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Why stop at gau mutar? Why not human piss?

I don't know? Why stop eating at cow...why not eat humans? ....maybe because all people have limits for what they can and cannot justify. There is consumption of human urine in the bible.
I don't know? Why stop eating at cow...why not eat humans? ....maybe because all people have limits for what they can and cannot justify. There is consumption of human urine in the bible.
Eating meat and drinking piss is quite different I assure you.
It is all going wrong in Modistan.
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i don't believe in piss therapy , but i think many people here have great faith in cow piss and camel piss therapy with some divine backing .

It's what people used to do back when folk medicine was common. My people and your people. Maybe your parents but for sure your grandparents.
It's what people used to do back when folk medicine was common. My people and your people. Maybe your parents but for sure your grandparents.

no sir ,
my grand parents were educated enough to understand difference between bacteria and virus , so no belief in cow or camel urine therapy runs in my family .
better you consult some teachers of biology who can easily tell you about your wrong beliefs .
No one in the world worships the Anglos as much as the Indians. Only group of people to enjoy being colonised are the Indians. It’s the Stockholm Syndrome.

Anglos were the first to abandon you in your time of need.

For all the sh*t you and your countrymen talk about China, I feel sorry for the people in India that are losing their loved ones.

my signature statement said it all.
i don't believe in piss therapy , but i think many people here have great faith in cow piss and camel piss therapy with some divine backing .
Nothing holy about the Camel in Islam. It’s a good beast of burden, meat is good for eating, milk is good for drinking. If Bedouins have discovered good aspects of Camel pee good for them but nothing holy like gaumutra.
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Suppose this virus mutates 3-4 times during its long stay in India... how badly will the entire world be f*cked? Could the virus become truly airborne (like Measles)?
Read what Mohammed(pbuh) did : Camel Urine

Given the amount of Muslims you've met you should know that had that been true 1.8 billion people around the world would have been practicing it. This narration has been debunked ad infinitum, many times on this very forum. Next time you post it, I will take it as a clear indication of flame bait.
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