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Corruption of former DG Ispr Asim bajwa

Jitni auqaat hoti hai, utna bolna chahiyay Pakistan ko.

After two anti-American slogans by our Khan sahib, our auqaat was shown to us by locking us out of IMIs.

The bulwark is against India, not Amreeka - the world's reigning superpower. After their airstrikes, what could our Khan Bahadur sahib have done had he been in the hot seat? Remember his use of the words "I fear" during the 2019 conflict with India?

So before you put down the military, understand the power potential viz a viz Amreeka.

Then Pakistanis should stop claiming that Pakistan Army is the army of Islam and that Pakistan is the thekadaar of Islam.

Egypt receives the most militarily aid from America after Israel but we don’t see Egyptians claim Egypt is an Islamic country nor that Egypt is leading the world in ummah.

Only Pakistanis do this.

That is simultaneously one of the best and worst things I’ve ever seen in my life.
Americans have already “been there done that” via Salala air strikes and we didn’t do Jack then neither will we do anything now or in the future. Nothing specifically to do with Khan here. I think he is more of a pacifist then a war monger anyways. Also I doubt US will send a air strike down for a PM of a country calling for a independent foreign policy of his nation.
Not sure how you arrived at "I doubt US will send a air strike down for a PM of a country"?

This was not my point. All I am saying had Pakistan responded militarily at Salala in the context of a military bulwark, the US would have done even more damage to us as they have the power potential to do so.
Not sure how you arrived at "I doubt US will send a air strike down for a PM of a country"?

This was not my point. All I am saying had Pakistan responded militarily at Salala in the context of a military bulwark, the US would have done even more damage to us as they have the power potential to do so.
Pakistan did reply to salala. Not everything needs an open reply. We don’t wanna end up like Iranians all talk but no action. After salala as far as I know usa got its response in Afghanistan. It wasn’t an open response and not technically by us. But all the martyrs of salala were avenged. American bullying had its consequences for America. As you said America is a super power so there is a specific way to respond to them and ensure your survival. For all of Americas mess ups it paid for it. Had we not given America responses to their actions they would still be in Afghanistan today with almost no resistance.
Politicians can only talk but we seen how much guts they had when they were in such situations. Nawaz in 99. Zardari in 09. Khan in 19.


Where was this "Bulwark" in 2006 Bajaur and Chenegai airstrikes? Where was this bulwark for Raymond Davis?
313 Badri didn’t form it self.

Then Pakistanis should stop claiming that Pakistan Army is the army of Islam and that Pakistan is the thekadaar of Islam.

Egypt receives the most militarily aid from America after Israel but we don’t see Egyptians claim Egypt is an Islamic country nor that Egypt is leading the world in ummah.

Only Pakistanis do this.
It’s not the army of Islam. It’s a Muslim army but not army of Islam.
But unlike other Muslim countries, at least we had the courage to go against 2 super powers while having a 8x bigger enemy to our east.
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