are BLA, PTM or liberal professors teaching anti-Pakistan curriculum. The BLA can attack the stock exchange and nothing happens. A professor attacking Pakistan verbally holds no meaning.

I work in the academic world. Try badmouthing The Netherlands at any uni and that will be your last day in office.
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This is all the fault of the state and the government which tolerates such anti-state elements.

Unfortunately many problems in Pakistan today can be traced back to lethargic state response. There is no courage nor will to tackle anti-state elements. Whether they are BLA, PTM or liberal professors teaching anti-Pakistan curriculum. The BLA can attack the stock exchange and nothing happens. A professor attacking Pakistan verbally holds no meaning.

I work in the academic world. Try badmouthing The Netherlands at any uni and that will be your last day in office.
The courage and will power of Pakistanis has sadly disappeared. The nation is too focused on Sass Bahu dramas.
The students should come to their own conclusion and challenge the professor. Wasn't it last year several FC Balochestan frontier corps were kidnapped held at random and brutally murdered by having their throats slit by BLA.
Try this in other world universities and the professors would be arrested, banned from teaching and thrown in jail for inciting terrorism and hatred.

I know but unfortunately they have powerful backers , people support them from Washington , London , Paris and Berlin ..

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