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Court blocks Indian quota plans



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Thursday, 29 March 2007
Court blocks Indian quota plans

India's Supreme Court has put on hold controversial plans to boost places for lower-caste and other disadvantaged people in colleges and universities.
Under the government's affirmative action plan the lower castes' share of places in educational institutions would more than double to nearly 50%.

Correspondents say the move has split the country, with many arguing it could hurt India's rapid economic rise.

But it has the support of millions of students from underprivileged groups.

The plan to increase affirmative action quotas has been bitterly opposed by students at some of the country's best-known professional colleges

The court told the government to put the programme on hold until August.

It said the government needed to provide fresh data on lower castes - also known as Other Backward Castes or OBCs in official language - because it said it found the present data too old.

The 27% seat allocation is based on the population of OBCs in India, according to the census carried out in 1931.

Correspondents say the ruling is likely to provoke strong emotions among the people who support reservations and rejoicing among those who have been campaigning against the government attempts to introduce the measure.

Fruit of growth

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has said his government is committed to removing iniquities so that everyone can enjoy the fruit of India's economic growth.

The government has recently pushed a bill through parliament in which places at some of the country's best-known professional colleges are set aside for students from lower-caste and disadvantaged communities.

And it is considering asking the private sector to institute some kind of affirmative action and also extend the benefit to the country's Muslim minority.

A recent study suggested that India's Muslims were economically and socially worse off than Dalits.

But the move is being opposed by many who feel that it will lower standards and endanger India's economic growth.

I thought you were a secular and moderate person?
Why deny equal rights to the minorities bro? :confused:
I thought you were a secular and moderate person?
Why deny equal rights to the minorities bro? :confused:
Have you lost it?

They already have equal rights. The reservation law gave them extra benefits. Politicians claimed they'd give it to the poor, but instead they gave it to a group of castes.

If they had given it to the poor, nobody would object. But they didn't.

The Court openly questioned the integrity of Arjun Singh, called his bluff and exposed this as a pre-election gimmick to win votes. Furthermore the Court labelled Arjun Singh as a divisive force in the country.

Imho Arjun Singh is a piece of sh!t, who has sold the country to the enemies, hell bent on dividing the youth of India on caste line.
I thought you were a secular and moderate person?
Why deny equal rights to the minorities bro? :confused:

hmm Minorities This quota ain't for minorities its for OBC's most of whom are OBC's on Paper they are rich dudes this quota purely vote bank politics.
Its good that SC stepped in.
Even if the people want to come out of this caste nonsense these bloody politicans wil never allow it. Congress is shooting in it's own foot by doing all this nonsense.

Atleast there is hope for the country.
Do you think that a Cabinet minister's daughter geting a seat in a professional college just becoz she is from a group having quota is "secularism and equality"?
Bloody hell she does even have to worry for her whole life as her parents would make enough money to feed her for 10 lives.But she still applies for quota seat and wants a subsidiced fees.

No one objects to reserving seats for the candidate having dire econonic needs..but the government wont do it. People object it becoz it is vote back politics.

By the way I belong to this so called "OBC". Hate it when some people so easily get professional college seats whith out bothering to work hard.
I thought you were a secular and moderate person?
Why deny equal rights to the minorities bro? :confused:
Truely Speaking, First of all you have no idea what your talking about.

You have no Idea what kind of problems do this resevration is bringing. Its just a Game play by the Politicians. If you want me to excplan you in a single sentence manner, You are a Pakistani from across the border and you wont have the idea about this whole Reverevation Trick. Before you give your comments on this Quota thing do some research.

Even i have Reservation:D :D but i never thinked about using it. I Beleive in my self.
Anyway, Neo you wont understand the point of this Quota Trick so just leave it.:)

Has it said dont Divide India with CASTE and RELIGION.

Say No to Reservation through Caste.

Rservation is Must but Not according to Cast or Religion System, Reservations should be only for Below Poverty People.
I thought you were a secular and moderate person?
Why deny equal rights to the minorities bro? :confused:

Who says Minorities dont have equal rights? Minorities in India have equal righs as Majorities, and this is not internet BS posted by people that their country gives equal rights and $hit while the reality is different.

Equal rights means that for a seat in college, both me(im high caste as you might have guessed by my name) and any low caste person would fight for, and the better one would get it.

I have seen my friends some of whom despite getting FAR FAR better marks lose their seat to some others who have a reservation. And i have both high as well as low caste friends, not that i give a damn about it.

Beacause of reservation i have seen incompetent people get jobs they donot deserve while deserving candidates have lost out. I have also seen my friends and their friends who are low caste getting admission in pretigious college's WITHOUT using reservation. And I admire them, i respect them SO much you cannot imagine. They donot need crutches to support them in life. They have beaten the rest and qualified without any reservation. They have proved themselves apt for the post. I feel any post or seat should be based on merit rather than reservation.

There are also many people , let me give an eg, say some person becomes an IAS officer on quota, then his son is definitely well off, he will get the finest education, then how the hell does he have ANY right to ask for reservation? Yet they do. Sons of rich people get quote, as do their sons and so on and so forth.

If reservation HAS to be there, then it should be based on the economic condition of the peopl, not on their castes. It divides our society.

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