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Could There be a Third Bamiyan Buddha, Hidden for Centuries?

Then why did they not worship the DOG ? or the PIG ? :coffee:

Why did they not worship the star ? why did they not worship the river ? or well ? why did they not worship the dessert ?

This is 2015



Hindus see God in all things :angel:, Yet we get angry if a tattoo is made on Shin :devil:
:o::o::o: Devas are the Creation of God and they are given specific powers just like in Your reply .
Surya Dev a.k.a Sun is the creation of God .

The only difference is , Muslims believe God created Sun for Us , so we should not bow in front of him . While Hindus believe , its he who nourishes and sustains life on earth , hence worthy of Bowing and Praise .

given specific power doesnt mean they are superior ... they are created for some specific tasks... for example every human has two angels sitting on his right and left side of the shoulder the one on right write good deeds of the person and the one on left side write bad deeds ....
there is an angel who brought revelations to Prophets
but it doesnt mean they are superior it is just their duty assigned to them by God ...

highlighted part: who is "he"

there is a saying that you can lie to everyone but not to yourself, But since this quote is by an hindu pundit, you should not beilieve it. But yes, Go ask any Sindhi from Pakistan, whether raja Dahir was really in piracy??
Bin Qasim invaded Sindh just because Raja Dahir gave refuge to the family of Rasullah who had fled from Arabia, and Bin Qasim was a general cum contract killer who visited sub-continent first to punish the king for his "piracy" second to kill the offsprings of rasullah and third to plunder the city.

You are quite right, but it is said that if you let a lier lie constantly, that lie will eventually turn into a truth for next generations,so just trying.

your facts are wrong and go back do some research by yourself instead of relying on sayings of anonymous Sindhi from Pakistan l:omghaha:

and yes plsss stop spreading liess ... you are constantly lying:omghaha::omghaha:
Hindus see God in all things :angel:, Yet we get angry if a tattoo is made on Shin :devil:

You are a moron, self hating Hindu and a third rate troll. :sick:

I don't know why I waste my time on you.

The BJP leader had calmly told that Australian to cover up the tattoo to avoid any incidence. It was an friendly attempt at helping him, but this incident was blown up by "secular" media and retards like you like to propagate this LIE further for your own agenda which is to get your 15 mins of fame and appear intelligent to cover up your glaring inadequacies.

You are quite frankly, disguising. :sick: :tdown:
given specific power doesnt mean they are superior ... they are created for some specific tasks... for example every human has two angels sitting on his right and left side of the shoulder the one on right write good deeds of the person and the one on left side write bad deeds ....
there is an angel who brought revelations to Prophets
but it doesnt mean they are superior it is just their duty assigned to them by God ...

highlighted part: who is "he"

Yup ! But No harm in praising them . As their praising means we praise the Almighty who created the Universe .
Good things are praise worthy , Be it Enemy , Friend or Neutral .

I leave it for U to decide :p: who is " He " .

You are a moron, self hating Hindu and a third rate troll. :sick:

I don't know why I waste my time on you.

The BJP leader had calmly told that Australian to cover up the tattoo to avoid any incidence. It was an friendly attempt at helping him, but this incident was blown up by "secular" media and retards like you like to propagate this LIE further for your own agenda which is to get your 15 mins of fame and appear intelligent to cover up your glaring inadequacies.

You are quite frankly, disguising. :sick: :tdown:
:lol::lol::lol: I was teasing U . Couldn't U make it from the Smilies :smitten:
If you want to tease ME you will have to say something I HAVE Actually CLAIMED.

You have insulted the Hindu society and Hindus in general with that cheap shot.
:o::o::o:Sorry , If I hurt Your feelings :(:( But Hey ! don't bring the whole society in it :cry:
:o::o::o:Sorry , If I hurt Your feelings :(:( But Hey ! don't bring the whole society in it :cry:

You are free to hurt me, tease me, insult me ..... I really don't care. It matters as little as any praise.

I do have a problem when people insult India, Indians or our society out of spite, ignorance or just plain stupidity. Especially when Indians do it.
You are free to hurt me, tease me, insult me ..... I really don't care. It matters as little as any praise.

I do have a problem when people insult India, Indians or our society out of spite, ignorance or just plain stupidity. Especially when Indians do it.
if that is the case then every muslim must judge hinduism by the acts of hindus instead of what their books teach them ..
and we belive in one God yes because it is logical the reason is if there would b so many gods then not only world but the universe would be their battle ground but that is not the case inni ??? space is all peaceful

well Pakistan tried its best to stop talibans to destroy bamiyans and there are many ghandaran sites in pakistan which are in good condition they are not getting destroyed.... moreover taliban argued that afghans made those idols and now they r destroying them ...they built it & they demolished them ... can you argue over that with them ??

You can judge the way you want buddy ..... We are not shying away from our shortcomings nor I intend to hide behind the academic debate of " Interpretation of our religious texts" ........ One god , many god or even no god would not have troubled the world the way my god is the only real god did to rest of non believers n soon precedent were set by one after another to desecrate the faith centre of others under the religious guidance while equating worshipping a idol to grave sin .....
We polytheist also worship the supreme god in various forms which many of you misunderstood .....

This is not contentious to me whether Pakistan tried to stop the morons or not but had it been a place of importance to Muslims avengers would have created another mayhem n those would have been dubbed the heros of Islam......
Yup ! But No harm in praising them . As their praising means we praise the Almighty who created the Universe .
Good things are praise worthy , Be it Enemy , Friend or Neutral .

I leave it for U to decide :p: who is " He " .

:lol::lol::lol: I was teasing U . Couldn't U make it from the Smilies :smitten:

praising is one thing but taking them to next level and believe that they are superior to us and then end up praying to them is not acceptable in our religion
praising is one thing but taking them to next level and believe that they are superior to us and then end up praying to them is not acceptable in our religion

Sun is superior to Us :lol: No life like Humans and Plants will exist without Sun .
For growing energy demands , we are reliant on Sun , Wind etc :enjoy:
Without Sun , Good luck to Human race :p:

Sun is a natural source of Energy and without energy we are as good as Dead .
You can judge the way you want buddy ..... We are not shying away from our shortcomings nor I intend to hide behind the academic debate of " Interpretation of our religious texts" ........ One god , many god or even no god would not have troubled the world the way my god is the only real god did to rest of non believers n soon precedent were set by one after another to desecrate the faith centre of others under the religious guidance while equating worshipping a idol to grave sin .....
We polytheist also worship the supreme god in various forms which many of you misunderstood .....

This is not contentious to me whether Pakistan tried to stop the morons or not but had it been a place of importance to Muslims avengers would have created another mayhem n those would have been dubbed the heros of Islam......

well you accept or you dont accept the fact is muslims dont follow their own religion properly soo you cant pass a judgement by seeing their actions .. this kind of ignorance which i find in your argument clearly indicates you are just an anti muslim or anti islamic

.its more like a checklist to judge in our islam .... for example

our religion says that muslims should not lie... but still if a muslim lies then it doesnt mean the Islam is bad ... it means that particular person who claims to follow islam and claims to be a muslim, is not following the rules given by islam

Sun is superior to Us :lol: No life like Humans and Plants will exist without Sun .
For growing energy demands , we are reliant on Sun , Wind etc :enjoy:
Without Sun , Good luck to Human race :p:

Sun is a natural source of Energy and without energy we are as good as Dead .

but it stays up the sky on asia for 12hours and then goes away ??? and its distribution is not equal to all ...north & south pole and countries close to them they dont get sun as much as we get in middle east and south asia or countries close to equator .. naaa sun is unfair ...:-):tdown:
well you accept or you dont accept the fact is muslims dont follow their own religion properly soo you cant pass a judgement by seeing their actions .. this kind of ignorance which i find in your argument clearly indicates you are just an anti muslim or anti islamic

.its more like a checklist to judge in our islam .... for example

our religion says that muslims should not lie... but still if a muslim lies then it doesnt mean the Islam is bad ... it means that particular person who claims to follow islam and claims to be a muslim, is not following the rules given by islam

but it stays up the sky on asia for 12hours and then goes away ??? and its distribution is not equal to all ...north & south pole and countries close to them they dont get sun as much as we get in middle east and south asia or countries close to equator .. naaa sun is unfair ...:-):tdown:

:o::o::o: Sun is Unfair ??? Did U have any doubts . Whole Universe works in a mechanism , which may be unfair for some . If Mars was a living being like Ur Kind , It too would have talked about unfairness done to it :enjoy:
The way God does his thing , intellectual will call him Unfair :lol:

But to Our Kind , Its not Unfair but Fairness of Highest Order:-):tup:
:o::o::o: Sun is Unfair ??? Did U have any doubts . Whole Universe works in a mechanism , which may be unfair for some . If Mars was a living being like Ur Kind , It too would have talked about unfairness done to it :enjoy:
The way God does his thing , intellectual will call him Unfair :lol:

But to Our Kind , Its not Unfair but Fairness of Highest Order:-):tup:

well one thing is for sure that you and I believe that "Whole Universe works in a mechanism ".. soo there is some1 who has created this mechanism and we believe that some1 is God who created everything in this Universe and beyond..
now come to unfair part ... i dont say that sun is unfair in a sense that it is giving sunlight to few and more to some.. i said in a sense that if we assume that it is to be believe that it is superior than us or any other living thing then it shudnt b unfairly give energy to few more than to others..

"The way God does his thing , intellectual will call him Unfair" may be it seems to them unfair but God knows the limits of its creation and it knows how much energy one can adopt and one cant .... as we say God knows the best for every living thing.....:-)
well one thing is for sure that you and I believe that "Whole Universe works in a mechanism ".. soo there is some1 who has created this mechanism and we believe that some1 is God who created everything in this Universe and beyond..
now come to unfair part ... i dont say that sun is unfair in a sense that it is giving sunlight to few and more to some.. i said in a sense that if we assume that it is to be believe that it is superior than us or any other living thing then it shudnt b unfairly give energy to few more than to others..

"The way God does his thing , intellectual will call him Unfair" may be it seems to them unfair but God knows the limits of its creation and it knows how much energy one can adopt and one cant .... as we say God knows the best for every living thing.....:-)
Yup !:tup:

For the unfair part , We can keep arguing without any result :enjoy:But that is the beauty of Varied Views :smitten:

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