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Covid-19 - Devastating Second Wave in India - Updates and Discussion

All fascists and extremists care about the image perception, than about reality.

And they hire Goebbels type spin doctors hired by the Hitler, expert in lies and deceit.

Godi media is exactly the Goebbels lies.
Totally agree.

BTW any chance the 'youth' in question is a Muslim?

Zealous Muslim not just ordinary Muslim. He is defaming Modi Ji Sarkar goverment. Now we surely gona cure his grand father in retaliation. Muslims only understand language of proper education.
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All fascists and extremists care about the image perception, than about reality.

And they hire Goebbels type spin doctors hired by the Hitler, expert in lies and deceit.

Godi media is exactly the Goebbels lies.

This is what i expect from a Muslim. You are spewing hate against India because Hindus have taken steps to protect Hindus, Hinduism aka Sanatan Dharma, and protected symbols of Hinduism such as Gau Mata Ji Sarkar. So what if we have lynched Muslims? Rome wasnt built in a day nor did Ram get Sita back from rapist Ravana in a day. For good to to be achieved and to win it takes time.
It’s very under reported. Like by a factor of tens.

The disaster of handing their country over to a fascist regime.
under reported or they don't have data for those who lived in the slum and rural?
the first post of this thread
Govt did stupid things by allowing religious gatherings and election gatherings. Don't go by absolute numbers ,every 3 or 4 th person tested in Pakistan is covid positive ,that's a huge percentage ,if you do proper testing i am sure the numbers will be higher than India reported numbers even with such a small population compared to India.
Maybe india needs to do "improper" covid testing like Pakistan which is working better then "proper" indian testing. Lol
under reported or they don't have data for those who lived in the slum and rural?
Some of the news they showed that tens of bodies are being cremated and then they check the crematory office’s official number and its mentioning 6. When they pressed the official there he told them that they have been instructed to keep it low by higher ups.

That and also like you mentioned. A large section of society may just not show up being from slums and rural areas.
What is happening in India is pretty alarming? It is a runaway situation with cases being unreported from 4~6X and insider source claimed that it is 30X.

Yesterday Singapore has 13 new imported cases. 11 from India 1 from Bangladesh 1 from Myanmar.

iMO all flight in and out of India should be banned at this moment.

To save India face, an adversarsial nation China has already despatched 800 oxygen concentrators to India thru Hong Kong by air
but USA and the rest of the world can only send 400 and 1.6 million doses of COVID vaccines rejected by US FDA.
Modi send Thank You message to Biden USA but NOT China.
Politics taken priority above the lives of Indian people. What can anyone says?

Another 10,000 will be despatch later according to Chinese source. :coffee:
Other than that
Yuwell medical said it has received orders for a total of 18000 oxygen generators from various Indian institutions in the last two weeks. Will give priority to shipping to India.

The number of Yuwell medical oxygen generators accounts for 60% of the world's total. The world's largest output for nine consecutive years
"Weakness and benightedness are not obstacles to survival, but hubris is"--------The Three-Body Problem

India, you are the living testimony of this Chinese theory.
Actual Indian numbers vastly exceeds whats reported by Indian Media and Indian Health Authorities

India’s coronavirus deaths exceed 200,000 after record surge in cases


Healthcare workers and relatives carry the body of a person, who died from the coronavirus disease, for his burial at a graveyard in New Delhi, India, April 28. — Reuters

India’s toll from the coronavirus surged past 200,000 on Wednesday, the country’s deadliest day, as shortages of oxygen, medical supplies and hospital staff compounded a record number of new infections.

The second wave of infections has seen at least 300,000 people test positive each day for the past week, overwhelming healthcare facilities and crematoriums and fuelling an increasingly urgent international response.

The last 24 hours brought 360,960 new cases for the world's largest single-day total, taking India's tally of infections to nearly 18 million. It was also the deadliest day so far, with 3,293 fatalities carrying the toll to 201,187.

Experts believe the official tally vastly underestimates the actual toll in a nation of 1.35 billion, however.

The world is entering a critical phase of the pandemic and needs to have vaccinations available for all adults as soon as possible, said Udaya Regmi, South Asia head of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).

"This is both an ethical and public health imperative," he added. "As variants keep spreading, this pandemic is far from over until the whole world is safe."

Ambulances lined up for hours in the capital, New Delhi, to take the bodies of Covid-19 victims to makeshift crematorium facilities in parks and parking lots, where bodies burned on rows of funeral pyres.

Coronavirus sufferers, many struggling for breath, flocked to a Sikh temple on the city's outskirts, hoping to secure some of its limited supplies of oxygen.

Hospitals in and around the capital said oxygen remained scarce, despite commitments to step up supplies.

"We make hundreds of calls and send messages every day to get our daily quota of oxygen," Dr Devlina Chakravarty, of the Artemis hospital in the suburb of Gurgaon, wrote in the Times of India newspaper.

The Mayom Hospital nearby has stopped new admissions unless patients brought oxygen cylinders or concentrators with them, its chief executive, Manish Prakash, told television channel NDTV.

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said people were falling sick more severely and for longer, stacking up the pressure.

"The current wave is particularly dangerous," he said.

"It is supremely contagious and those who are contracting it are not able to recover as swiftly. In these conditions, intensive care wards are in great demand."

Supplies incoming
Supplies arriving in New Delhi included ventilators and oxygen concentrators from Britain, with more sent from Australia, Germany and Ireland, while Singapore and Russia pledged oxygen cylinders and medical supplies.

"First shipment of oxygen generators from Taiwan to India is leaving this week," Kolas Yotaka, a spokeswoman for Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen, said on Twitter. "We are all in this together."

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau committed $10m, adding on Twitter, "We stand ready to donate extra medical supplies, too."

Credit rating agency S&P Global said India's second wave of infections could impede its economic recovery and expose other nations to further waves of outbreaks.

The Asia-Pacific region, in particular, was susceptible to contagion from the highly infectious variants in India, given the region's low ratios of vaccination, it added.

Tech firms in the southern city of Bengaluru and elsewhere set up "war rooms" as they scrambled to source oxygen, medicine and hospital beds for infected workers and maintain backroom operations for the world's biggest financial firms.

Epidemiologist Bhramar Mukherjee called for much larger lockdowns to slow the spread.

"At this point, lives are so much more important than livelihoods," the University of Michigan professor said on Twitter. "Provide assistance to the poor, but please lock down and vaccinate."

Vaccinations in a national campaign begun in January have averaged about 2.8m doses a day since an April 5 peak of 4.5m, government data shows.

More than 121m people have received at least one dose, or about nine per cent of the population.

Later on Wednesday, India will allow all above 18 to register for vaccination, starting from May 1. About 800m are estimated to become eligible.

US President Joe Biden said he had spoken at length with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on issues such as when the United States would be able to ship vaccines to the South Asian nation, and added that it was his clear intention to do so.

"I think we'll be in a position to be able to share, share vaccines, as well as know-how, with other countries who are in real need. That's the hope and expectation," he told reporters at the White House on Tuesday.

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