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Covid-19 - Devastating Second Wave in India - Updates and Discussion

So according you guys it's western media bias against innocent India? How come you guys don't say the same thing when we make reports about China?
You journos in China can't even report without thinking thousand times that they can end up in prison for what they are saying or writing.

In India, they are making reporting straight out of cremation grounds without giving a second thought about the dignity of the dead or effects on the mind of the viewers.

Looks more to me like a dictatorship than a democracy. Since when a real democracy acts this way? 🤦🏾‍♂️
Don't teach India democracy. India is among the civilization first to practice democracy as system of governance. Now get lost.

Mate it never was a democracy like you think it is.
Here comes a sepoy to his masters rescue.
Mate it never was a democracy like you think it is.

Like I said before - when you can buy an illiterate's vote with a dhoti/saree/meal, that is not a democracy.

Democracy is ill suited to India - which Hindutva Bhakts know quite well. It was always a whitewash and a farce.

Propaganda (of Pakistani and Bangladeshi bugaboo - "woh log aa raha hai") is what drives votes for educated Indians and the dhoti/saree/meal does it for illiterates.
New Delhi: “My mother will die if you take away her oxygen cylinder.”

The mother of a young man – seen in a viral video pleading with Uttar Pradesh police to not confiscate an oxygen cylinder that some men under their escort are seen carting towards a van – passed away hours after the video was shot.

The video from Upadhyay Hospital in Agra shows a young man in a PPE suit down on his knees pleading with the police. On April 28, this video was tweeted by Times of India journalist Deepak Lavania, among others, and was soon shared multiple times.


35-year-old Shyam, who lives near the crematorium, told NDTV, "I have lived here all my life. In 35 years I have never witnessed a situation like this. On usual days, the crematorium used to shut by 6 PM. But now it runs round the clock. All these additional bodies are cremated in the open parking lot and the smoke and fumes enter our houses. We can't even open our windows at any point. This crematorium is in the middle of a residential area. Psychologically also it is very disturbing to see funeral pyres lit up all night and we understand the pain of those who have lost their loved ones."

You know when you such tragic stories, you do pity the Indians. And yet when they should be trying to save India they come here to troll. Maybe they are false flaggers, for those who are not and still put BS here about China amidst this horrible pandemic deserve the leadership India currently has.
New Delhi: “My mother will die if you take away her oxygen cylinder.”

The mother of a young man – seen in a viral video pleading with Uttar Pradesh police to not confiscate an oxygen cylinder that some men under their escort are seen carting towards a van – passed away hours after the video was shot.

The video from Upadhyay Hospital in Agra shows a young man in a PPE suit down on his knees pleading with the police. On April 28, this video was tweeted by Times of India journalist Deepak Lavania, among others, and was soon shared multiple times.

This guy should think about not voting for BJP again.
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