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Crackdown against communists spreading poison in our Universities

Just combine these two thought processes.

Just combine these two thought processes.

View attachment 646551 View attachment 646552

what it has anything do with today's world? Back then they were conquerors.
All people in power pass around same kind of comments against common people of their own nations and others in public and in private.
And I also read your comment of same kind for the people who try to stand against the state
strip them down and create an example out of such people and also their children
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Turks are patriots and will fight anyone harming their nation or interests. Pakistanis are not. We seem to be very passive people.

We are fighting the wrong battles amongst each other, and giving a free pass to the wrong people.

Pakistan mehman dari out of control.
Communists want that the people worship the states and its idols.

Sorry but that is rubbish.

Communism calls for government to disappear and the people to directly govern themselves. Please read my signature.
Sorry but that is rubbish.

Communism calls for government to disappear and the people to directly govern themselves. Please read my signature.

You entered the wrong thread buddy, better tie your red bandana and buckle your khakis for this one.

:D Pakistanis brutally hate Communists, I am sure I have told you before.
I disagree for the most part. All universities the world over are full of idealistic students, left leaning student political bodies, literal communists and student unions. Pakistan’s universities by comparison in my experience are FAR more tamed. I’d say in UK universities, 80% of the students are left or left leaning, at least the majority are or support dissenting political activism.

Even student unions in Pakistan are banned, this idea that university is a place for learning and not for politics is utter ignorance.

It’s a place for both, and every university worth it’s salt in any country will produce dissenters. As for the accusation that youth is being radicalised by professors to the point of militancy. This needs to be proven. If our youth are being duped by anti-state forces, I agree we need to look at it seriously. But shutting down speech, banning professors and making baseless accusations is exactly the ‘reactionary’ mindset that left wingers complain about.

Sorry but that is rubbish.

Communism calls for government to disappear and the people to directly govern themselves. Please read my signature.
I don’t think it advocates the disappearance of governance. Even archaism/anarchosyndicalism is often misattributed as calling for no government. Mainly it’s about reorganising capital in a society, communists themselves view it as a democratisation if the economic sphere along with accommodative moves in the political.

There’s some validity to this sort of thought even though I’m no communist by any stretch.
People like us, you and me - the average Joe must stand up and empower our young people. All we need is crowd funding and to dedicate our own time. We could do a BLM, make a movement to look out for Pakistani interests. The youth are on our side. Students at LUMS have rejected attempts to bring in Malala Yousafzai as a guest speaker. Read the opinions of these students - they are not asleep; they need organising and mobilising. We don't need a messiah to do it, we can do it ourselves.

Read their opinions - https://propakistani.pk/lens/lums-s...Wd8VRVkpyylRWMpIjgGJCWnRsznGNGkLhiG6A1AcU9qRU

These kids know what is going on. The energy and fire of youth should not be wasted on frustration and recreation. Let us channel it into a movement for the betterment of our society.
Please read a history book and show me one example of a communist small government.

Libya was close to one. It was direct democracy which is one of the aims of a true communist society.

Pakistanis brutally hate Communists, I am sure I have told you before.

What about Faiz Ahmed Faiz and his Rawalpindi Conspiracy ?

There is no need to hate communism. People can believe in God ( if that is your concern ) and yet be communists. Communism is more about organizing a society towards an evolved socio-economic structure which will remove injustices and disparities and bring social harmony while also keeping a simple governance structure.

I don’t think it advocates the disappearance of governance. Even archaism/anarchosyndicalism is often misattributed as calling for no government. Mainly it’s about reorganising capital in a society, communists themselves view it as a democratisation if the economic sphere along with accommodative moves in the political.

There’s some validity to this sort of thought even though I’m no communist by any stretch.

Below is Wikipedia's understanding of communism :
Communism is a philosophical, social, political, economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of a communist society, namely a socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money and the state.
When I said "disappearance of government" I meant removal of the modern Western style of political arrangement where there are political parties ( whether one or multiple ) and an unnecessary and complicated governance structure. For example, in India there is the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha which is a direct copy of the British House of Commons and House of Lords, respectively.

Governance of a society should be through the simplest political arrangement and an evolved socio-economic system. The former was implemented in Libya until 2011. The system is described here. For the latter I have come up with a new economic system as described in this recent thread and which combined with a system of common ( societal ) ownership of means of production and resources ( mining, Vertical Farms etc ), brings about an actual communist system. Also, what I would like to see is the resources management committee be able to allocate things like office space, computers etc to citizens who have some novel idea in some field and so want to start a "company" to develop that idea. Any product or further idea generated by a "company" will be owned proprietarily by that "company" but be owned by the society at large.

communists themselves view it as a democratisation if the economic sphere along with accommodative moves in the political.

I think my above text agrees with this point of yours.
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Libya was close to one. It is direct democracy which is one of the aims of a true communist society.

What about Faiz Ahmed Faiz and his Rawalpindi Conspiracy ?

There is no need to hate communism. People can believe in God ( if that is your concern ) and yet be communists. Communism is more about organizing a society towards an evolved socio-economic structure which will remove injustices and disparities and bring social harmony while also keeping a simple governance structure.

Below is Wikipedia's understanding of communism :

When I said "disappearance of government" I meant removal of the modern Western style of political arrangement where there are political parties ( whether one or multiple ) and an unnecessary and complicated governance structure. For example, in India there is the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha which is a direct copy of the British House of Commons and House of Lords, respectively.

Governance of a society should be through the simplest political arrangement and an evolved socio-economic system. The former was implemented in Libya until 2011. The system is described here. For the latter I have come up with a new economic system as described in this recent thread and which combined with a system of common ( societal ) ownership of means of production and resources ( mining, Vertical Farms etc ), brings about an actual communist system. Also, what I would like to see is the resources management committee be able to allocate things like office space, computers etc to citizens who have some novel idea in some field and so want to start a "company" to develop that idea. Any product or further idea generated by a "company" will be owned proprietarily by that "company" but be owned by the society at large.

I think my above text agrees with this point of yours.
Sure, while you’ve described one possible avenue of communist organisation, I just wanted to point out that doing away with post-manga carta style representative democracy is not necessarily a prerequisite for a given communist system. In fact, even in yours, I have to ask, what happens at a more centralised level? If you have a bunch of collectives and local devolved communist organisations, although you might ideally want the absence of a state, I think you will eventually form one nonetheless. Then how is it organised if not through a system of representative democracy and some degree of centralisation?

And certainly I’ve seen almost no examples of communist schools of thought that do not allow for a sort of central government to evolve over time, whether that’s through collectives and communes, system of soviets, and as I said even anarchism has structure and organisation, even if at its face it’s just a committee of soviets, or a federation of syndicates, communists etc, in the end what you have is a sort of de facto government and state, albeit with a different organisation.

I don’t necessarily think there’s a disagreement here, just recognising what that higher up system would look like Mx
View attachment 646294
This guy has raised a very valid question. There is large number of Professors who are known communists and hate Islam and state of Pakistan and its Armed Forces and are poisoning the minds of our students specially those from smaller provinces.

Therefore a Radaul Fasad operation is needed against these groups otherwise cancer of BLA and Sindhi Nationalists and PTM will continue to grow.
Is your name McCarthy ?
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