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CPEC updates at Gwadar

China has released a grant of Rs 2 billion for the supply of clean drinking water in Gwadar.
The port and the city's population of about 168,000 will have access to safe drinking water.

CPEC projects in Gwadar will be completed in 2022.

1. Pak-China Friendship Hospital (300 beds) to be completed by December.
2. The six-lane Gwadar East Bay Expressway will be completed by April.
3. Water will be supplied to Gwadar city from nearby dams to meet local water demand, including Clean drinking water through Desalination plant.
Renovation and Upgradation of Gwadar Football Stadium completed.

After the construction of a scenic cricket stadium in the port city, a football stadium is set to be inaugurated in the foothills of Koh-i-Batil, much to the delight of Makran’s people, especially sports fans.

The director general of the Gwadar Development Authority, Mujeebur Rehman Qambrani, said on Friday that Mir Ghous Bakhsh Bizenjo Football Stadium had been renovated and would soon be inaugurated by Balochistan’s Chief Minister Mir Abdul Qudoos Bizenjo.

The old football stadium, spread over 138,000 square feet, was in a dilapidated condition and void of greenery, Mr Qambrani said, adding that players used to play there in the dust. The stadium had now been planted with greenery and illuminated by floodlights.

A new pavilion for spectators, a separate seating area for guests, rooms for players and offices have also been set up besides underground water tanks, walking tracks and washrooms for spectators. The parking area and other places have also been improved.


Reverse Osmosis Desalination (ROD) Plant having a capacity of 1.2 million gallon per day (MGD) will be set up at Gwadar with a Chinese grant of more than Rs2 billion to resolve the water shortage in the area.

Federal cabinet has approved the 1.2 MGD ROD Plant for Gwadar which will be completed with the help of China. It is aimed at providing fresh potable water for the people of the Gwadar city.

Originally, the federal government had approved the development scheme for desalination of water based on a 50:50% cost-sharing formula by the federal and Balochistan provincial governments respectively.

The population of Gwadar city has no reliable and sustainable access to drinking water for a very long time. Their main source of water is Ankara Dam which due to frequent droughts is unable even to meet the drinking water requirements of the city’s population.

The current water requirement of the Gwadar City is 4.2 MGD per day while supply from the government source is 2.0 MGD.

Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry contended that the water project will eliminate the shortage. “The people of Gwadar will have access to clean water now,” he added.
Great Stuff ghazi52. The completion of New Gwadar International Airport & East Bay Expressway will definitely act as a catalyst for the exponential growth of Gwadar and the region as a whole.
Following the completion of Pak China Technical and Vocational Institute Gwadar, the institution has initiated short courses to provide technical training to students.

It is clear that this is the first modern vocational and technical training institute will train 256 trainees at a time and every The year will provide training opportunities to at least 1,000 people.

The institution was completed much ahead of schedule in September 2021 and was initiated in Gwadar in Port City as a major project under CPEC......




SED to get tax-free status under Gwadar Master Plan

21 Mar, 2022

ISLAMABAD: Under Gwadar Smart Port City Master Plan, the proposed Special Economic District (SED) is likely to get tax-free status, Gwadar Pro reported on Sunday.

Gwadar Development Authority (GDA) has structured a draft seeking tax-free status for the proposed SED for the period of 30 to 35 years to be constructed under the Gwadar Smart Port City Master Plan.

The draft aims to put in place similar benefits and perks to local enterprises as awarded to foreign investors and businessmen in Special Economic Zones (SEZs) being established throughout the country.

Talking to Gwadar Pro, GPA Assistant Director Town Planning Abdul Razzaq said that the draft has been submitted to higher authorities for extensive deliberations hoping that the approval will make sure a level playing field for the local business community to prosper.

He said that under Gwadar Smart Port City Master Plan, officially notified in February 2020, the governance model (administrative setup) keeping in view micro detailed planning is undergoing rigorous brainstorming sessions by government authorities.

Simultaneously, PC-I of business plan revision so as to assimilate further rules and regulations for micro land use in Gwadar Smart Port City Master Plan is on the anvil, he added.

Another official of GDA said that GDA has also proposed financial allocation for Central Business District (CBD) designed to unleash high-tech economic activities under the approved Gwadar Smart Port City Master Plan.

Encapsulating the details, he said that in the past for old Gwadar Master Plan (2004 to 2014), around Rs24 billion were earmarked. GDA capitalising on the budget made the development from scratch, he added.

Out of total Rs24 billion, around Rs11 billion remained unspent and finally were lapsed. “We have requested the government in new PC-I of Gwadar Smart Port City Master Plan to make available lapsed Rs11 billion that was lawful money of GDA so that we make a head-start of development works as early as possible,” he revealed.

“It is also asked that hopefully using Rs11 billion as seed money, GDA will develop Central Business District (CBD) of Gwadar Smart Port City Master Plan that will help increase revenue generation to be used for further actualisation of many development projects including commercial enclave, industrial enclave, business enclave, recreational enclave, residential enclave and many more,” he went on saying.

“After tuning in the nitty-gritty of draft proposal seeking tax-free status, the presentation has been given to Government of Balochistan and President Arif Alvi,” he added, saying that now GDA is waiting for positive response.

According to the blueprint of Gwadar Smart Port City Master Plan, there are three terms—2025 as the first term, 2035 second term and 2050 third and last term.

Gwadar Port Authority Chairman Naseer Ahmed Kashani said that the Gwadar Smart Port City Master plan will prove to be a game-changer. “It will shape up Gwadar to materialise well-ordered trade with China, Central Asian countries and Afghanistan.

Islamabad : A dedicated CPEC artery, Eastbay Expressway, linking Gwadar port to China, is likely to be open to all commercial traffic on May 16 after Eidul Azha.

The 19-kilometer-long six-lane road is the main artery of Gwadar Port, through which the entire traffic of the port will realise the dream of making Gwadar a logistic and economic hub of the region in line with objectives of CPEC as well as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

The expressway will provide primary connectivity between the port & its Free Zone I and Free Zone II with Makran Coastal Highway (N-10) and Motorway 8 (CPEC’s Western route) for smooth logistic transportation of import, export, and transit goods to Khujrab, border of China.

In an interview with Gwadar Pro, Eastbay Expressway Project Director Imam Buksh Bezenjo, official of Gwadar Port Authority (GPA), said that ribbon-cutting of the Eastbay Expressway is highly expected on May 16.

“Since we have run test-drive successfully recently, we will complete all major works including road marking, installation of cat-eyes, erection of boards of signage & direction signs and installation of cameras in April, the Eastbay Expressway will be open to traffic in May,” he added.

“Countdown has started as a few days are left to inaugurate the Eastbay Expressway that has also played an important role in creation of jobs. Since the beginning till date, around 1,300 locals of Gwadar have been employed,” he replied.

GPA manager operation Capt. Gul Muhammad said that GPA and China Communication Construction Company (CCCC) have cooperated in mega work from designing, modeling and physical construction of the Eastbay Expressway
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