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Couple beheaded in public over love marriage

This is called Law Less and nothing more !!! They must be found and punished.
Put them in jail! When their neighbours ask about them, they'll hear that these criminals are in jail.

This would make them fear further ghairat loss. Don't kill these, put them in jail. They think their life is over anyway so they kill others, because they've lost their holy ghairat.

Only Education would but it, i do not think its done many times sometime e heard about this type of things.
We've ghairat issue in west too. Punishment because the girl was in love with 'gora.'

I thought all men and women were created equally? It's just a sick culture sitting behind religion, exploiting it.
The Purists in South Asia always blame the others for aping the West...but the freedom that the Western countries give to choose your own life partner is something that I surely wants to 'ape'.

We've ghairat issue in west too. Punishment because the girl was in love with 'gora.'

I thought all men and women were created equally? It's just a sick culture sitting behind religion, exploiting it.

Thats too I noticed....Desi girl in love with Gora...calamity but its somewhat okay if a gori is in love with a Desi.
The Purists in South Asia always blame the others for aping the West...but the freedom that the Western countries give to choose your own life partner is something that I surely wants to 'ape'.

Thats too I noticed....Desi girl in love with Gora...calamity but its somewhat okay if a gori is in love with a Desi.

And if gora becomes muslim, still bad due to fear of jim turning muslim only to marry.
Why don't all ghairat mand Pakistanis protest against the law so this issue never comes up again. I think the law allows that a girl can marry any boy if they like each other.
If love marriage brought disrepute to the family, what did these be-headings brought? The killers will be on run till they are caught so question is - what did the family really gained? May be an ego boost for the killers, but certainly they did no good to the honor of the family!
A sickening observation here - people celebrates when girls of poor minorities are kidnapped and forced into marriage and when their daughters willingly marry some one, they kill.
In the long run the only viable solution to this madness is Education. In the short term, we should hang the perpetrators in Public Square and that would stop this Insanity real fast.
It's amusing to see people getting riled up to the point of suggesting gruesome retribution to a killing. How different are we to those killers? Maybe it's alright. Maybe it's good that the guys got killed. Maybe the killing never happened. Sitting thousands of kilometers away, do we even have an epistomological trace on it?
Put them in jail! When their neighbours ask about them, they'll hear that these criminals are in jail.

This would make them fear further ghairat loss. Don't kill these, put them in jail. They think their life is over anyway so they kill others, because they've lost their holy ghairat.

We've ghairat issue in west too. Punishment because the girl was in love with 'gora.'

I thought all men and women were created equally? It's just a sick culture sitting behind religion, exploiting it.

Admitted We all are Equal There is no different between Iswar, Allah, and God; We are Hindu, Muslims and Christians believe that all is created by one, the Supreme Soul who creates this all is the God, Allah or Iswar. Now see tregedy, In India we call Ocean as "Sagar", in other part its known as "Samudra", In English its "Ocean", But its same. same way, there is no different none of hindu, muslim or christians have seen Supreme Soul but same belief but then also, The So called "Maya" the Illusion we cant get it and "fight on name of religion, whereas religion give the message for Peace" (in one newspaper when India and pak tested nukes and said that this Bombs are for Peace, one reporter write that, this is really peace bomb when its used lakhs of people go in peace. :) ) This things is happening in poor and Rural Areas not in urban one, Television etc. would definitely make some changes in it.

Al Qaeda has doctors and engineers in their ranks and TTP also has former teachers, professors and even exservice men from military.

all were educated. but if by education you mean the changing the mindset and making one a good human who cares and honors lives of other people then yes that peaceful mindset education would really do it

Well Admitted, However the difference is Al Qaeda is Group having their own Ideology, where as the act of killing is happening in village areas, they are superstitious, and not having scientifically and Educated thoughts, we need to bring them in general stream with their economic development, and spreading Education as you suggest to change mindset and making them good humans.
& yet there will be Pakistani who deny the very existence of 'honor killings' or tend to justify it.. sick..

This is one of those issues which Pakistanis do NOT deny.'

It seems TTP mentality is gaining grounds in Pakistani Punjab too.

Honour killing in India and Indian Punjab is as much prevailent as it is at our side so does it mean TTP mentality has already gained grounds in Indian Punjab too?

as a supporting here is just one such link about Honour killing in INDIAN Punjab.

Dasuya, Punjab (INDIAN PUNJAB): In yet another case of dishonour killing, a father allegedly killed his 20-year-old daughter Nancy in Dasuya town of Punjab for being romantically involved with a relative.

Nancy was allegedly given electric shocks after which she died. Her father also tried to kill her lover, 22-year-old Gagan, and inflicted sharp wound upon him after burning his car.

"It happened last night, he was having doubts after the relationship. He first wounded the boy and burnt the car and later killed his daughter," said Balbir Singh, SHO Dasuya.

The boy told the police that the girl whom he was in love and wanted to marry invited him to her house saying her parents had gone out of the village.

They, however, returned home and thrashed Gagan, a resident of village Mari Samra near Bhikwind in Amritsar district, the DSP said.

They forcibly took him to Kamalpur village and tried to burn him alive, the police officer said. The police later raided the house of the girl and found her dead.

Police have arrested the accused and has charged him with murder. Accused's wife has given statement that he killed his own daughter. Police suspect that there were other accomplices also in the crime.

Meanwhile, Gagan is in a critical condition, his parents allege that Nancy's parents had planned to kill him.

"The called the boy... later we got the news that our boy is in the hospital in critical condition...now we come to know that the girl was also killed," said Paul Singh, uncle of the boy.

Police say investigations are in progress. They suspect that the father was not alone in attacking the

Punjab: Father kills daughter for 'honour' - NDTV
This is one of those issues which Pakistanis do NOT deny.'

Honour killing in India and Indian Punjab is as much prevailent as it is at our side so does it mean TTP mentality has already gained grounds in Indian Punjab too?

as a supporting here is just one such link about Honour killing in INDIAN Punjab.

Dasuya, Punjab (INDIAN PUNJAB): In yet another case of dishonour killing, a father allegedly killed his 20-year-old daughter Nancy in Dasuya town of Punjab for being romantically involved with a relative.

Nancy was allegedly given electric shocks after which she died. Her father also tried to kill her lover, 22-year-old Gagan, and inflicted sharp wound upon him after burning his car.

"It happened last night, he was having doubts after the relationship. He first wounded the boy and burnt the car and later killed his daughter," said Balbir Singh, SHO Dasuya.

The boy told the police that the girl whom he was in love and wanted to marry invited him to her house saying her parents had gone out of the village.

They, however, returned home and thrashed Gagan, a resident of village Mari Samra near Bhikwind in Amritsar district, the DSP said.

They forcibly took him to Kamalpur village and tried to burn him alive, the police officer said. The police later raided the house of the girl and found her dead.

Police have arrested the accused and has charged him with murder. Accused's wife has given statement that he killed his own daughter. Police suspect that there were other accomplices also in the crime.

Meanwhile, Gagan is in a critical condition, his parents allege that Nancy's parents had planned to kill him.

"The called the boy... later we got the news that our boy is in the hospital in critical condition...now we come to know that the girl was also killed," said Paul Singh, uncle of the boy.

Police say investigations are in progress. They suspect that the father was not alone in attacking the

Punjab: Father kills daughter for 'honour' - NDTV

I was talking about the way they were killed ie. Beheading
I was talking about the way they were killed ie. Beheading

Here is this famous case where an INDIAN man Beheaded his daughter with a SWORD back in 2012.
A father who admitted beheading his daughter with a sword in a so-called 'honour killing' in northwestern India showed no remorse today when he was seen for the first time since the shocking incident.

Oghad Singh surrendered at a police station two days ago, carrying his daughter's head in one hand and the bloodied ceremonial sword he had used to chop it off in the other.

Residents of Dungarji village expressed shock as they performed the last rites for the 20-year-old woman who had accused of sleeping around by her father.


Unrepentant: Oghad Singh, pictured in white, surrendered at a police station, carrying his daughter's head in one hand and the bloodied sword he had used to cut it off in the other

Read more: Pictured: Father who beheaded his daughter in rage over her relationships as he remains unrepentant over attack | Mail Online

The point is as you were generalizing Pakistanis by calling us TTP mentality, are you ready to apply the same for Indians?

i gave you the backup data .

and BTW how does honour killing by other means can be ignored ? and only beheading gets your attention?
honor killing is cultural.

It also has some roots in middle east, such as revenge killing, to preserve honor. But anyway, it has nothing to do with Islam
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