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Covid-19 - Devastating Second Wave in India - Updates and Discussion

Rest in peace doctor. We are terribly sorry for the loss.
a new type find in india today vaccine is doomed

triple mutent b-1-618

It will spread, it will spread all over the world. I am just thinking what will happen to the whole world with covid-19, looks like next 2/3 years the world is doomed.
It is true that a lot of things have messed up in India regarding COVID.

There have been failures but there have been few things done right.

What amazes me the glee and happiness expressed by few people on this thread.
These fools don’t realise that they are not far behind and the Pakistan government may impose a lockdown. The vaccination in Pakistan is also abysmally slow.

In India vaccination programme would control the pandemic in the next few months. 135 million people are already inoculated.

What is the state of Pakistan? At the current rate of vaccination it would take 135 years to vaccinate people in Pakistan. Listen to this expert from Pakistan at 4 min.

Don’t celebrate misery of others when that misery is knocking your own doors.
do not quote this guy for him world is end many years ago if you know him .

Didn’t know about him. Saw that he has quite a following on YouTube.
bhai in1990s he make programs on end of world and wrote books . if you want to hear worse case scenarios ask him he will have total pic of what worse can go . :o:
I pray for Indians going through this hell, its very difficult heart breaking and mind wreaking to see your loves one gasp for oxygen and there is none present and there is nothing you can do.

i also pray for physical & mental well being of healthcare workers, physical because its subcontinent and mental because its traumatising to see scores of people dying and you can just sit and watch
I know where the quadruple mutant variant is coming from
From India and the covid-19 virus mutated badly due to indian unhygiene practice and lack of awareness practicing social distancing which cause the virus to multiply rapidly.
The coronavirus is largely a tool of Western powers to put Global South countries in deeper debt, the BBC is by far the worst news outlet for spreading fear I have found, Al Jazeera reports on world events as normal with the odd COVID story, BBC news is the opposite.

New "mutations" will keep appearing until the media moguls and their paymasters decide it is time to close shop.
What are you smoking these days???o_O
From India and the covid-19 virus mutated badly due to indian unhygiene practice and lack of awareness practicing social distancing which cause the virus to multiply rapidly.
So what practice start the virus in the first place. The virus mutates and i think people started letting their guard down thinking the worse is over. The government at fault for not being prepared for second wave it was known that a second wave more deadly and to be short of supplies like oxygen is just criminal
world to india after triple mutant virus

In fact, we're just waiting for a more lethal mutant strain to emerge. From the start, most countries gave up.Their actions are aimed at pacifying the population rather than fighting the virus. And the US began to spread all kinds of lies and attacks on China in order to divert attention. Perhaps to cover up the origin of the virus, the US has until now refused to let the international community into the US to investigate. But in a practical sense, the place of origin does not matter.We need to really deal with this virus instead of waiting for things to get worse.

Unfortunately, with the exception of China, most governments do not seem to care.It is only a matter of time before a more virulent mutated strain emerges, or if it has already emerged in India, it has not caught our attention.

We are like prisoners waiting to be sentenced.
Pakistan should close all borders..stop all train services.

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