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Coup attempt in Sudan

Sudan has reppelled an attack from Ethiopia in the Fashaqa region. Ethiopia previously asked to mediate between SAF and RSF....
This is how the Egyptian soldiers returned. The whole story was revealed by a responsible source to #AlQahera_News in these points:

The reason for the presence of the soldiers is a training mission within the Nile Eagles protocol, and therefore it was on a training mission and not on a combat mission

The Egyptian soldiers were stationed at the Marawi base and the surrounding area when the clashes occurred between the Sudanese army and the support militia, and 177 were able to evacuate themselves, while 27 were detained by the Rapid Support militia.

The Crisis Management Cell was carried out by the Armed Forces and the General Intelligence Service, with direct follow-up from President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi

The specific objectives were to secure the return of the 177 personnel who managed to evacuate themselves from the Marawi base and the 27 who had been detained by the militia.

The second batch, 27 members, were detained by the Rapid Support Militia, coordination was made with the Red Cross, and Egypt made many contacts with intermediary parties, and they were evacuated from the Marawi base, and they traveled a distance of 560 km in order to reach Khartoum, and Egypt would take them over.

The Egyptian state was managing the file very wisely without getting involved in the conflict

#Egypt succeeded in achieving its goals with a very precise and complex process and preserved the safety of its children without getting involved in the ongoing conflict

The first returning batch, consisting of 177 members, were evacuated by securing a land route by the General Intelligence and Military Intelligence until their arrival at the Dongola base, which was operated specifically for the evacuation process, which was carried out by Egyptian warplanes.

Updated war map
Sudan army is fully backed by Egypt.
Some news are saying the RSF is being supported by Uae, Russia, Ethiopia and Libyan Haftar.
China sent PLANS Nanning and Weishanhu to evacuate both Chinese and foreign nationals from Sudan. At least 215 Pakistanis and 6 Brazilians were safely transferred to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in this way.

RSF is very hard core islamist.

Looks like the salafis/alqaida type of militias changed sides and are supporting the military, due to pressure from their foreign handlers. RSF is aligned with the MB militias, they have arrested 1000s of hardcore militants.

Keep in mind, Egypt hates the Muslim Brotherhood and due to Saudi Arabia has a soft corner for the Salafis/Alqaida.

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Update on Sudan war. RSF forces are gaining ground.
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