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Counter Indian military spending, Pakistan urged


Mar 24, 2010
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Counter Indian military spending, Pakistan urged

Counter Indian military spending, Pakistan urged
2010-09-07 19:20:00

The Pakistan government was Tuesday urged by a leading newspaper to spend more on military needs so as to counter what it said was an Indian challenge.

Saying that 'enemy India' had conducted three missile tests this year, the latest being the supersonic BrahMos, the Nawa-i-Waqt complained that Pakistan had not done any test in the last three years.

'We seem to have neglected our defence scientists and for the last three years, our government seems to have been oblivious to the country's defence needs. There is no attention to national security,' an editorial in the Urdu daily said.

'We conducted our last missile test about three years ago. Where have our defence scientists and missile technology experts gone since then?'

The daily accused India of making huge arms purchases from the US, Russia and other countries.

'Pakistan was content with the three F-16s it received from the US, while the US offered the more advanced F-19 to India,' it noted.

'Feeling secure with our nuclear arsenal, we have been neglecting other weapons for the last three years while we need to keep some kind of parity with India,' it said.

Citing BrahMos, the daily said the cruise missile, with a range of 290 km, could travel at thrice the speed of sound.

'They should strive to find something to tackle this threat and India's fighter planes,' it said.
People who support and propagate and promulgate the above view of counter-balancing India militarily are the biggest enemies of Pakistan. Modernize the society instead of modernizing f-16s which will go obsolete in a few years.A modernized educated mass will yield rich dividends unlike the f-16s. Confront fundamentalists instead of confronting India , else they will destroy Pakistan from within.Indian public will never allow the country to threaten Pakistan.This is not '71. Wake up and smell the change. The quicker Pakistan realize that it is being pushed to oblivion by its own fundamentalists, the better it will be for itself, for India and the world at large. China will only look after it's own interest.All this arms supplies, nuclear transfers , missile techs are for their own sake. They want to counter - balance India. The moment you do not fit their agenda, they will dump you without remorse. 71 should be ample proof of that. Did they come to your aid then? NO
F-35 was offered and so was F-16in, i believe, f-19 doesnt exist.
providing a reality check on the shaky economic situation, Pakistan Finance Minister Dr. Hafeez Sheikh has said that the country is on the verge of a 'complete economic breakdown'.

just grabbed the above post from a parallel thread.. here we got a newspaper persuading it's govt to spend more money. classic quote from Z A Bhutto comes to mind.. 'that we'll eat grass, but we'll make a nuclear bomb' !!
The newspaper editor didn't know that to buy and increase military spending one needs $$$$$$$....
It doesn't matter what news paper suggest Zardari has already capped Pakistan defence developments.
All in process developments are back logs from Musharraf era, no new defence contract has been initiated by Zardari.

Looking at the time line of Pakistan missel development it is not difficult to realise Pakistan's missile programme has been rolled back... for some known and unknown reasons.

I think news paper is disagreeing to roll back of Pakistan defence developments... which were supporting Pakistan's economy in past.
Apparently, cuts on Pakistan defence developments have contributed severely in Pakistan's economic decline along with corruption.

Pakistan has already produced JFT with its experience of 30 F-16... If Pakistan need to remain competitive in fighter jet market it need to buy squarden's of various types of 5th generation aircrafts like JSF... otherwise in coming 10 years the JFT will loose sales, resulting in more loss to economy.

If Pakistan need to become economic super power it need to advance it self in defence industry and no learning can come without exposure.

Export of defence products can cross $1bn

Pakistan's export of defence material could cross one billion dollars mark in 10 years through better marketing, higher value addition and induction of private sector in the process. This was stated by Director Planning and Development Defence Export Promotion Organisation Air Commodore Mansoor Malik while addressing the members of Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

He said the prospects of defence material exports from Pakistan are very bright. He said there is a need to organise and explore the right markets. He said Ideas 2001 - the defence equipment and material exhibition - organised in Karachi last year was a big success. He said it introduced Pakistan's quality material to many prospective buyers. He said similar exhibition would be organised in September this year.

He said Pakistan produces over 100 items that are exportable to various countries. However, he added, "we are exporting only 12 of those items". He said South East Asia and the Middle East are the main markets and these two regions import $25 billion worth of defence material annually.

He said defence material exports were restricted to the state enterprises for more than three decades and now the private sector has been inducted in the process. He said out of 50 exhibitors in the Ideas 2001 fair around 32 belonged to the private sector. Mansoor said the capital outlay on the defence production infrastructure in the country is over $15 billion. However, he deplored that the country exports defence material worth $40 million annually against imports of $600 million. He said the exports could immediately be increased to $60-65 million if a little more value is added to the materials.

He said the government expects to increase defence material exports to $250 million in five years and $1,000 million in a decade. He said negotiations are on with Malaysia and Saudi Arabia to export Al-Khalid Tank. He said Pakistan has recently supplied air-launch system worth $30 million to Turkey.

He said Pakistan would participate in the arms' exhibition being organised in Malaysia in April. Earlier, President LCCI Dr Khalid Chaudhry stressed the need of encouraging private sector in defence material exports.
Lets sit and talk across the table and resolve all our disputes. No need for any hike in defence spending.
F 19 LOL

It doesn't matter what news paper suggest Zardari has already capped Pakistan defence developments.
All in process developments are back logs from Musharraf era, no new defence contract has been initiated by Zardari.

Looking at the time line of Pakistan missel development it is not difficult to realise Pakistan's missile programme has been rolled back... for some known and unknown reasons.

I think news paper is disagreeing to roll back of Pakistan defence developments... which were supporting Pakistan's economy in past.
Apparently, cuts on Pakistan defence developments have contributed severely in Pakistan's economic decline along with corruption.

Pakistan has already produced JFT with its experience of 30 F-16... If Pakistan need to remain competitive in fighter jet market it need to buy squarden's of various types of 5th generation aircrafts like JSF... otherwise in coming 10 years the JFT will loose sales, resulting in more loss to economy.

If Pakistan need to become economic super power it need to advance it self in defence industry and no learning can come without exposure.

Would you please explain us as how expenditure on defence was contributing to economic growth of Pakistan as I never knew that Pakistan had been major Arms seller.
^^F-19 is supposed to be F-117 ..isn't it..?? Maybe some american posters will reply better.
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