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COW URINE/DUNG- Why its holy to Hindus

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whats ppl beleve its not our problim i only feel sad when a humen killied or hart for cow.other wise you drink eat kill or worship cow its your matter of faith.i have no problim.
This reminds me of the time soon after my thread ceremony when my dad took me to a temple for the first time to change my sacred thread. This was when I was about 12 years old.

I had heard of cow urine being used in these ceremonies. However I had never actually encountered them in any of the earlier rituals I was a part of. Maybe it was cleverly masked with other ingredients. The ceremony involves using a small metal container containing water along with a spoon and a plate used during the ceremony. The ceremony consisted of the usual rituals which I had done earlier. However there was one aspect here which was different to what I had ever encountered before. A yellowish liquid was given to everyone participating in the ceremony. This looked like the usual holy water which is meant to be drunk. So, like good boy, I put it into my mouth.

The taste of straw was unmistakable. In horror, I spat it out in the plate, gargled using the cup containing the water and spat it out again in the same plate. I then grabbed my dad's cup too and used it to wash my mouth. It quickly bought the whole ceremony to an end.

That was probably the last time my dad ever insisted I take part in any ritual.
Since I am Doctor, I have (supposedly :rolleyes:) a say in this.

The urine of all healthy animals is "Sterile" !!!! :cheesy: ----------> yes, it does not contain any bacteria at all, and for that matter no fungi, parasites or viruses. The key word here is healthy. If an animal has an infection, especially of the urinary tract, then, whatever animal or human being it is, its urine is no longer sterile.

2) More importantly, note that, urine of a healthy animal is sterile as long as it stays inside, the moment it comes through the urethra (pee hole :eek:), it becomes infested with millions upon millions of bacteria, if we also consider that the urethra is unclean/ unwashed, which it is in animals,, but the same would not apply if the urethra and surrounding was washed as well. In that case, since when it comes out, it doesnt touch anything dirty, therefore it stays sterile.

3) Medically:

A: Use of any urine, is inadvisable,
B: However, say we were in a bad situation, like a battlefield, and a soldier got bad wounds, there was no medical aid in sight, not even clean bandages or clothes, then and only then, urine could be used to wash the wound "But, only after washing the urethra and surrounding of the volunteer" :police:

4) For all of my Muslim extra nutty friends like fundamentalist :rolleyes:, the Islamic teaching is to respect other people's gods, religion and beliefs, (except for cultists and scientologists that is :lol:), AND

"A Hindu friend of mine told me that Cow urine(+/- Dung) is part of Ajurvedic Medicine. It is belief of the Ulema that the Vedas, including the Rig Veda and the Ajur Ved, are divine scriptures, therefore, since it has been mentioned in them, we should not practice it ourselves but we must respect it just like we respect the Bible.

Whatever people write and believe, the fact is that even in India not many people use cow urine. In fact if you have to travel to India to see its use, you have to struggle a bit. I have not seen it even once in my life. So perceptions have now become more important than the actual truth.
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