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Corruption jumps 400% in Pakistan in 3 years: Report


Mar 31, 2008
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Corruption jumps 400% in Pakistan in 3 years: Report

Updated at: 1825 PST, Wednesday, June 17, 2009

KARACHI: Corruption in Pakistan has surged by whopping 400 percent in the last 3 years, said National Corruption Perception Survey 2009 carried out by Transparency International.

The National Corruption Perception Survey 2009 (NCPS 2009) indicates that the overall Corruption in 2002 has increased from Rs 45 Billion to Rs 195 Billion in 2009. Police and Power maintained their ranking as the top two most corrupt sectors.

There has been remarkable improvement in Judiciary. As compared to 2006 when it was ranked 3rd most corrupt sector, in 2009 Judiciary is ranked 7th.The Survey model prepared by TI in 2002 was used, and 24 page questionnaire was repeated to carry out surveys from 5,200 respondents from all the four provinces. The physical survey commenced in February 2009 and completed in April 2009.

Major Findings of Pakistan National Corruption Perception Survey 2009 are:

Police, Power, Health and Land are the most corrupt departments, and Judiciary, Customs & Taxation have improved their ranking since 2006.

In response to the query on comparing civilian and military government, respondents said civilian government were more corrupt.

The Present District Government System has been rated as more corrupt by 66.48% respondents, than the previous District Government System.

Majority of (60%) Respondents feel that Government /Armed forces should not be involved in commercial activities.

Majority of respondants wants National Accountability Bureau or any equivalent Anti Corruption Agency should be an independent body under the control of Supreme Judicial Council.

The three main reasons of corruption in view of our respondents were being, “lack of Accountability, “Lack of transparency ” & “Discretionary Power.”

The three measures suggested for combating corruption are “Accountability of public office holders”, “Judicial process to be streamlined ” & “Appointing on merit ”.

To the question “In your opinion has media played a positive role in combating corruption, 77% said yes.

Respondents ranking of four most viewed TV Channel are Geo, ARY, Express and Aaj. Four News paper in readership ranking are Jang, Nawa-e-Waqat, Dawn and Mashriq.

Assuming that there are 21.5 million House Holds ( 8 persons per house) in the Country, average bribery expenditure being Rs.9,428 per household, almost Rs.195 Billion is being cost of petty corruption at the lowest level. In NCPS 2006 it was Rs 45 Billion.

Motor way police system has been said by more than 82% respondents to have reduced corruption, and 84% have recommended to be implemented in all cities of Pakistan.
The main feature of the Pakistan National Corruption Perception Survey (NCPS)2009 and ranking in 2006 and 2002 Surveys are detailed below

The NCPS 2009 shows that the quantum per act of bribe is highest in Tendering & Procurement. The combined quantum of bribe per act in 9 sectors is Rs. 74,131, whereas in tendering in a single act the bribe is 71869.

Transparency International Pakistan also conducted survey of the Federal Government Departments on the compliance of the Public Procurement Rules 2004.

The Armed Forces. i.e. DP Division, MES and DHA are the largest sector of violators of the Procurement Rules 2004, issued by Public Procurement Regulatory Authority under PPRA Ordinance 2002. The other sector of violators are the regulatory authorities themselves. PPRA itself is not performing its statutory obligations of monitoring the application of rules, and stated to be have given illegal exemptions from application of Procurement Rules 2004. SECP, privatization ministry, State Bank of Pakistan refuses to be governed under PPRA Ordinance 2002. The correspondence with these departments are available on Transparency International Pakistan website . To curb manipulations and collusion, following Transparency Clauses are included in the Public Procurement Rules 2004. These clauses are deterrent for higher than prevailing market rates/ terms of award of contracts.

The NCP survey 2009 results confirm that Pakistan has Laws, but not the Rule of Law.

Corruption jumps 400% in Pakistan in 3 years: Report
i dont think thy are wrong a closer look will indeed raise the figure however i am curious to know how do they get to these figures ? i mean i never heard or saw them conducting any polls or survey! how exactly are reaching those figures
well u have to look at how much you are spendin and how much you are gettin out of it. i dont know the exact process but this seems to be the idea behind this

Rs195bn = $2.5bn
The poll conducting bodies, in jeneral, never describe thier survey methods, e.g. how the quetionnaire was developed and finalized, how the sample of respondants was selected, how the poll was conducted, what statistical techniques were used to determine the results and so on.

The doubt remains, therefore, on the results. These surveys are rather polittical than research oriented. So people give but limited attention to thier results.

Looking at the results: it is very simple that corruption is directly proportionate to how much contact is there between a body or organization and the masses. Police, wapda are always on top because of the nature of services they provide. If this same servey is conducted in a tribal or remote area where there is no electricity or people don't have need to ask police to settle thier disoutes, the ranking of both the departments will be lower. So, if, when descibibg results, it is also shown that what was the opinion of respondants of a particular social, political, demographic class on a perticular question, then the results may be called reliable. But, unfortunately its is not done in this way usually.
Majority of (60%) Respondents feel that Government /Armed forces should not be involved in commercial activities.

The Armed Forces. i.e. DP Division, MES and DHA are the largest sector of violators of the Procurement Rules 2004, issued by Public Procurement Regulatory Authority under PPRA Ordinance 2002.
How many civilians actually know how does the DP division, MES and DHA even work?

How many civilians actually deal with these departments (less DHA), and even if we only consider DHA, how did they know that they are the 'largest' violators PRPA, except the media stunt that showed DHA as land grabbers, a news which i am not sure of actually. i supposed the civilians are just 'deal' with DHA to get the forms/payments etc, like we deal with any other business corp!

Who actually were the 'reponders' to this fauj related question?
The NCP survey 2009 results confirm that Pakistan has Laws, but not the Rule of Law.
Well TI got this right!
How many civilians actually deal with these departments (less DHA), and even if we only consider DHA, how did they know that they are the 'largest' violators PRPA, except the media stunt that showed DHA as land grabbers, a news which i am not sure of actually. i supposed the civilians are just 'deal' with DHA to get the forms/payments etc, like we deal with any other business corp!
Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa has done a good amount of research on the above mentioned matters. Her research (though thoroughly acknowledged by several national and international organizations) was out rightly rejected by some on the similar grounds "How does she know?" and labelled as a media stunt.
Majority of (60%) Respondents feel that Government /Armed forces should not be involved in commercial activities

Cuz Armed forces are supposed to be securing borders and dealing with the defence of the country ..... ! if armed forces involves in comercial activities than it leads to corruption and so on!
Majority of (60%) Respondents feel that Government /Armed forces should not be involved in commercial activities

Cuz Armed forces are supposed to be securing borders and dealing with the defence of the country ..... ! if armed forces involves in comercial activities than it leads to corruption and so on!
Actually to update you, the military doesn't ITSELF run commercial business. Uniformed personnel are paid to get trained and fight not to run 'business', so you are mistaken from the roots dear.
Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa has done a good amount of research on the above mentioned matters. Her research (though thoroughly acknowledged by several national and international organizations) was out rightly rejected by some on the similar grounds "How does she know?" and labelled as a media stunt.

Yes dude how does the civilian know? It's a straight simple answer! How would someone who doest have access to something at atll would know something? Yes the people related to military might know some stuff, the civilians working in these departments again must be knowing much, but how many are they actually in numbers? So do you want to suggest that the polls were 'specific' (as regards to responders) rather than being random?

AS must be knowing what all she has written, as she might have researched, granted, but the point of concern here is people like you and others whop dont even live here and most them who dont even what DP and MES (remember i missed out DHA deliberately here and you know why)stands for would know the mechanics who things work inside or around these departments?

Again, i question of the day is: How would they know!?

(Try not to bypass this one as you have already in the previous threads)
Yes dude how does the civilian know? It's a straight simple answer! How would someone who doest have access to something at atll would know something? Yes the people related to military might know some stuff, the civilians working in these departments again must be knowing much....
Dr Siddiqa has been a civil servant for 11 years during which she was asked to work as the Director of Naval Research with Pakistan Navy making her the first civilian and a woman to work at that position in Pakistan's defense establishment.She also worked as a Deputy Director in Audit Defence Services Lahore Cantt.

Again, i question of the day is: How would they know!?
Just like you know things are not all fine and dandy in the civilian sector. There is always some interaction between the civilian and the military establishments on an array of matters and that is how they come to know about the ***** of each other. My uncle is a military contracotr in Rawalpindi and he deals with the men-in-uniform on daily basis and he knows what is cooking there.
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Dr Siddiqa has been a civil servant for 11 years during which she was asked to work as the Director of Naval Research with Pakistan Navy making her the first civilian and a woman to work at that position in Pakistan's defense establishment.She also worked as a Deputy Director in Audit Defence Services Lahore Cantt.

Did i inquired this?

My question was in plain english, and you know what i actually asked. Come on dont keep me waiting. Bring it on!


How many 'uncle' are there that you actually have in the military dealings? And what is the % of that uncle who form part of the 'responders' and the Nation's population actually?

Come on Qsaark, i know you can do better.
That's another darkside of democracy ...well atleast we have positive growth in somthing, which public missed in last budget speech....lolz
Majority of (60%) Respondents feel that Government /Armed forces should not be involved in commercial activities

Actually to update you, the military doesn't ITSELF run commercial business. Uniformed personnel are paid to get trained and fight not to run 'business', so you are mistaken from the roots dear.

FYI i wil give eg of DHA its Executive Board is Headed by the Corps Commander of the respective city , and the executive boards does every thing i.e frm finance to operations and thats just a example

They dont have to have a uniformed personal sitting at customer services
i dont think thy are wrong a closer look will indeed raise the figure however i am curious to know how do they get to these figures ? i mean i never heard or saw them conducting any polls or survey! how exactly are reaching those figures

Some eye opener:


Civil & Military in Pakistan

Pakistan News Service - PakTribune


An email on the internet by the caption, *"Every Country has Army, Pakistan Army has a country"* has been going the rounds for the last many years much to the delight of the likes of Farahat ullah Babar, Ansar Abbasi and Dr. Ayasha Siddiqui, who let go of no opportunity to malign the armed forces! It surfaces every now and then in a planned manner to strike when the anvil is hot, that is; whenever the government is facing a situation. I have received it again for the third time now during the last two years. It contains a comprehensive list of the army officers in civil appointments in the country. On the face of it the list looks huge and on its first reading gives the impression to the uninformed gullible that the entire administration of the country is being run by the military officers. What it does not say cleverly is that it is a consolidated list of all such military personnel who have held such appointments over a period of last two decades or more and includes the names of even those who have retired since long from their civil positions or have even left for their eternal heavenly abode. But the list keeps on making the rounds, of course not without the obvious purpose of maligning the army in its own country, thus doing the job of the enemy strategists for free (but who knows, there might be a price?) in eroding the very unity and the foundations of Pakistan.

Civil & Military Interdependence

Civil Services and the Military are the two most important wheels without which no country can run. There are two types of military officers who find their way to the civil appointments – The Serving Officers and the Retired Officers. Similarly, there are a few departments in the government which are defence oriented in nature and the defence personnel, serving or retired, are considered better suited for some of the specific jobs in them. It is just like many civilians serving in the GHQ, AHQ, NHQ, various Formations/Stations and Log Areas Headquarters, All Cantonment Boards and the Military Estates Offices, hundreds of Army Rations and Ordnance Depots spread all over the country, and the largest number of them employed by the Pakistan Ordnance Factories at Wah, Garwal and Sanjwal, the Aeronautical Complex, Kamara, the Heavy Rebuild Tank and Gun Factories, Taxilla, the Naval Dockyards, numerous PAF Air Bases, various many Technical Inspectorates like Inspectorate of Electronics & Instruments, Inspectorate of Vehicles and Engineering Equipment, Chief Inspectorate of Armaments, Inspectorate of Optics etc. etc. many Military Hospitals and many other purely military organisations and set ups all over the country. Each and every one of them can be very easily replaced by a serving of retired military person. Not only that, all these civilians employed by the thousands in these military establishments are categorised as “Civilians Paid out of Defence Budget” and are entitled exactly to all those facilities as given to the army personnel in these establishments. As a matter of fact and on the lighter side, there is a saying going rounds in all such military head quarters that it is the civilians who are the permanent staff there as the military officers keep coming and going. And if it a surprise let it be that way. No military officer in the GHQ can punish any civilian employ – even his office peon. The matter is to be reported to the CAO (Civilian Administrative Officer), who is only competent to take any action against them. And if it could offer some solace to Messrs Farhat Ullah Babar and Ansar Abbasi to know that a very large number – indeed a very large number- of civilians is employed by the Fauji Foundation, AWT, Shaheen Foundation and Bahria Foundation, the Frontier Works Organisation, the Special Communications Organisation, the Civil Works Organisation and the NLC in their many and multi million rupee projects and enterprises. Some of the civilians in these organisations are employed at much higher pay and perks than what most of the serving and retired officers and men get there. If we compare the number of such civilians employed in the defence organisations vis-a-vis the number of the army personnel in the civil services, I bet the ratio will be at least 500 to 1 in favour of the civilians.

Retired Military Officers:
They are mostly taken on contract basis for a fixed period of normally three years. The contract, like any other contract, could be extended for another term of similar or lesser period. The raison d’etre behind it being that most army officers retire as Majors and Lieutenant Colonels at a young age of mid and late forties after having put in a very demanding service of 23 to 25 years.. At this age they are mentally alert and physically fit, possess the necessary experience of command, man management and administration, are disciplined, dutiful, responsible, trained to obey orders and accomplish a given task in the given time. In other words they are able, capable, efficient and proficient. The elder lot of the retired officers who fall in the category of Brigadiers and Generals are much more experienced and possess a good insight of the socio-economic and geo-political affairs of the country. Having served in various assignments within Pakistan and at times abroad, undergone courses of higher studies in the Staff Colleges and National Defence University (both local and foreign) are considered more suited for higher responsibilities – gubernatorial, and diplomatic assignments as ambassadors and delegates to foreign missions etc. Most countries designate retired Generals as their ambassadors abroad.

Serving Military Officers:.

They are absorbed in the civil services under a constitutional quota. They are either seconded to the civil services where they revert to the military after completing the stint or find their entry into it permanently after having been selected by the Public Service Commission of Pakistan. Lieutenants Iskandar Mirza and A S B Shah (later Major General Iskandar Mirza and Lt Colonel A S B Shah) became ICS (Indian Civil Services) officers in their very early military carrier in pre-partitioned India. There were many more like them. Incidentally, in those days no one in the civil service could be given a rank more than that of a Lieutenant Colonel, including the honorary rank bestowed upon the Rajas, Maharajas and Nawabs. It was only after the partition and that too in Pakistan only that higher military ranks were awarded to princely states rulers and Lt Col. Iskandar Mirza was made an honorary Major General who as a Defence Secretary took ex-officio precedence over the Army Chief- a General. Every country allocates certain percentage of the civil appointments for the veterans, the retired and the serving personnel of the armed forces. Ever since the inception of Pakistan and as a practice carried forward from the days of the pre-partitioned India, an 8 percent quota of the civil services was reserved for the retired and serving officers of the armed forces. Liaqat Ali Khan gave this practice the constitutional cover in 1951. Later ZAB increased this quota from 8 percent to10 percent. I agree, that they are a little too many to be in the civil jobs, but the big question is why are they there? Has each one of them not delivered and contributed in bringing some semblance of efficiency and progress in the department entrusted to him? If they could improve the working in it, does it not show that theretofore there were not very competent people in those departments? Take the case of Punjab University, there used to be PERPETUAL strikes in it (thanks to JI). Ever since the induction of a General there almost 6 to 7 years ago, there has been none and the PU is being quoted a role model of a university for others to follow. Why did the civil govts. of BB and NS have one after the other Lt Gens as Chairmen WAPDA and AVMs to head the Civil Aviation? Why did the British have FM Wavell and the First Sea Lord of the Admiralty Mount Batten as the Viceroys of India at its most crucial period of the British history in India at the time of its Independence? Military 'bureaucrats' have their own plus points or else more than 60 percent of the Fortune 500 top most corporations in the world would not have been headed by them.

Talking of civil bureaucracy in Pakistan, happily though not all but many of them leave much to be desired. I have yet to see them coming to office on time, leave aside the amount of the corruption they indulge into. I was aghast to see in the 1980s seven trucks hauling the household belongings of a Commissioner transferred from ----- to Islamabad. One truck was carrying the peacocks, deer siblings and other fauna. A young civil doctor friend told me how his district medical staff used to collectively send a truck load of mangoes and about a dozen deer to the Director Health Services Lahore for his annual feast that he used to host for the government officials and their friends. No Pasban is sent to the Judiciary –not because they are not trained for it. Law is a compulsory subject for all officers to study and qualify in various examinations - and one can see the pathetic state of affairs of our civil courts without them. The rampant corruption there is cited the world over by the Transparency International. Can any one get a piece of land registered in his/her name without illegal gratification ? Well nigh, impossible! If you ask me honestly, it is due to these Pasbans, that the Pakistan government machinery keeps ticking. They act as trouble shooters and put thing right where wrong. Otherwise, it would have come to a halt long ago.
FYI i wil give eg of DHA its Executive Board is Headed by the Corps Commander of the respective city , and the executive boards does every thing i.e frm finance to operations and thats just a example

They dont have to have a uniformed personal sitting at customer services

Hey DUDE! The entire Army Welfare Projects (AWT) falls under the jurisdiction of the PA Directorate GHQ. If these are to be run under the Army patronage then whom you think should be in the executive body,.... indians?

What is said and you missed was that uniformed personnel dont sit and sell plots, civilians are paid for the job. and yes as the military runs it, it is and would be controlled by men in uniform.
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