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Corruption within PTI. Reports leaked to media


Jun 8, 2010
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1) PTI Special Forensic Audit Report ( misappropriation of funds and donations)

pti special audit.pdf - Google Drive

2) Tasneem Noorani Review Committee Report

( comprehensive enquiry into the allegation of misconduct and malpractice/corruption during the ticket awarding process.)

Review Commission Final Report.pdf - Google Drive

3) Justice Wajjhuddin Order Sheet

Order Sheet 17-10-2014 (1).docx - Google Drive

Last but not the least, What's aleem khan doing in such a meeting, isn't it a conflict of interest a Land developer and contractor is present in the meeting ?

Very detailed documents, will review tomorrow and get back to this thread.

PS: If these things are true then I'm highly disappointed. This isn't the PTI we hoped for. This is serious stuff, IK and PTI CEC must look into this seriously before things go out of hands.
We are not expecting anything good from Jewish party. They have only one agenda- Destabilize Pakistan. Group of corrupt and psycho peoples.
Very detailed documents, will review tomorrow and get back to this thread.

PS: If these things are true then I'm highly disappointed. This isn't the PTI we hoped for. This is serious stuff, IK and PTI CEC must look into this seriously before things go out of hands.
I had the same high hope up till elections 2013. Then the reality hit and am glad i could see the full picture. IK is a fraud. Just like anyone else.
Its sad to see PTI doing all these...they were the only hope for all of us!
I had the same high hope up till elections 2013. Then the reality hit and am glad i could see the full picture. IK is a fraud. Just like anyone else.

There was never any hope of real change, just as I have been saying all along.
most are PTI inquiry done by itself. So ImranKhan did corruption and make commison to investigate him? Obviously patwari logic.

how many inquiries are done by pmln, ppp, mqm or anp? Is there any internal accountability or report in last 4 decades
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most are PTI inquiry done by itself. So ImranKhan did corruption and make commison to investigate him? Obviously patwari logic.

how many inquiries are done by pmln, ppp, mqm or anp? Is there any internal accountability or report in last 4 decades

I was just about to say same thing, at least PTI is brave enough to do internal audit reports, anyone caught of wrongdoing should be punished, but hey I cant see other parties of doing the same internal investigation into their parties?
most are PTI inquiry done by itself. So ImranKhan did corruption and make commison to investigate him? Obviously patwari logic.

how many inquiries are done by pmln, ppp, mqm or anp? Is there any internal accountability or report in last 4 decades

The same corrupt element s would have ruled the Pakistan if PTI had won the elections and besides no action has been taken against them, so is this patwari logic PTI using, brushing the matter under carpet ?
The same corrupt element s would have ruled the Pakistan if PTI had won the elections and besides no action has been taken against them, so is this patwari logic PTI using, brushing the matter under carpet ?
first admit not a single party done that before . Now why it wouldn't happen if PTI have been in power. First only party which make institution independent. E.g police and KPK NAB. U can see remarkable progress made by them. Now this is what u can do. First make them declear assest. Like most PTI leadership. then give institutions strength that then can probe u. U can hate imran khan all u want. He is gud at making institution. His hospital is one of the best in Asia. Try getting sifarish or parchi eve from imran khan even then u will not be able to get any advantage. That is the kinda man he is .

Now tell me have any party dare to did audit?
first admit not a single party done that before . Now why it wouldn't happen if PTI have been in power. First only party which make institution independent. E.g police and KPK NAB. U can see remarkable progress made by them. Now this is what u can do. First make them declear assest. Like most PTI leadership. then give institutions strength that then can probe u. U can hate imran khan all u want. He is gud at making institution. His hospital is one of the best in Asia. Try getting sifarish or parchi eve from imran khan even then u will not be able to get any advantage. That is the kinda man he is .

Now tell me have any party dare to did audit?

Every party submitted their financial reports to ECP after elections which detailed there expenses and sources of income, I guess you missed that report.

And does Imran khan going to run the country single handedly or is he going to run the country with his team? When he couldn't control corruption in his party which shows his weak leadership skills, how he gonna control once his party member came in to government and became powerful?

And example of Shaukat khanum is a dumb one. Is shaukat khanum being run by politicians or professionals ?

Just by looking at the reports, he didn't took action against the powerful groups or elements.

and do explain Aleem khan presence with Khattak in a briefing about housing schemes. What's his presence meant there ?
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I only gave (1) a cursory glance but so far as I've been able to understand its not talking about corruption but weak Internal Controls in the organization and I can't understand why the report is being called an 'audit' report when the auditor isn't giving any Opinion (Qualified or Unqualified) and hes also mentioning that this isn't an 'audit' in his closing remarks.
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