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Cost of Australian combat soldier's kit soars to $27,700

The Australian Army is an Expeditionary Force with 16k active soldiers while you have to arm and feed 1 million soldiers. Do the math. India can equip some of its regiments with Modern Western Kits but not all of them.

The only country that can equip its troops with standardized modern western kit at a million number is the US, but they have a defence budget of $700 billion.

We have to be practical in what we do.

So if we talk about the soldiers facing action like the SF and RR plus the infantry units facing the LOC then we would have round about 1 lac troops.

So the cost comes arounf 14-15 thousand crores which if divide by 5 years come to around 3000 crores a year.

I think its affordable if we can be practical.
Wish my country had something like this!

$27000 a soldier is enough for all our babus to eat a hefty bribe from the contracting foreign company. :lol:

Not until this regime changes.

Otherwise there will be one more scam.


I don't understand why Australia is sending such extensively equipped soldiers to Afghanistan mission.

Is it mandatory for Australians to take combat role?
$27,000+ and they can't even get a plate-carrier that fits:


^ Don't be an idiot, ISAF have been inflicting upwards of 10-1 kill-death ratios. All this while in an insurgency zone, 1000s of miles away from their home countries. Human life is valuable in the the West, especially Australia, we don't throw away our diggers lives.

Has the RR been able to inflict such casualties even whilst being in their own country? No. And lack of modern equipment is certainly one of the reasons why.

On topic:

This kit is only provided to active duty soldiers, my kit consists of a few socks, vests, 2 sets of uniform, hat and a few other items. Certainly not worth more than $200.

$27,000+ and they can't even get a plate-carrier that fits:



It fits perfectly. What are you talking about?
1999 kit



I don't understand why Australia is sending such extensively equipped soldiers to Afghanistan mission.

Is it mandatory for Australians to take combat role?

Because Australian soldiers are participating in the fighting.
Way too much sophistication,just give them a proper rifle,helmet,bulletproof jacket ,thermal viewer and radio.No need for other princess stuff.THIS IS THE INFANTRY!
Way too much sophistication,just give them a proper rifle,helmet,bulletproof jacket ,thermal viewer and radio.No need for other princess stuff.THIS IS THE INFANTRY!

Nothing in the kit is really that much "sophisticated" nor is it "princess" it's all great kit that will help the soldier fight better and be more mobile which can mean the difference in a fire fight.

It's why only 40 Australian soldiers have died while they have killed literally 1000's of Taliban.
^ Don't be an idiot, ISAF have been inflicting upwards of 10-1 kill-death ratios. All this while in an insurgency zone, 1000s of miles away from their home countries. Human life is valuable in the the West, especially Australia, we don't throw away our diggers lives.

Has the RR been able to inflict such casualties even whilst being in their own country? No. And lack of modern equipment is certainly one of the reasons why.
Don't talk like an a$$hole when you know squat! Your problem probably lies in the fact that you don't know me. I ain't any old layman you're trying to bullsh!t. So keep those yarns to yourself and argue with someone your age.

Some clowns like you think they can bulldoze their way through just because they have served or a serving in the Army, little realizing that there may be others here who have vastly more experience than them!

Jeeez! The self styled Rommels and Guderians we have to put up with here! :pop:
remember when I first got to Iraq, where each squad have to make do with the stuff the Army gave us.

Some people have underslung M203, some have ACOG and some have RIS attachment. WE either trade or use our own money to get what we wanted. 2 NVG per squad of 5.

We got on the field, with a bog standard M4, K-Pot, IBA and should/knee pad, then there we go.

Now you got plate carrier, MASSIF this, GPS this and you have multiple level of armour and clothing. Man, how time had changed.

If you were to ask a soldier to wear 27 grand worth of kit to battle, why don't you just gave them basic RBH303 Helmet, Body armor and a proper combat uniform and gave what left from that 27 grand to the soldier? Today soldier is CRIMINALLY underpaid.

How else can you have somebody to keep the torch and braving bullet when they are pay less than a cable layer working for Telstra?? (They got paid 60-70 k a years vs 40-50k for a soldier.)
For those talking about cost-effective, also consider the money/time/effort that goes into training soldiers: the more was invested, the more you want to protect that. Plus, what happens if a soldier is wounded (cost of health- and aftercare) or killed (money paid to those left behind)?
^ Don't be an idiot, ISAF have been inflicting upwards of 10-1 kill-death ratios. All this while in an insurgency zone, 1000s of miles away from their home countries. Human life is valuable in the the West, especially Australia, we don't throw away our diggers lives.

Has the RR been able to inflict such casualties even whilst being in their own country? No. And lack of modern equipment is certainly one of the reasons why.

On topic:

This kit is only provided to active duty soldiers, my kit consists of a few socks, vests, 2 sets of uniform, hat and a few other items. Certainly not worth more than $200.

It fits perfectly. What are you talking about?

Dude,RR has controlled an insurgency that started off with terrorists camps inside the Indian LOC.During those days MMGs and RPGs were very common with the terrorists.In the early 90s when the RR was formed the situation was not that good.

If you compare it to now the RR has the complete thing in control.Obviously the western armies will have a better ratio because of better budget and technology in use.Many of our soldiers die just because proper first aid is not given to them.

But if you talk about comparing RR to ISAF then i would without a doubt say that RR has full area control with the least number of incidents.We dont have terrorists bombing the **** out of government offices here.

Last months incident is a one off case which might be making you think that the RR is not good but you only need to read last 6 months news to find out how many Area Commanders has the RR killed.

It fits perfectly. What are you talking about?
Mate look- how much of the torso and abdomen is exposed? These are vital areas and one stray bullet/shrapnel and you can bleed out in minuets.
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