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Could Myanmar and Bangladesh Go To War Over the Rohingya Crisis?

Warmongers need to calm down a bit.
Why do you think China didn't invade Myanmar when they were killing ethnic Chinese? Look at the sanctions on Russia when they annexed Crimea. War isn't as simple as you guys are saying. In a war China and India aren't going to sit idle. And I don't see them in BD's side?

So lets fight a three side war like a super power. One vs Burma, another vs India and other one vs China.

Remember Iraq-Iran war? Saddam Hussein thought his force would take Tehran in a week. But what happened in Reality? War continued for decades causing unimaginable losses for both sides.
Could Myanmar and Bangladesh Go To War Over the Rohingya Crisis?
By Reuters On 9/16/17 at 6:08 AM

Myanmar Rohingya Burma Bangladesh
Bangladesh has accused Myanmar of repeatedly violating its air space and warned that any more "provocative acts" could have "unwarranted consequences", raising the risk of a deterioration in relations already strained by the Rohingya refugee crisis.

Nearly 400,000 Rohingya Muslims from western Myanmar have crossed into Bangladesh since Aug. 25, fleeing a Myanmar government offensive against insurgents that the United Nations has branded a "textbook example of ethnic cleansing".

Bangladesh said Myanmar drones and helicopters had violated its air space three times—on September 10, 12 and 14—and it had called in a top Myanmar embassy official in Dhaka to complain.

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"Bangladesh expressed deep concern at the repetition of such acts of provocation and demanded that Myanmar takes immediate measures to ensure that such violation of sovereignty does not occur again," the ministry said in statement late on Friday.

"These provocative acts may lead to unwarranted consequences."

A Myanmar government spokesman said he did not have information about the incidents Bangladesh had complained about but Myanmar had denied an earlier accusation.

The spokesman, Zaw Htay, said Myanmar would check any information that Bangladesh provided.

Read More: Why Myanmar Hates the Rohingya

"Our two countries are facing the refugee crisis. We need to collaborate with good understanding," he told Reuters.

Bangladesh has for decades faced influxes of Rohingya fleeing persecution in Buddhist-majority Myanmar, where the Rohingya are regarded as illegal migrants.

Bangladesh was already home to 400,000 Rohingya before the latest crisis erupted on Aug. 25, when Rohingya insurgents attacked about 30 police posts and an army camp, killing a dozen people.

The Myanmar security forces and Rakhine Buddhist vigilantes responded with what rights monitors and fleeing Rohingya say is a campaign of violence and arson aimed at driving out the Muslim population.

Bangladesh has said all refugees must go home. Myanmar has said it will take back those who can verify their citizenship but most Rohingya are stateless.

Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was leaving on Saturday for the U.N. General Assembly where she would call for pressure to ensure Myanmar takes everyone back after stopping its "ethnic cleansing', her press secretary, Ihsanul Karim, told Reuters.

The conflict has led to a humanitarian crisis on both sides of the border and raised questions about Myanmar's path under the leadership of Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi after nearly 50 years of strict military rule.

The generals still control national security policy but nevertheless, Suu Kyi has been widely criticized abroad for not stopping or condemning the violence.

There is little sympathy for the Rohingya in a country where the end of military rule has unleashed old animosities and the military campaign in Rakhine State is widely supported.

Ethnic cleansing

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and the U.N. Security Council have urged Myanmar to end the violence, which he said was best described as ethnic cleansing.

Ethnic cleansing is not recognized as a separate crime under international law but allegations of it as part of wider, systematic human rights violations have been heard in international courts.

Myanmar rejects the accusations, saying its security forces are carrying out clearance operations to defend against the insurgents of the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA), which claimed responsibility for the Aug. 25 attacks and similar, though smaller, attacks in October.

The government has declared ARSA a terrorist organization and accused it of setting the fires and attacking civilians.

The ARSA says it is fighting for the rights of Rohingya and has denied links to foreign Islamists.

Myanmar's army chief, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, said the violence - 93 clashes since Aug. 25 - was a bid by the insurgents to "build a stronghold", according to speech to officer trainees, posted on a military Facebook page.

More than 430 people have been killed, most of them insurgents, and about 30,000 non-Muslim villagers have been displaced, Myanmar has said. Human Rights Watch said satellite imagery showed 62 Rohingya villages had been torched.

The United States has called for the protection of civilians and a deputy assistant secretary of state, Patrick Murphy, is due in Myanmar next week.

China, which also vies for influence in Myanmar, joined a U.N. Security Council call for an end to the violence while its ambassador in Myanmar expressed his support for the government's action, Myanmar media reported.

Separately, the Committee to Protect Journalists has called on Bangladesh to release two Myanmar journalists detained last week while covering the refugee crisis. A police official told Reuters the two were found to be working on tourist visas and police were investigating.

Yes. Bangladesh army should learn from Indian army and end this refugee issue once for all...
...But can Bangladesh Army defeat Myanmar's Army
I dont think war is a solution to this problem. What BD should have done is warned Myanmar to stay within its limits by firing warning shots at the helicopter/drone or by bringing it down. You should only 'protest' for the first 2-3 times but when it happens consistently, you need to take actions. Good thing they jailed the 2 Burmese journos at the very least.

What pissed me off further is the Chinese veto. This should be a good awakening to BDeshis who consider China as their soulmate. Everyone looks out for their interest and China means business in Myanmar. Strategically we might be slightly ahead, but Chinese interest in Burma isnt far behind as well.
Gentleman war is not a solution, not for Bangladesh

Im not saying you are not brave nor that Bangladesh does not have the capacity to defend itself if attacked

But you DO NOT have the capacity to utilise war as a tool to punish or force a favourable outcome for the Rohingya or Bangladesh

All you can do is hit Myanmar and they will hit you back
You will lose men, they will lose men
Maybe you will come out with an advantage but so what
Your advantage wont be enough to defend the Rohingya in Burma infact it may accelerate their persecution

You would just lose money, men, economic development and the Rohingya would still suffer

If Burma steps over the line then hit them back!

1- Wake up to the worthlessness of Hasina and Awami league

2- Understand India is an enemy with only its own interests in mind snd it eould happily see you slaughtered because you are muslims

3- economic growth alone won't t defend you, you desperately need to increase military equipment, spending and preparation whilst putting aside old emnity and reaching out to countries like Pakistan who even with differences would not like to see you harmed

War isnt an option

if you were stronger sure, but you arent

so apart from the diplomatic efforts you need to use your 1 million Buddhists and give them the THREAT of pain, punishment and forced movement to Burma
Warmongers need to calm down a bit.
Why do you think China didn't invade Myanmar when they were killing ethnic Chinese? Look at the sanctions on Russia when they annexed Crimea. War isn't as simple as you guys are saying. In a war China and India aren't going to sit idle. And I don't see them in BD's side?

So lets fight a three side war like a super power. One vs Burma, another vs India and other one vs China.

Remember Iraq-Iran war? Saddam Hussein thought his force would take Tehran in a week. But what happened in Reality? War continued for decades causing unimaginable losses for both sides.

There are no warmongers. This is a situation hoisted upon us. Passivity does not win consessions or peace.

Chamberlain did not mollify Hitler's .... our desire for peace won't satisfy Burmese monkeys.

Ukraine gave up nukes and look what happened.

There will be a war.... just a matter of when. We can bury our head in the sand. It won't help us
There are no warmongers. This is a situation hoisted upon us. Passivity does not win consessions or peace.

Chamberlain did not mollify Hitler's .... our desire for peace won't satisfy Burmese monkeys.

Ukraine gave up nukes and look what happened.

There will be a war.... just a matter of when. We can bury our head in the sand. It won't help us
Even if it is a matter of when then I'd rather we wait and fight later. Hopefully after 2030. And by this time we should try to build/buy/acquire/get/develop nukes.
Some people are blaming the warmongers in BD for inflaming the situation. But, it was the Burmese who imposed a war like situation on us. A war is certainly not a good option. However, unless the country's politicians grow up balls, a war will be imposed upon BD. An opposite example, look what happened to a probable India -Pakistan war. It did not happen because both the Pakistani politicians and military talked tough. Finally, India stopped its verbal war game.

In case of BD, some feeble and weak minded people in the politics will be responsible for a probable war, because they are unable to avoid a war by talking tough. Now, when someone here suggests of talking tough he becomes the target of being ridiculed a warmonger.
Some people are blaming the warmongers in BD for inflaming the situation. But, it was the Burmese who imposed a war like situation on us. A war is certainly not a good option. However, unless the country's politicians grow up balls, a war will be imposed upon BD. An opposite example, look what happened to a probable India -Pakistan war. It did not happen because both the Pakistani politicians and military talked tough. Finally, India stopped its verbal war game.

In case of BD, some feeble and weak minded people in the politics will be responsible for a probable war, because they are unable to avoid a war by talking tough. Now, when someone here suggests of talking tough he becomes the target of being ridiculed a warmonger.

Before the war, BD seriously need to think of its alignment in the international arena. The days of friendship is over and we seriously need to find serious allies. And a better place to look for an ally is in the west. A friend can send us gifts but an allie will come by our side.

An educated enemy is far better than an uneducated friend. Our values and system does not really go along with the closed society and government and we are surrounded by hostile countries. Nobody going to come out defending us at the time of need if situation remain same.
Before the war, BD seriously need to think of its alignment in the international arena. The days of friendship is over and we seriously need to find serious allies. And a better place to look for an ally is in the west. A friend can send us gifts but an allie will come by our side.

Very good statement and totally agreed. We need to find allies not friends. I dont think any country around us can be called a true ally and is not going to bail us out in times of need. However, if by west, you mean US.. that's a very tricky prospect and you very well know the strings attached. Moreover, that is in complete contrary to the Chinese bonding we currently have and that's not going to diminish anytime soon.

IDK but my suggestion would be the likes of UK, where a lot of Bangladeshis are involved in their politics. That could be something we can leverage and use to rise up the ranks. In Asia, may be Japan. Only if the Muslim countries had some shame and stayed united on these issues, a lot of problems could have been easily solved.
I dont think war is a solution to this problem. What BD should have done is warned Myanmar to stay within its limits by firing warning shots at the helicopter/drone or by bringing it down. You should only 'protest' for the first 2-3 times but when it happens consistently, you need to take actions. Good thing they jailed the 2 Burmese journos at the very least.

What pissed me off further is the Chinese veto. This should be a good awakening to BDeshis who consider China as their soulmate. Everyone looks out for their interest and China means business in Myanmar. Strategically we might be slightly ahead, but Chinese interest in Burma isnt far behind as well.

If you are ever capable of visiting Chinese forum, you will find Chinese people unanimously support the action of Burma, actually our government's position matches people's wish. Why?

First, China took round 40,000 rohingya refuges several years ago in our border area, who ever since enjoy a peaceful and comfortable life. Do you know what those bastards did to us in return? They helped uyghurs to smuggle out of China to participate in Jihad wars and smuggled weapons into China for the same reason, all in the name of your muslim brotherhood. as a result, we hated them to the bones and don't blink an eye no matter how they are treated in myanmar, maybe the harsher the better.

Second, it is not an coincidence that they caused problems for myanmar at the time when China just opened an oil pipeline in that area. even an dumber would know that US is behind their rebellions in this particular moment. In short, China is behind myanmar on this issue. If you guys wanted to be a stooge of west and claim war on myanmar, you can try your luck on China's response. After all, US is far far away and China is very very close.


If you are ever capable of visiting Chinese forum, you will find Chinese people unanimously support the action of Burma, actually our government's position matches people's wish. Why?

First, China took round 40,000 rohingya refuges several years ago in our border area, who ever since enjoy a peaceful and comfortable life. Do you know what those bastards did to us in return? They helped uyghurs to smuggle out of China to participate in Jihad wars and smuggled weapons into China for the same reason, all in the name of your muslim brotherhood. as a result, we hated them to the bones and don't blink an eye no matter how they are treated in myanmar, maybe the harsher the better.

Second, it is not an coincidence that they caused problems for myanmar at the time when China just opened an oil pipeline in that area. even an dumber would know that US is behind their rebellions in this particular moment. In short, China is behind myanmar on this issue. If you guys wanted to be a stooge of west and claim war on myanmar, you can try your luck on China's response. After all, US is far far away and China is very very close.

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Well, China is not exactly going to use military force to help Myanmar if BD attacks in Arakan.
Fine the Rohingya that you let in betrayed your hospitality but genocide on Rohingyas cannot be tolerated under any circumstances. Two issues are separate.
If you think that BD is a stooge of US, then you need to understand BD better.

PS - if you think China can become a great power by annoying the Muslim world, then you need to go back to school. This is an issue that has united all Muslims.
If you are ever capable of visiting Chinese forum, you will find Chinese people unanimously support the action of Burma, actually our government's position matches people's wish. Why?

First, China took round 40,000 rohingya refuges several years ago in our border area, who ever since enjoy a peaceful and comfortable life. Do you know what those bastards did to us in return? They helped uyghurs to smuggle out of China to participate in Jihad wars and smuggled weapons into China for the same reason, all in the name of your muslim brotherhood. as a result, we hated them to the bones and don't blink an eye no matter how they are treated in myanmar, maybe the harsher the better.

Second, it is not an coincidence that they caused problems for myanmar at the time when China just opened an oil pipeline in that area. even an dumber would know that US is behind their rebellions in this particular moment. In short, China is behind myanmar on this issue. If you guys wanted to be a stooge of west and claim war on myanmar, you can try your luck on China's response. After all, US is far far away and China is very very close.

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West has far better thing to do than going after some pipeline.
They can just starve Burmese savages to skeletons only by sanction. Your so called Chinese investment and businesses will run away if they loose the western market. You can only talk big but can't feed the Burmese except the fat generals.
End of the day we have to protect ourselves.
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West has far better thing to do than going after some pipeline.
They can just starve Burmese savages to skeletons only by sanction. Your so called Chinese investment and businesses will run away if they loose the western market. You can only talk big but can't feed the Burmese except the fat generals.
End of the day we have protect ourselves.

Not all Chinese think like this thankfully.
After all, US is far far away and China is very very close.
Hardly an issue. China can't keep others away from SCS. What can they even do in Myanmar or BD? Remove their investments? That's all. Big talk. Look at what your backings have done to NK? People there can't eat. Similar with Burma before west removed their sanctions. If you guys are trying to turn Myanmar into another North Korea you guys may succeed. But this won't do any good for the region.
I dont think war is a solution to this problem. What BD should have done is warned Myanmar to stay within its limits by firing warning shots at the helicopter/drone or by bringing it down. You should only 'protest' for the first 2-3 times but when it happens consistently, you need to take actions. Good thing they jailed the 2 Burmese journos at the very least.

What pissed me off further is the Chinese veto. This should be a good awakening to BDeshis who consider China as their soulmate. Everyone looks out for their interest and China means business in Myanmar. Strategically we might be slightly ahead, but Chinese interest in Burma isnt far behind as well.

@ So, it remind me the great song of "Mughal -a- Azam" , " Insan kisise dunya me ek bar Mohabaat karta hai, esi dardd ko lekar jita hai aur ish dardd ko leykar marta hai" (Pyer kia tu darna kia) Similarly, we have to go with this "Rohinga problem" till the last.

@ Now, it is time we should take lessons
* from the Pakistan's case during 1971. During the 71 crisis, apparently Pakistan had lot of friends in the world premises but in the true sense there was nobody. A great example of weak diplomacy.
* In 1965, during a war between Pakistan and India, Pakistan thought that being a member of CENTO & SEATO USA would come to rescue Pakistan but they remained silent and imposed Arms embargo on both Pakistan & India. Initially, Pakistan was helped by Iran, Indonesia, Turkey and many other Islamic countries but then Pakistan's equipment's needs replenishment after few days of war. But this replenishment definitely had to come from USA.

@ Presently, we have no friends not even a single Muslim country. We are completely isolated. Some times I think that there is no difference between Bhutan and Bangladesh.

@ How can we think to go for a war ? Our most of the armaments are from China but China is with Myanmar ! If we go for a war say for a month then what happens after a month where from we will get replenishment ?

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