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Covid-19 - Devastating Second Wave in India - Updates and Discussion

So when Sonu Sood and Chef Vikas Khanna were feeding desperately hungry people, when reverse migrants were dying of hunger on trains and roads you and your family were feeding dogs. You even have an affectionate word for them - "doggos". Your 35+ million "doggos" have are dangerous. They attack and kill humans and cats and must be removed. If you live in Kerala you will know of the anti-stray-dog sentiment among many people there.

You should review your thoughts.
forgot to mention, they fed, clothed, gave cash, arranged transport for migrants too.

you're obviously a retard.. dogs and cats get along just fine

did you do anything for migrants apart from sprout your bullcrap online ?

did you even give one mirant a bit of cash, food, some clothes ? toys for the kids ?

probably not.. you're too busy eyeing other people's money, you greedy spiteful communist !
forgot to mention, they fed, clothed, gave cash, arranged transport for migrants too.

I doubt that.

you're obviously a retard.. dogs and cats get along just fine

And you obviously haven't ever heard or seen a cat, even a baby cat, being chased down by five to eight dogs and bitten to death over time.

The cry of a dying cat is one of the saddest sounds one can hear.

Where are the cats in India, I ask you !

I ask that of that vile woman, arch dog lover Maneka Gandhi too !

did you do anything for migrants apart from sprout your bullcrap online ?

did you even give one mirant a bit of cash, food, some clothes ? toys for the kids ?

probably not.. you're too busy eyeing other people's money, you greedy spiteful communist !

If India was a communist country those sad situations would not have occurred in the first place.

So you should read my economic proposal thread and spread word of it. If it is implemented along with other leftist, scientific and progressive ideas I can guarantee a radically changed India.
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Niagara Falls to be Illuminated In Tricolour in India's Support to Fight Covid

@CONNAN, my above post should have been "being chased down by five to eight dogs".
well such characters don't care about the truth, they just care if it makes sense to them, which is the stupidest and most illogical way way of thinking . uses the pragmatic theory of truth, which is flawed, because you can use it to justify literally anything, including murder. The pragmatic Theory simply means, if something works then it's good for me and correct. People that think this way are very close minded.They don’t want to admit any mistakes of their own and neither they want anyone to have reasonable discussion on their beliefs. Simple reason is that they don’t have reasons to justify their act so they do these alternative things for their ego.
As a Chinese I am very familiar with those national characters. Why is that? Because I am Chinese, and I am familiar with Chinese history.

China once was a noble nation, back in 202 BC – 220 AD Han Dynasty, 618 to 907 AD Tang Dynasty, those Chinese are so different from those in Qing Dynasty, so different that they are two kind of species.

What changed? National characters. In Han Dynasty, they are brave solders, hard working farmers, discipline citizens. In Tang Dynasty, they are poets, diplomats, innovative. In Qing Dynasty, they are coward, selfish, undisciplined, shortsighted, inward looking, greedy, self-destructive.

Who changed the fate of China? The CCP and the greatest revolution.

India never went through any revolution in past 100 years, the legacy, good and bad all kept.

The old colonized society, good and bad culture, religions, cults, landlords, Zamindaris, they kept their influence and increasingly more influential.

The India society is mosaic, factions interests dominated, chaotic.

The leadership is absent, busy on elections after elections, please voter bank, putting national interest aside.

The India nowadays and Republic of China ruled by KMT back in 1930s are perfect clones in my eyes.

this is why I said India = Late Qing many times before. We've seen it before. We've lived it. We were India today, 100 years ago. Saying India = 1920's ROC could be even more accurate.
I doubt that.
why doubt ? charity comes naturally to people who have something to give.

but a greedy starving commie like you who is always eyeing other people's money to pay for his needs probably has nothing to offer to anyone, I don't doubt that for a second.

ok, gotta feed the stray babies again..
unfortunately We have a few physcopath politicians , who want to protect their image. When the emperor himself is naked, what to expect from his blind supporters
It thought the miraculous powers of "democracy with greedy bourgeoisie American characteristics" were supposed to prevent that a bunch of incompotent psychopaths could rule over a country?
It thought the miraculous powers of "democracy with greedy bourgeoisie American characteristics" were supposed to prevent that a bunch of incompotent psychopaths could rule over a country?

Democracy nor communism will not help when people blindly follow popular figures and vote them to power
India does need emergency supplies as the mutants both Indian and UK variants spreading very fast and attacking young in densely populated in cities in North or West.

For this reason local authorities in Delhi and other place are totally unprepared for this kind of surge where 4 million new cased reported within a span of 4 weeks.

Situation in US was no different four months back , except media reported it differently. In India, wester media has gone totally Ghoulish.

There are a dozen in Delhi. But all of western media is going to that single cremation ground designated mainly for Covid dead. Practically In all western media reports, the same Sardarji manager will be seen talking to media.
So according you guys it's western media bias against innocent India? How come you guys don't say the same thing when we make reports about China?
You guys should calm down and take responsibility for your failures, instead of forcing twitter, Facebook and other social media site to shutdown comments or reports from Indians critical about your government response to this crisis. Looks more to me like a dictatorship than a democracy. Since when a real democracy acts this way? 🤦🏾‍♂️
So according you guys it's western media bias against innocent India? How come you guys don't say the same thing when we make reports about China?
You guys should calm down and take responsibility for your failures, instead of forcing twitter, Facebook and other social media site to shutdown comments or reports from Indians critical about your government response to this crisis. Looks more to me like a dictatorship than a democracy. Since when a real democracy acts this way? 🤦🏾‍♂️
Mate it never was a democracy like you think it is.
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