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COVID-19 vaccine protects monkeys from new coronavirus, Chinese biotech reports

We can see how Indian mind works? Oxford and others are in a stage of trial and error on monkeys and then on humans. But, Indians are taking unnecessary risks before the vaccine is proved 100% safe. Have your fellows done with trial and error? So, please send us the results.

Indians are very cheap and feeble-minded trying to hijack others tireless efforts and becoming the Champion.
@UKBengali, @casual

Good observation...
I have some very rude questions regarding your religion too, but I will not venture into it coz there is a difference how my parents raised me and yours did, and that should show .
@waz please take care of this troll who is trying to flame a religious war
I am talking about your societal old-style mindset and not about religion. Have I ever used the word, 'Hinduism'?

I would have to go with @manga on this as the Indian pharmaceutical company is spending it's own money to already mass manufacture the potential vaccine, and it will only be given to people if it is proven to be effective and safe.

Since they are spending their own money on the manufacture and the Oxford team have obviously given them permission to do so, then I personally cannot see the problem here.

Remember the problem with any vaccine even if it is proven to be safe and effective is how to potentially produce billions of doses in as short as space of time as most of the world's population will need to be given it. Since the Indian company already is manufacturing it, they will learn quicker than others on how to scale the production up massively and so if the vaccine is effective and safe, then India could be in a position to help the world at large on a substantial basis.

Remember the world is in this together. If the Indians can produce a vaccine more quickly than anyone else, then it is in their interest to supply as many other countries as possible. The novel coronavirus does not care about borders.
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