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Covid-19 - Devastating Second Wave in India - Updates and Discussion

Where is the Indian Government and their military. They claim to be so capable but can’t organize to build COVID hospitals on a war footing. Their Air Force should stand down all other operations and be flying day and night to bring in the needed supplies the world is offering. The frantic search for an ICU beds, the mismanagement, the needless loss of life and families shattered is appalling and heartbreaking.

This second wave going through India may last for months. As I saw here in New York, going up the curve is very quick but coming down was very slow. Hundreds of thousands may yet die, unless at the very least the Indian government/military builds emergency hospital expansions. Our last emergency hospital in New York only just closed this week, more than 6 months after the peak of the worst of it.

For Pakistan it should be preparing for an increase in cases a week or two at most after Eid. Supplies should be acquired and staff prepared. In all likelihood this virus strain is already across the border and only needs a large gathering of people to spread like wildfire.

This was New York City last year, even with an all out effort and all the resources in the world.
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I can post pictures and videos of people dying on the streets, but I won't. This didn't happen in the US.
Heard from an American friend about West media reportage. She says, their HIPPA laws prevent a lot of the similar photos that they have access to in India. So the public has not seen the full extent of the damage in their own countries and hence there has been denialism And schadenfreude. @dbc

The US was also capable to control the situation. In your case, western media picked the news after continuous failure of your central as well as state governments. In addition, you started silencing the voices of people who were raising concerns.

Yes, US took control of the situation after five months of the second wave after vaccination.

For the first three months of the second wave in US, daily deaths were above 3000 and that too in a country with 4.5 times less in population compared to India.

Yes, India did a mistake by not preparing for the second wave that too with very contagious mutants. In fact Delhi govt dismantled two big Covid facilities in the month of January.

Now they have to rush in supplies and medication as fast as they could and for that India is willing to take assistance as saving lives is more important.

Stop pretending to be a healthcare superpower.. stop claiming that you can save the world... stop believing that you are a developed nation and can survive without external aid.
We aren't claiming to be health super power. We are perfectly aware of our situation.

I'm also perfectly aware of ur and other Pakistanis tendency to underestimate India. If that gives u good sleep at night and stable pulse rate, then it's okay.
Loss of human life could have been avoided if Modi the moron hadn't relaxed Covid restrictions @Joe Shearer @jamahir

Well, I am not a medical expert but I think four problems led to this massive loss of life :

1. Lack of production capacity for materials ( medicine raw materials, ventilator machines, oxygen etc ).

2. Logistics i.e. cross-country delivery of above things.

3. Lack of free, universal, high-quality healthcare which led to many people suffering just because of lack of money.

4. Lack of discipline among citizens in following preventive measures ( wearing masks, social distancing, not participating in religious gatherings and political rallies etc )
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For the first three months of the second wave in US, daily deaths were above 3000 and that too in a country with 4.5
Only difference is that there was no underreporting while in your case, there's a lot of underreporting.

Foreign and social media has exposed you gullible lot badly.
I'm also perfectly aware of ur and other Pakistanis tendency to underestimate India. If that gives u good sleep at night and stable pulse rate, then it's okay.

We want to show you the reality. And if you can search, just go to the posts where I am saying that we are about to enter the phase where India is right now. We are not overestimating or capability unlike you guys.. We are raising our voice now before it's too late. Your eyes are still closed sadly.
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Well, I am not a medical expert but I think four problems led to this massive loss of life :

1. Lack of production capacity for materials ( medicine raw materials, ventilator machines, oxygen etc ).

2. Logistics i.e. cross-country delivery of above things.

3. Lack of free, universal, high-quality healthcare which led to many people suffering because of lack of money.

4. Lack of discipline among citizens in not following preventive measures ( wearing masks, social distancing, not participating in religious gatherings and political rallies etc )
In short, lack of vision, leadership.
As I said before, India is a disorganized, dysfunctional society. India need a revolution.

Fabianism dividend has come to the end.
As I said before, India is a disorganized, dysfunctional society. India need a revolution.

1. Most Indians are fatalists who typically blame themselves for any shortcomings in their lives. They don't blame the system thus they don't feel the need to change the system. There is a saying among Indians which in English translates to "Spread out your legs only as long as the mattress". Most Indians are not ambitious, especially the vision they have for society.

2. When many Indians organize they do so as a mob and not as a scientific group with progressive aims. Being extremely religious adds more fuel to this fire.

3. Many Indians don't have empathy. Even the report of 300,000+ Indian farmers having committed suicide within ten years because of artificial, socio-economic reasons, this doesn't move many Indians.

Thus I think these three points are why many, if not most, Indians, including the middle class, especially the middle class, doesn't rise up in revolutionary thinking.

Maybe the UNO should govern India for some years.
Any example in world where dying patients are in cars rickshaws or on roads given oxygen? If they can get it
Only difference is that there was no underreporting while in your case, there's a lot of underreporting.
Sample this.

Cuomo administration underreported nursing home Covid deaths by up to 50%, NY attorney general says

Sample this.

Cuomo administration underreported nursing home Covid deaths by up to 50%, NY attorney general says

Have you even read the report you are quoting?

@dbc we have another case of deliberate false accusations.
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1. Most Indians are fatalists who typically blame themselves for any shortcomings in their lives. They don't blame the system thus they don't feel the need to change the system. There is a saying among Indians which in English translates to "Spread out your legs only as long as the mattress". Most Indians are not ambitious, especially the vision they have for society.

2. When many Indians organize they do so as a mob and not as a scientific group with progressive aims. Being extremely religious adds more fuel to this fire.

3. Many Indians don't have empathy. Even the report of 300,000+ Indian farmers having committed suicide within ten years because of artificial, socio-economic reasons, this doesn't move many Indians.

Thus I think these three points are why many, if not most, Indians, including the middle class, especially the middle class, doesn't rise up in revolutionary thinking.

Maybe the UNO should govern India for some years.
As a Chinese I am very familiar with those national characters. Why is that? Because I am Chinese, and I am familiar with Chinese history.

China once was a noble nation, back in 202 BC – 220 AD Han Dynasty, 618 to 907 AD Tang Dynasty, those Chinese are so different from those in Qing Dynasty, so different that they are two kind of species.

What changed? National characters. In Han Dynasty, they are brave solders, hard working farmers, discipline citizens. In Tang Dynasty, they are poets, diplomats, innovative. In Qing Dynasty, they are coward, selfish, undisciplined, shortsighted, inward looking, greedy, self-destructive.

Who changed the fate of China? The CCP and the greatest revolution.

India never went through any revolution in past 100 years, the legacy, good and bad all kept.

The old colonized society, good and bad culture, religions, cults, landlords, Zamindaris, they kept their influence and increasingly more influential.

The India society is mosaic, factions interests dominated, chaotic.

The leadership is absent, busy on elections after elections, please voter bank, putting national interest aside.

The India nowadays and Republic of China ruled by KMT back in 1930s are perfect clones in my eyes.
Sample this.

Cuomo administration underreported nursing home Covid deaths by up to 50%, NY attorney general says

To give you and insight on what's written in the report :

“many nursing home residents died from Covid-19 in hospitals after being transferred from their nursing homes, which is not reflected in D.O.H.’s published total nursing home death data.”

Which means that they were not reported as nursing home deaths, instead, they were reported as died in hospitals. Which means that the number of dead of covid overall wasn't underreported, it was a case of underreporting in one facility and over reporting in another.
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