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Covid-19 - Devastating Second Wave in India - Updates and Discussion

Who can believe the official number where people are burning the dead everywhere on the streets and some reports say now people are running out of fire wood, it's a total disaster and the government just doesn't care, what'e the point of being able to criticize the government if the criticism makes noting happen?
If COVID doesn't kill them then hospitals will:-

Riches of India have already booked their flights :)
If COVID doesn't kill them then hospitals will:-

If COVID doesn't kill them then hospitals will:-

The India Modi government are useless, neglecting public infrastructure and only concern about buying more Rafale and useless aircraft carrier even their economy is not doing well.
India is a society divided on caste and creed. Region and religion differences matters.

They don't care if another Indian of a lower caste die. Just as few rich don't care about millions of poor dying or living a hapless life.

Care, compassion, love and respect is unknown and not practiced in Indian society, as they are divided, on above factors mentioned.

Uncivilized and least integrated as well, looking at the senile and vitriol they use against Pakistan, their own Muslims and poor Dalits...

They are different...
India is a society divided on caste and creed. Region and religion differences matters.

They don't care if another Indian of a lower caste die. Just as few rich don't care about millions of poor dying or living a hapless life.

Care, compassion, love and respect is unknown and not practiced in Indian society, as they are divided, on above factors mentioned.

Uncivilized and least integrated as well, looking at the senile and vitriol they use against Pakistan, their own Muslims and poor Dalits...

They are different...

And we have seen the society with single religion with no cast. Fortunately, we are not like them.
I don't think.. maybe just 50% cases are reported.
No of cases are highly underreported but not deaths !

More than 80% of deaths are reported, crematoriums and burial grounds have limits and they don't lie.

Deaths are high in cities because mutant strains are mostly present their only.

For ex In Delhi the UK strain is present in most cases simply due to farmer's protests leading to high influx of NRI's.


"The UK variant was found in 28% of samples in the second week of March. In the last week of the month, 50% of samples had this variant, Singh added."
Modi for another 15/25 years in India. Leading India to great heights and development. Long live Modi. He is true patriot and stands for opressed Hindu majority. Hindus need his rule and India needs his rule. Jai Shri Modi Ji. Modi Ji ki jai ho. Only Muslims and Sikh oppose his rule. Hindus and patriots support him fully.
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