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Could Saudi Arabia be next?

US will not allowed Saudi Arabia to collapse, unlike other Muslims countries, this is a special case.

Americans budgets shortfalls are growing by the trillions/yr they simply cant continue on this path.They will change direction either voluntarily or forced by Reality not to mention oil production in USA growing by the day.
I do agree with you, actually they are trying to prevent it from happening by interfering in other countries internal affairs such as Yemen, Bahrain, Syria, Iraq and so on to keep troubles out of borders and meanwhile by passing a huge budget to grease people's palms to remain silent and let the dynasty continue its monarchy base upon sperm instead of holding a free election.

By the end it's depends on people, I hope whatever they want happens for them.
They send troops to Syria to mess it up. Professor Morsi went to Saudi then get peanuts back. Now Egypt and Syria are somehow weaken, King Abdullah can still keep his power. Especially now west needs them to hold Iran, by oil and gas, which is the only card Iran can play in this sanction game.
They send troops to Syria to mess it up. Professor Morsi went to Saudi then get peanuts back. Now Egypt and Syria are somehow weaken, King Abdullah can still keep his power. Especially now west needs them to hold Iran, by oil and gas, which is the only card Iran can play in this sanction game.

Yep there are 2 main ways to remain powerful:
1. Really try to be, which is very hard 'cause it would happen only through a tough quest you need to work on many different aspects. science, culture, society, military and so forth and surly it doesn't take place over a night.
2. Try to keep others weak, in this case which is temporary and works just as a painkiller doesn't take effort as the first method but by the end you'll be a loser.

Saudi is seeking the second method to keep its fragile house safe, sending troops to Bahrain, interfering in Yemen, arming the thugs in Syria supporting Salfi movements in the north Africa and so on.
On the sanction game, they signaled a green light to the western countries that they would cover Iran oil by virtue of probable embargo on its oil.

Till they've got oil, USA would be kind to them once uncle Sam realizes it couldn't serve its interest in the region any more Saudi kingdom will be toppled.

This world and boomerang are remarkably similar, our deeds will come back to us one day.
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