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Could Saudi Arabia be next?

what more facts do you need?

What facts have you given so far? the OP?

US is your biggest donor, but you hate them. The reason you never had good relations with Iran is because of Saudi interference.

Countries need to have independent policies. You seem to follow Saudis blindly and thats my problem. You seem to justify it by coming up with made up facts.

US is not the biggest donor rather the biggest aid receiver from Pakistan after india.
Pakistan always have open invoices against US. If you candidly like to call it aid than it is your gratitude but the fact is its our money.

Since you brought in Iran... i can only advice you go visit Iran, without sponsorship of your local imam.

Pakistan is ruled by Shia govt. backed by India and US. what is stopping them to have good relations with Iran?
Instead they are selling Pakistan piece by piece! Do you rember what AQ khan said that BB passed all Pakistani nuclear and missile secrets to Iran.
BB passed all ISI secrets to India as well.
It was Asif Ali Zardari and Hussain Haqqani who begged US govt. to teach Pakistan army lesson.

This is what i call fact.. which you can double check any where.

If Saudis help you, it does not mean our interests are similar to them.
Sure, it does not mean that.

But since you have a habit of denying everything, no one can help you.
So shall i believe every thing what is fed to us in OP or what you came along with?
Saudi Government approved a budget of 3 Trilllion Dollars that should keep the local population happy

what more facts do you need?

What facts have you given so far? the OP?

US is not the biggest donor rather the biggest aid receiver from Pakistan after india.

Since you brought in Iran... i can only advice you go visit Iran, without sponsorship of your local imam.

Pakistan is ruled by Shia govt. backed by India and US. what is stopping them to have good relations with Iran?
Instead they are selling Pakistan piece by piece!

This is what i call fact.. which you can double check any where.

Sure, it does not mean that.

So shall i believe every thing what is fed to us in OP or what you came along with?


Well lets get started. Facts are shining like the sun. Like Saudis being the ally of the US. Saudi support to the US economy. Saudi interference in Syria and Bahrain. Saudi funding of many madrasas in Pakistan.

I am not sure what you meant by US being the biggest receiver?

Heres the list of biggest aid donors to Pakistan.

Aid to Pakistan by the Numbers : Center for Global Development : Initiatives: Active: U.S. Development Strategy in Pakistan

Being Shia is not the criteria of having an independent policy. Pakistan army is heavily sunni and who can forget Zia who wanted to Saudize Pakistan. The reason for the delay of oil pipeline from Iran is more Saudi and less american.

Lastly, do not confuse the issue with govt incompetence.

And of course you should not believe everything, but you should question and critically analyze which do not, when it comes to Saudi Arabia.

If you only support Saudis because they are muslims, so it so openly because this is the only reason why you so fervently favor them. And most Pakistanis have the same reason.
Pakistan`s aid from US was 2 billion Dollars

Their approved budget is 3000 Billion Dollars

Brother Saudia , has enough money in some cases
and with 10 Riyal Petrol (Same price for last 30 years)..dirt cheap I doubt any saudi will be planning any protest

Here Brother Pakistan is , under dept of 40 Billion and can`t figure out how to pay this debt back and some debt to IMF

Why don`t some Pakistanis who are decendents of Arab clans go to Saudia and get some much needed debt releif .. after all they are from certain `specific`families
Pakistan`s aid from US was 2 billion Dollars

Their approved budget is 3000 Billion Dollars

Brother Saudia , has enough money in some cases
and with 10 Riyal Petrol (Same price for last 30 years)..dirt cheap I doubt any saudi will be planning any protest

Well there were protests by Shiite who were severely marginalized. There were also demonstrations against corruption of the Royal family.

Saudis crushed the Shiite protests and also invaded Bahrain and also got a fatwa from the Imam Kaba that any protest against the ruling elite is unislamic.

Excellent strategy. :yahoo:
@ silver blaze, are you saying Pakistan is American ally because of gen. Zia and Saudi Arabia?

I never mentioned pipeline.. If Iran wish gas can be supplied via road trucks or by existing rail line.

I'm not convinced dear...
Well there were protests by Shiite who were severely marginalized. There were also demonstrations against corruption of the Royal family.

Saudis crushed the Shiite protests and also invaded Bahrain and also got a fatwa from the Imam Kaba that any protest against the ruling elite is unislamic.

Excellent strategy. :yahoo:

Invaded Bahrain ! What would you call 10 year long Indo-US presence in Afghnaistan, with co-operation of few Uzbeks .. who call them self northern alliance warlords.

In Pakistan Dr. Qadri have given call of long march against corrupt regime of Asif Ali Zardari.. will you be joining it?






Last but not least... You need to learn about protests in Iran against Ahmedi Nejad and how the protesters were treated.
Invaded Bahrain ! What would you call 10 year long Indo-US presence in Afghnaistan, with co-operation of few Uzbeks .. who call them self northern alliance warlords.

In Pakistan Dr. Qadri have given call of long march against corrupt regime of Asif Ali Zardari.. will you be joining it?

15th June 2009 millions protest in iran against election fraud in Iran - YouTube





Last but not least... You need to learn about protests in Iran against Ahmedi Nejad and how the protesters were treated.


What made you think I favour the mullahs of Iran?

Why do you assume that anyone who is against Saudi policies has to be with Iran.

You took a lot of time to humiliate me since you thought I was an Iranian supporter.

Well, your time was wasted.

But one thing is certain that kind of treatment being meted out to common people of Iran by the US and the Saudis by imposing sanctions is just another shameless example.

All in all, I could not care less about Irani Mullahs.
Saudi Arabia is also an ally of Pakistan, so neither does Pakistan would allow any bad eye on Saudi Arabia.

Saudia Arabia is responsible for the condition Pakistan is in today. Ally my a$$

We our selves are also American allies.. so basically, according to your notion.... we shall be automatically protected!

I love Saudi Arabia because, they give jobs to thousands of Pakistanis, we all will be there to return favor.

They are also equally friendly.

they give job to 10s of thousands of Indians, Bangladeshi, sri lankan and not to forget Philipino women too and they treat them all equally like slaves
Saudia Arabia is responsible for the condition Pakistan is in today. Ally my a$$

Well I would blame ourselves. Why do we need to follow anyone?

If you study Pakistan closely, we have probably the most fertile lands in the islamic world and still we blindly follow them.

They day Pakistanis give up this thinking of protecting everyone except themselves, we will be very successful.
what is the public opinion of pakistan ?

Not ture........

Public opinion favors SA in Sunni masses and Iran in Shi'ite masses. Learned Pakistanis favor friendship with both countries and are completely against the interference of these countries in Pakistan. SA funds Sunni extremists and Iran funds Shi'ite extremists. Amusingly both Iran and Saudia don't allow a shadow of these activities in their own states. There is a growing recognition in Pakistan that the real payment of Iran/ Saudia enmity is being paid by Pakistanis, who are being butchered.

As for the OP. If the change in SA comes from within (or tailored in that fashion) then its possible. Any military adventure on SA will unite majority of Muslims behind SA.
everybody talks pf spring --what about winter----I dont like discrimination --what about summer......
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