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CPEC: Why India is Opposing the Project?

Last time, your media list a 100 billion touted investment list form China, do you also hold the same opinion at that time? LOL,double standard,right.

A. Most of Indian media suffers from premature ejaculation syndrome, so it's qu
ite expected after hearing from some random source in China they will bloat and float any investment news.

B. None of the official sources claimed investment to the tune of 100bn $

C. India is already clocking 70bn $ in investment each year.

D. This hold answer to your question, whatever money China provided or will provide, will be as of investment without sovereign guarantee, unlike investment or say loan provided to pakistan which carries fixed returns and sovereign liabilities, so saying we are jealous when you invest in Pakistan and not when you invest in us is different.
When in Rome... so its a legitimate way to promote CPEC.
Believe me, if you can make Ramdeo to agree supporting CPEC, you can get entire India to rally behind the CPEC. Nothing sells anything in India as a cover of religion, yoga with a pinch of nationalism.
India joining cpec would usher in a new era of development in asia. That would be a real game changer. If only these two countries resolved their disputes! If only...
If any South East Asian country wants to join CPEC/OBOR, they should do it on their own capacity and jurisdiction. They don't have any leverage to make India join this chinese eyewash to make inroad to dump their products.
Chinese eyewash......very racist comment.
Now how many things can one say about Indian.?
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