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Covid-19 - Devastating Second Wave in India - Updates and Discussion

Fascinating. After such a sick culling we still find some higher ups in Hindustan that are playing nationalistic politics. What a sick people this country has.
In the US all they are talking about is the crisis in India... This guy is crazy.
is there even a limit to their stupidity? This is as of yesterday. First he makes a stupid and heartless remark, which shows he is totally out of touch with reality. Secondly he is inaugurating a blood transfusion drive for the benefit of Covid patients. When was the last time blood transfusion was used to treat Covid19?

he was not stupid enough to let loose corona virus on the world in Wuhan and try to hide it.
he was not stupid enough to let loose corona virus on the world in Wuhan and try to hide it.
So you are still supporting him? BTW what you said is called deflection and makes you look even stupider than your Health Minister.
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Is there even a central command and control in India over the Pandemic. The government and the media doesn’t seem to have any idea what’s going on. I am not blowing the trumpet for Pakistan as the jury is still out but when I listen to Pakistani officials both civilians and military they seem have a good situational awareness of what’s going on I.e. number of infected, hospital beds, ventilators, Oxygen usage and availability etc. Collection of real time data, projections and analysis to support decisioning is key to winning this battle against Covid 19. The data on the fingertips of General Babar from ISPR was impressive and had no BS.

Kumbh mela gathering of above 30 lacs and election rallies in West Bengal was part of that much better preparation.

Maybe he was alluding to coronavirus preparation.
Wondering what will happen in Pakistan in 2 months

You guys are such shameless and sick people. When terrorist attacks were common occurrence in Pakistan you guys used to talk about how the attacks were karma for Pakistan. You guys even went as far as calling all 97 people in the PIA plane crash in Karachi terrorists.

And now you are hoping Pakistan sees similar or worse fate compared to what India has seen. What happened to the karma again?
85-year-old COVID-positive RSS Swayamsevak gave up his bed and life so another person can live

We have seen time and monetary sacrifices being made to give someone a better life, however, sacrificing one's own life to ensure a long life for the other is surely an act not many can fathom.

27 April, 2021
OpIndia Staff
RSS swayamsevak Narayan Dabhadkar, who gave up his COVID-bed for another patient so that person could live (image courtesy @shefvaidya on Twitter)

As the pandemic has wreaked havoc in the lives of many, stories of kindness, selflessness and sacrifice act as a ray of hope in such dark times.

In one such incident, an RSS sevika, Shivani Wakhare, shared the story of the ultimate sacrifice made by the 85-year-old RSS worker Narayan Dabhadkar from Nagpur.
The incident was then shared by a swayamsevak Rahul Kaushik on Twitter attaching the images of the original post.

The incident originally narrated in Marathi on Facebook reads, Narayan Dabhadkar an RSS worker who spent his entire life serving the society contracted covid amid the second wave of the pandemic. As his SPO2 levels dropped, his daughter frantically tried to get him a hospital bed in the city.
Facebook post narrating the incident

After umpteen attempts, she managed to reserve a bed for him at the Indira Gandhi hospital. Dabhadkar kaka, as he was fondly known as, started getting breathless while he was being taken to the hospital by his grandson-in-law, Wakhare wrote. As the two waited for the hospital formalities to be completed, Dabhadkar kaka saw a woman in her 40’s along with her children crying and begging the hospital authorities for a bed to admit her husband who was in a critical condition.
Without giving a second thought, Dabhadkar kaka calmly informed the medical team tending to him that his bed should be offered to the lady’s husband. He said, “I am 85 now, have lived my life, you should offer the bed to this man instead, his children need him.”


Facebook post narrating the incident

He then made his grandson-in-law call his daughter to apprise her of the decision. Perplexed on hearing his decision, she hesitantly agreed with him after a while. Dabhadkar kaka immediately signed a consent form saying he was forfeiting his bed for the young man and asked his grandson-in-law to take him back home.
After battling the virus bravely for the next three days, he left for his heavenly abode.

We have seen time and monetary sacrifices being made to give someone a better life, however, sacrificing one’s own life to ensure a long life for the other is surely an act not many can fathom.
With this let us also take a moment to thank our frontline workers, medical staff and individuals who have been serving society selflessly and tirelessly as the nation battles the pandemic.

So you are still supporting him? BTW what said is called deflection and makes you look even stupider than your Health Minister.

Indian PM doesn't need approval of UK, it is between himself and the people to decide what to do next. You go lick your white masters' boots.
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