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Countdown to Iran retaliation against Israel strike?

According to Zionists, IRGC fired 20 rockets, 16 of them fell short in Syria itself and remaining four was intercepted by their Iron Dump! also Israelis claim they have destroyed all Iranian sites in Syria, the only problem is, not a single injury has been reported!

Now watch this clip from Israeli settlements in Golan heights:

according to Farsnews reporter Mahdi Bakhtiari, Israel's intelligence sites has been targeted by Syrian forces and dozens of their intelligence officers and experts have been killed.
Dadash in video ghadimie mal sal 2014 has, ina raketha ye qassam dar nabard 2014 israel va gaze hastan, zod tari poste ro pak kon.
khak bar sare in dabire service defaie tansim ham bokonan ba in khabar negarish.
Dadash in video ghadimie mal sal 2014 has, ina raketha ye qassam dar nabard 2014 israel va gaze hastan, zod tari poste ro pak kon.
khak bar sare in dabire service defaie tansim ham bokonan ba in khabar negarish.
in english pleej.
Heres one that did make me chuckle:

MOSCOW—There is no bigger date than May 9 on modern Russia’s calendar: a commemoration of Soviet victory against Nazi Germany that, under President Vladimir Putin, has also turned into celebrations of military might.And there was little that Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could do more to ingratiate himself with Mr. Putin than flying to Moscow to participate in Wednesday’s Red Square military parade, a festivity snubbed by Western leaders since the 2014 invasion of Ukraine.As he stood by Mr. Putin while intercontinental ballistic missiles rolled through the square, Mr. Netanyahu went as far as pinning to his jacket the black-and-orange St. George’s ribbon—a symbol of Russia’s military glory that has also become an emblem of Russian irredentism.The ribbon is banned in Ukraine and officially discouraged even by Moscow’s close partners Belarus and Kazakhstan; the only other foreign leader at the parade, the president of Russia’s historic ally Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, remained conspicuously ribbon-less. Netanyahu, who landed in Moscow just hours after an Israeli airstrike on Iranian military positions near Damascus, had deadly serious business to transact. With President Donald Trump pulling out of the 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran and with Israeli strikes in Syria gathering pace, the Middle East is sliding toward war. Some of the Russian weaponry on parade in Moscow on Wednesday may soon end up in the hands of President Bashar al Assad’s regime. Moscow is also contemplating providing Mr. Assad with its S-300 air defense system, constraining Israel’s ability to operate in Syrian skies.Mr. Netanyahu—who has assiduously cultivated a personal relationship with Mr. Putin—wants to make sure that Russia doesn’t bundle Israel’s security concerns into its broader conflict with the West. Here, the symbolism of attending the Red Square parade delivered a valuable point.“The Russians are worrying that we may go after Assad, and we are telling them that we are not going to go after Assad unless he allows the Iranians to go after us,” said Eran Lerman, who served until 2015 as deputy director for foreign policy at Israel’s National Security Council.“Our conversations with the Russians are pretty hard-headed. We take each other seriously. But our ability to hold that conversation comes from Israel being able to respect and honor the immense sacrifice of the Russian people in the Great Patriotic War,” he added, using the Russian terminology for World War II.Now that Mr. Trump has withdrawn from the nuclear agreement, Russia is growing increasingly concerned about an escalation in the military conflict between Israel and Iran. If allowed to happen, that’s something that could endanger the survival of the Syrian regime—and Moscow’s overall regional stature.“Putin faces a difficult challenge. Russia can’t renounce its partnership with Israel, and it can’t renounce its partnership with Iran,” said Andrey Kortunov, director of the Russian International Affairs Council, a state-run think tank. “A direct confrontation between Israel and Iran would destroy all plans not just for Syrian settlement but for reaching any kind of stability in the region. I think Putin will do everything possible to prevent it.”One such possibility would be for Moscow to intensify its efforts to mediate between Israel and Iran—the two foes that have few other ways of communicating.“If you want to speak with the Iranians, you have to speak with the Russians,” said Zvi Magen, a former Israeli ambassador to Moscow. “Russia could offer being a broker between Iran and Israel, and create a negotiating process. If it happens, it would give Russia many points in the international game against the West.”For Mr. Netanyahu to have joined the May 9 parade, he added, was “the price of the invitation.”
The May 9 celebration of “Pobeda”—victory—is the closest to a state religion in Mr. Putin’s Russia. Official propaganda identifies that 1945 triumph with Russia’s current struggles—and the West as a modern-day incarnation of Nazis, with no mention of Nazi-Soviet cooperation to divide Poland and other parts of eastern Europe in 1939-1940.Ubiquitous car stickers proclaim “Onto Berlin,” “1941-1945, We Can Repeat,” and even “Onto Washington.”Israel—which last year passed a law to officially mark May 9—has so far avoided being identified with the enemy West in Moscow’s perceptions. In its live commentary Wednesday, the state Russia One TV channel presenter spoke admiringly of Mr. Netanyahu as the Israeli leader laid a wreath to a tomb of Soviet soldiers: “He’s a military man himself, and he’s the brother of a military hero, the hero of Entebbe.” (Mr. Netanyahu’s brother died in the 1976 hostage-rescue mission in Entebbe, Uganda.)During their talks, Mr. Putin pointedly acknowledged Israel’s and Russia’s common attitudes to World War II, according to a transcript released by the Kremlin, while Mr. Netanyahu thanked Russia for defeating the Nazis—and immediately then accused Iran, which seeks to wipe out the Israeli state, of preparing a second modern-age Holocaust.“If this personal relationship between Putin and Netanyahu didn’t exist, our relationship with Israel would have been much tenser,” said Mr. Kortunov of the Russian International Affairs Council. “There are many diverging interests. And if Putin and Netanyahu didn’t have the opportunity for an informal dialogue in Moscow, many problems would have been much harder to solve—or even to discuss.”
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سه شکست استراتژیک صهیونیست‌ها

Google translate:
Zionist's three strategic failures

Israel has long awaited Iran's reaction, at least since its military attack on the T4 air base and the martyrdom of seven Iranian forces.

On the other hand, Israeli military aircrafts continued to fly in northern Palestine, southern Lebanon and southwest Syria during the past four weeks.

In such conditions that the Zionists were in full vigilance, the resistance front launched an operation against the regime on Thursday morning.

Due to the limited operational area of the South and also due to Zionist's extensive intelligence and intelligence capabilities, they should have predicted the time, location, volume and type of military operation, but Thursday's incident showed that Israel could not determine the time and location of the attacks, such as places, launch platforms , fire positions, the size and extent of these attacks and the targets. so while they were fully prepared, they suffered a blow that they did not basically imagine.

In the attack, the forces of the resistance front attacked the most sensitive military positions of the Zionist regime. Early estimates suggest more than 50 deaths and dozens of injuries in the operation.

This was an enormous amount of information and military disaster for Israel, which was accompanied by a political embarrassment. awful intelligence since Israel spent a lot over the past 70 years on its intelligence machine.

They spent $ 10 billion over a 15-year period just to protect Haifa, according to Israeli Prime Minister Olmert in 2007.

Naturally, these costs were higher in the Golan region due to the possibility of an attack on the area by the Syrian government and others. However, Israel could not predict the time and place and the level of fire.

On the other hand, the resistance front has been able to hide the fire positions and the crew from enemy's eyes, and by distracting the enemy's minds with various deception operations, so within the two hours of conflict, the Israelis failed to strike the resistance forces.

In military terms, Israel claims to be the largest army in the region, claiming that the operation involved at least 28 F-15s and F-16s, but couldn't stop the operation and hit the resistance forces.

On the other hand, the failure of the iron dome was a military defeat for the Zionist regime. Therefore, Netanyahu's bragging wont be useful even for internal consumption.

Politically, this is a failure for the Zionist regime. The United States has consistently stated that Israel's security is our security, and many European governments also have been addressing any actions that undermine Israel's security.

The Israelis, on the other hand, were counting on their old ties with Russian to prevent the attack and or stop it during the operation, but in practice none of these countries gave Israel assistance and merely issued weak statements.

The Russians were basically silent in this matter. while three days before the Operation, Netanyahu went to Moscow, and met with senior Russian officials, including Putin, he desperately asked Putin to mediate and by giving assurances that attack against Iranian troops wont repeat he tried to prevent the Islamic Republic's response.

This for Israel is like two failures in one project. The first failure is Netanyahu's requests during the operation, frequent contacts with various Russian, European and American authorities took place, but the calls could not stop the operation. Second, Netanyahu has not received anything from these calls and contacts.

The event on Thursday was a strategic event in which the two sides assessed their weight in acting, identifying, evaluating, identifying positions and measuring the ability of the other side.

In one side there are Israelis who were aware of the definitive response of the resistance front, but couldn't perform effectively to protect their forces and assets.

On the other hand, there is the resistance front, which, with a sharp blow, showed that there was no barrier in it's crackdown measures against Israel
Still waiting... counting down to negative infinity.
Well,while you`re waiting,no doubt still stuffing your face with that watermelon:disagree:,heres some countdown/time themed music to entertain you:wave:
Now this one brings back the memories:pop:......ahh the early 80s:smitten:,I detested them at the time but if only I could go back and do a re-take:p:

OOHHHH YEAH! 1986!!:yahoo:,now this is more like it,not the heavy metal I liked:yay:,but as heavy rock it was alright:woot:

Is there anything more early 80s than Culture Club and boy george?:disagree:,I always remember his oh so witty quote when some idiot reporter/interviewer asked him about his sexuality:azn:,he replied:"I prefer a nice hot cup of tea...but it doesnt half hurt your willy" :omghaha::haha: that was of course a joke as everyone knows that georges prefered cup of tea so to speak was a nice syringe full of heroin:oops:[LOL!]
Anyway hows that watermelon going?,at the rate you`re taking israel will be in histories garbage can before you`ve even finished it.:agree:
IRI finally takes revenge on Israel's decimation of IRGC forces in Syria... against unarmed Iranian civilians. Yes we finally can see the extend of IRI's power: killing unarmed civilians.
is that u in the picture 'your words don't really matter'.........?......lol

damn they fukked you up didn't they.........:rofl:
Finally it seems that IRI has realized it's truly incapable of retaliation against Israel. And soon she will be kicked out of Syria by Israel. All the bluster, empty threats culminating in an embarrassment on a global scale. Pathetic.
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