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Corps Commanders express displeasure over Defence Minister’s statement

By sub-ordinate you mean that anyone can criticize/mudsling on them publically of the crime they have not committed yet.....?????.........what is the point of Defence Minister's criticism on army....????.......Ohhhh.....it slips off my mind that he is an "elected member" he can do anything he pleases.:disagree:

"The participants added that military personnels and officers have concerns over criticism on Pakistan Army"

Military's concern is Musharraf. The Defence Minister is doing the right thing reminding them to go back to their job. The ECL case will be decided by Parliament and Treason case by Courts.
These faujis should remember that they are the sub-ordinates, not the masters. If they break this discipline, they are nothing better than thugs and goon in clean clothes and a disgrace to their nation and uniform.

Issue resolved. Thank you.
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The Defence Minister is doing the right thing reminding them to go back to their job.

Will this reminder serve the purpose......???........what if military don't listen.......???

My friend the point here is not one doing his job or not............the point is HOW he is doing his job.......military haven't interfere publically as far as I know.......and Mr. Minister is continuously, on a public forum blaming Pak army.......will his chanting prevent the military to take over if military desires....?????.....if Mr. Minister has slightest bit of mind, he should deal the matter very very carefully and under the table...........Loud speeches wouldn't serve any better neither for himself nor for Pakistan........as MastanKhan pointed out earlier, its always the politician's incompetency responsible for we having military govt. for so long......
By sub-ordinate you mean that anyone can criticize/mudsling on them publically of the crime they have not committed yet.....?????.........what is the point of Defence Minister's criticism on army....????.......Ohhhh.....it slips off my mind that he is an "elected member" he can do anything he pleases.:disagree:

"The participants added that military personnels and officers have concerns over criticism on Pakistan Army"

Why should the Army be above criticism, specially when it is failing in its duties?
Had they expressed 'displeasure' in some other country in the world, they would be fired instantly. There is no doubt, these people continue to be a thorn in our side. They want to ensure they remain 'untouchables' :angry:

Calm down.

Releasing war-prisoners during an insurgency *without* consulting military is something no other government will think of. So better get your idiotic government to work professionally first.
Why should the Army be above criticism, specially when it is failing in its duties?

Then criticize them, dont irritate them........army has been criticized many times before during WOT, but by genuine means and for genuine reasons.........what about Mr. Minister failing in his duties.......he suppose to be a politician, a visionary.......can't he see that his action could cause a political chaos in Pakistan........has he not have any political way to deal with this matter instead of loud speeches in public forum......?????.........do we not have to criticize him........????

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

As I was sitting with my cousin in Lahore a few days ago he says Mahathir Mohammad the ex malaysian prime minister--- said to him "----- you have to divorce your family in order to serve your country successfully----family and political leadership does not go hand in hand"---.

And that is truly the case with pakistani politics----. Yousuf Reza Gillani---an honest man----his boys and wife put him to shame.

The boys took bribes---massive bribes and their mother was 1/3rd partner in those bribes---. Gilani would say to his sons---you have put me to shame---. The only that Gilani was ever charged was to give jobs to people in previous govts----and he gave jobs without getting any benefits.

And when this man fell from graces---it was so bad that his son got kidnapped from multan and nothing could be done---an ex prime minister of pakistan helpless.

Now is the trun of Nawaz---his kids----Shahbaz and his kids----it is a recipe for disaster.

Do you guys know that pakistan has suspended any new licenses for new industry since the last five years. All pakistani politicians during the zardari govt and current govt---those who made money have set up shop in middle east---pakistans industry has moved to arab emirates.

A average pakistani men's shirt cost around Rs 2500-3000 in multan---which is 25 to 30 U S dollars. For 30 dollars I can have a quality white nordstrom dress shirt or a designer shirt at macy's.

You children don'tr even know how corrupt the Sharif's are---they sold the pak military secrets to india last time and this time it is not going to be any different.

Remember children-----The man who saved Nawaz Sharif's arse last time was Ambani----the indian businessman.

Why should the Army be above criticism, specially when it is failing in its duties?


So tell us where did the military failed in its duties---. It went to kill the insurgents when they were escaping from afg---the public was against it---they went into red mosque---the public was against it----BUGTI wanted to die like an OLD LION that he was----Bugti may have orchestrated his ending to die like the warrior that he was---and th4e politicians stirred up sh-it and restlessness in the pulic.

If the politicians of peoples party and nawz party had kept their mouths shut over the death of Bugti---this isurgency would not have started---. Peoples party and PMLN are responsible for it----they lit up a fire on the TV media---yes---when there is a blast underside a dirt mound---yes it does collapse---the whole mountain comes down---and those under the mound---they get buried.

You young people don't understand what happens to proud old men---proud old warriors---when HEMMORRHOIDS start hurting----when JOINT pains is beyond controll---when pains of all kinds hit the body----when eye sight starts going bad---when you literally cannot take stupidity anymore---when you think that you have lived your life as you wanted to and just want to go to the next life---you do what Bugti did---.

It is easier to talk about the military's failures---why don't you talk about the good things that they did---.
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These politicians need to be put in their places I.e behind iron bars.

Fkin sellout m0f0 these politicians are. Dragged the country down the drain & still their greed is not fulfilled.

111 please do the job. Pakistani people stand with you.
Isn't Def. Min. boss of The Corps Commanders..? How can they publicly express their "displeasure" ..?
they do that because, believe it or not the press has added fuel to the fire .
army should not be saying anything at all, no matter what. I dislike NS & co but on this one, they have my support.
if people have watched the defense minister's speech
the guys clearly undermines the sacrifices made by the army. the military has always delivered to the best of its abilities every time these corrupt politicians are too busy sucking the blood out of the poor.
the only at times when military gets into politics it creates blunder because simply put it is not trained for that

RAWALPINDI: The Corps Commanders of Pakistan’s military has organised a significantly important session in Rawalpindi on Tuesday and expressed displeasure over defence minister Khawaja Asif’s statement, reports said.

Corps Commanders Conference held at General Headquarters today while the Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif chaired the conference.

The forum undertook a comprehensive review of the prevailing external and internal security situation specially along the Western border, Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said.

The issue of drawdown of ISAF from Afghanistan with its concomitant implications on the security situation along the bordering region was also discussed.

COAS commended the efforts despite serious security and administrative challenges.

Corps commanders expressed reservations over criticism being made over Pakistan’s military especially by two senior lawmakers, local news channel said.

The expression of displeasure came forward after the defence minister Khawaja Asif and senator cum federal information minister Pervaiz Rasheed, who were seen defending the supremacy of parliament of Pakistan.

The participants added that military personnels and officers have concerns over criticism on Pakistan Army.

COAS General Raheel Sharif would make the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif aware about the military’s reservations after his return from visit to China.

Ongoing dialogues’ procedure with Taliban also discussed in the high-level military meeting; questions has been raised over prisoners’ release by Pakistani government without military’s consultation while some suggestions would be conveyed to the federal authorities.

The high-level officials clarified that there are no women, children and non-combatant prisoners present in military’s custody, reports said.

Corps commanders rejected the possibilities of making ‘Peace Zone’ demanded by the militant organisation, Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).

COAS General Raheel Sharif appreciated own troops for additional security measures along Pak-Afghan Border to assist our Afghan brethren in conduct of smooth Presidential Elections.

The forum also comprehensively reviewed Pak Army’s large scale involvement on security, development and rehabilitation works in various parts of the country.

Corps Commanders express displeasure over Defence Minister’s statement | The News Tribe

Had they expressed 'displeasure' in some other country in the world, they would be fired instantly. There is no doubt, these people continue to be a thorn in our side. They want to ensure they remain 'untouchables' :angry:

I think Pakistan Army should plan something for future like Having a regular Army of 1100,000 Men with 110,000 SSGs. Also posting about 100,000 men on Pakistan East, West(South Especially) and Northern borders in a regular 8 hours duty in three shift so that Army would have deployed about 300,000 men on borders regularly.

Also PN needs to expand its Marines Force to 41,000+ men and deploying about 11,000 men on South Zone of country in a regular 8 hours duty in three shift so that PN would have deployed about 33,000 men on South border regularly.
Ongoing dialogues’ procedure with Taliban also discussed in the high-level military meeting; questions has been raised over prisoners’ release by Pakistani government without military’s consultation.
This should be totally unacceptable. The army and paramilitary forces put their lives on the line to kill/capture terrorists and then some clowns in the civilian government take it upon themselves to release these very militants as a 'confidence building measure'. Jeeez! This sucks!

Pandering to the demands of the terrorists for so called 'peace' is stupidity of the highest order!! These very guys will come back soon and kill a few more soldiers. But do the politicians care?
I think Pakistan Army should plan something for future like Having a regular Army of 1100,000 Men with 110,000 SSGs. Also posting about 100,000 men on Pakistan East, West(South Especially) and Northern borders in a regular 8 hours duty in three shift so that Army would have deployed about 300,000 men on borders regularly.

Also PN needs to expand its Marines Force to 41,000+ men and deploying about 11,000 men on South Zone of country in a regular 8 hours duty in three shift so that PN would have deployed about 33,000 men on South border regularly.

Chacha,,, Konsi Charas pi kar post karty ho? Afghani ya Columbian charas
These faujis should remember that they are the sub-ordinates, not the masters. If they break this discipline, they are nothing better than thugs and goon in clean clothes and a disgrace to their nation and uniform.
This post doesn't violate any of the forum rules, neither is maligning any organisation with slander, Why does it have two negative rating....

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