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Covid-19 - Devastating Second Wave in India - Updates and Discussion

Yes we can see. Shame you are here arguing whilst India dies literally. We in Pakistan feel for you. Sincerely
We have our vaccines under production, yes the new surge is deadly but atleast we are performing the best in vaccination front, fastest in the whole world to administer 130+ million doses.
you dont need omens to know who sends blessing and azaab. only Allah can send such things.

The question is how do you know that it is an azab? If it comes to Pakistan tomorrow, God forbid, will it be something else then? The tens of thousands of Muslims that have died from it, was this an azab on them as well?

this is applicable to when muslims pass by such lands when azaab is/has been inflicted. i am not passing through india.

...............Please don't give me disingenuous responses. I don't have the time or patience for them.

Nuh (as) asked Allah to destroy an entire people.

"And Nuh said: "My Lord! Leave not one of the disbelievers on the earth! If You leave them, they will mislead Your slaves, and they will beget none but wicked disbelievers." " (Surah Nuh 71:26-27)

so did Musa (as), Lut (as), etc.

Are you a Rusul? Please know that azab is a component factor of a Rusul's cycle. Regardless, it shows no reveling. Please don't concoct religious decrees by yourself.

You can ask for help against your enemy all you want. Rejoicing in anyone's misery does not beget any Islamic teachings, the Pakistani ethos, or human dignity. Especially when that misery is not bringing you any relief.

This off topic discussion has gone on enough. Ends right here.
We have our vaccines under production, yes the new surge is deadly but atleast we are performing the best in vaccination front, fastest in the whole world to administer 130+ million doses.
Oh...carry on then. May you get more chai walas to lead you
no sir ,
my grand parents were educated enough to understand difference between bacteria and virus , so no belief in cow or camel urine therapy runs in my family .
better you consult some teachers of biology who can easily tell you about your wrong beliefs .

When you use hand sanitizer, is that an antibacterial....no? An antibacterial is used to prevent the spread of a virus??...unheard of.
Vaccination will take time due to large population. In the meanwhile, whatever one has heard of, will try that to escape the danger.
But this particular video was made for point-scoring.
Vaccination will take time due to large population. In the meanwhile, whatever one has heard of, will try that to escape the danger.
But this particular video was made for point-scoring.

Thats not true.

Indians have been promoting Cow Urine as a cure for covid19 since last year when all this started.

They are just at it AGAIN.
Sorry about the Loss.

unfortunately Indian trolls on PDF are playing all this down and busy promoting how India will fight back with vaccination drive.
Thats not true.

Indians have been promoting Cow Urine as a cure for covid19 since last year when all this started.

They are just at it AGAIN.
Yes Sir I am aware of their Panchgavya panacea.
I just hope govt
Of pakistan learn a lesson grow a pair and enforce masks , these donkey dik& on the city streets have the same attitude no one is wearing masks , there is no social distancing
April 23, 2021 04:06 AM

India set a global record in daily infections for a second straight day Friday as it struggles to provide oxygen and other emergency supplies to a growing number of COVID-19 patients who are struggling to breath.

The South Asian nation’s health ministry said it counted 332,730 new infections in the previous 24-hour period, surpassing Thursday’s record daily toll of 314,835.

In western India, a fire at the Vijay Vallabh Hospital killed at least 13 COVID-19 patients, while at least six hospitals in the capital of New Delhi either depleted their oxygen supplies or came dangerously close to running out.

The oxygen shortage is so acute that the high court ordered the national government to divert oxygen from industrial use to hospitals, prompting authorities to transport oxygen tanks on special express trains.

The Biden administration’s top medical adviser on the pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci, said Friday the U.S. is attempting to help India contain its coronavirus surge by providing technical support and assistance.

“It is a dire situation that we’re trying to help in any way we can,” Fauci said at the regularly held White House coronavirus briefing. “They have a situation there where there are variants that have arisen. We have not yet fully characterized the variants and the relationship between the ability of the vaccines to protect. But we’re assuming, clearly, that they need vaccines.”

Johns Hopkins University reports that India has more than 16 million COVID-19 cases. Only the U.S., with almost 32 million cases, has more infections than India.

In a recent essay in The New York Times, the director-general of the World Health Organization offered some scathing words for countries that have snatched up the world’s supply of COVID-19 vaccines.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus wrote “vaccine nationalism” has weakened COVAX, WHO’s initiative to provide vaccines to countries that need help securing them. Instead, what has emerged in the world, he said, is “a handful of rich countries gobbling up the anticipated supply as manufacturers sell to the highest bidder, while the rest of the world scrambles for the scraps ... perpetuating the pattern of patronage that keeps the world’s have-nots exactly where they are.”

The solution to combating the pandemic, the WHO chief said, “comes down to a simple choice: to share or not to share.”

“Whether or not we do,” he said, “is not a test of science, financial muscle or industrial prowess; it’s a test of character.”

Pope Frances met with a group of poor people Friday who were getting their coronavirus vaccinations, which had been donated by the Vatican.

As the group gathered in the Paul VI audience hall at the Vatican to receive their second dose of the 600 available doses, the pope greeted them and volunteers helping with the vaccinations.

Japan is set to declare a state of emergency because of a surge in COVID-19 infections, just three months before the opening of the Olympic Games in Tokyo.

“We have a strong sense of crisis," Yasutoshi Nishimura, Japan's minister for virus response, said Friday, according to Agence France-Press.

Japan has more than 550,000 COVID-19 cases, according to Johns Hopkins.

Johns Hopkins University reported Friday nearly 145 million people worldwide had been infected with COVID-19 and that the disease had killed more than 3 million people.

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