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Coronavirus spread outside of China may be ‘tip of the iceberg,’ says WHO chief

Hamartia Antidote

Nov 17, 2013
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United States
Well this will ruin your day


AFP via Getty Images
View of Les Contamines-Montjoie, near Mont Blanc in the French Alps, where five British nationals including a child have tested positive for the new coronavirus.

The director-general of the World Health Organization warned Sunday that countries outside of China should be prepared for the spread of the deadly new coronavirus to accelerate, saying that it’s possible only the tip of the iceberg has been see:

‘The detection of a small number of cases may indicate more widespread transmission in other countries; in short we may only be seeing the tip of the iceberg.’
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, World Health Organization
Ghebreyesus, who heads the WHO , made the comments in a tweet on Sunday, where he discussed the coronavirus’s contagion between people who had not traveled to China.

His comments came as the death toll from the virus rose to over 900. China reported 3,062 new virus cases in the 24 hours through midnight Sunday, raising the total on the mainland to 40,171. Fresh cases were also reported in Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, the U.K. and Spain.

France was forced to close two schools after five British citizens, including a child, caught the virus while at a prestigious French ski resort from another infected British citizen who had recently been in Singapore. The Briton tested positive for the virus after returning to the U.K.

The U.K. patient had been at a business conference in Singapore along with 94 other foreigners. Meanwhile, Spanish authorities confirmed a British man in Mallorca became its second case of coronavirus, apparently becoming catching the illness from an infected person in France. And Japan reported six more cases among 3,700 passengers and crew on a quarantined cruise ship, bringing infections on the vessel to 69.

Ghebreyesus added that WHO has yet to reach its goal of raising $675 million for the organization’s battle against the coronavirus and vulnerable countries. WHO on Sunday sent a team of international experts to China, led by Bruce Aylward, a doctor and veteran of past public health emergencies.
Anyone surprised? Actually this is making me angry. So many disease outbreaks coming from China and they still haven't banned eating wild animals. I have a Chinese flatmate who eats snakes and justifies it at the same time. I recently decided to stop interacting with her.
Anyone surprised? Actually this is making me angry. So many disease outbreaks coming from China and they still haven't banned eating wild animals. I have a Chinese flatmate who eats snakes and justifies it at the same time. I recently decided to stop interacting with her.

While many of the animals may sound unappealing to many people it doesn't necessarily make it wrong. However you did accentuate "wild animals" which is the main problem. If these animals (like snakes) were raised on special farms and adequate screening was done to detect dangerous pathogens then there might not be a problem.

Same with other animals. You shoot some wild boar in the forest you should expect to be dealing with dangerous pathogens. However if it was raised on a farm where they are inoculated and tested your chances are much lower.
if you cook properly then there won’t be any harm

Well the problem is actually in preparation. At the wet markets people are killing animals and chopping them up right infront of the buyer. Wild animal blood on tables where potentially a cross contamination can occur with something unrelated. You can try and change the ways of people but it would be difficult. Try to minimize risk before it even gets to the market.
Well the problem is actually in preparation. At the wet markets people are killing animals and chopping them up right infront of the buyer. Wild animal blood on tables where potentially a cross contamination can occur with something unrelated. You can try and change the ways of people but it would be difficult. Try to minimize risk before it even gets to the market.

Or it may be the people that's the problem

I just found this on a Hong Kong forum, it's a screen cap of someone's WeChat, now I have to say I do not know if this is real or fake, take this post as it is because it will most likely piss off someone.


In case you don't read Chinese (Or ask your wife to translate it for you if you don't believe me) It written
(in line)

1.) I think I have caught the Coronavirus
2.) I felt the day before I have symptoms just like what the TV reports
3.) And then I found out people around me were infected
4.) He found out he got it (the virus) from the Hospital
5.) That's why I immediately go to Mall 1 (Name of the mall in chinses), Mall 2 and Mall 3 shopping and cough up more than 100 times.
6.) I think I have infected many people?
7.) I will go to a fair (Probably about Chinese New Year) and infect more people
8.) 11:31
9.) The more I infected the better.

Again, I have no way to know if this is real or not, but it just too spooky and scary would someone say something like that.
At the wet markets people are killing animals and chopping them up right infront of the buyer.

We don’t have wet market here for wild animals hunting is completely banned. When I was kid tribes use to carry wild boars alive to house use fire to roast and then cut meat to cook further. We don’t have any issue

one of goat meat preparation

Or it may be the people that's the problem

I just found this on a Hong Kong forum, it's a screen cap of someone's WeChat, now I have to say I do not know if this is real or fake, take this post as it is because it will most likely piss off someone.

View attachment 604546

In case you don't read Chinese (Or ask your wife to translate it for you if you don't believe me) It written
(in line)

1.) I think I have caught the Coronavirus
2.) I felt the day before I have symptoms just like what the TV reports
3.) And then I found out people around me were infected
4.) He found out he got it (the virus) from the Hospital
5.) That's why I immediately go to Mall 1 (Name of the mall in chinses), Mall 2 and Mall 3 shopping and cough up more than 100 times.
6.) I think I have infected many people?
7.) I will go to a fair (Probably about Chinese New Year) and infect more people
8.) 11:31
9.) The more I infected the better.

Again, I have no way to know if this is real or not, but it just too spooky and scary would someone say something like that.
Is it the same source that told you China built a dedicated hospital around the clock in 8 days for detaining the political dissidents there?

Anyone surprised? Actually this is making me angry. So many disease outbreaks coming from China and they still haven't banned eating wild animals. I have a Chinese flatmate who eats snakes and justifies it at the same time. I recently decided to stop interacting with her.
AIDS was brought in to China by some Americans in the early 1980's, since then it killed a lot of people in China, but we never blamed US for bringing AIDS in China, cause we know viruses don't know borders.
AIDS was brought in to China by some Americans in the early 1980's, since then it killed a lot of people in China, but we never blamed US for bringing AIDS in China, cause we know viruses don't know borders.
HIV also came from people eating monkeys in Congo, again a case of people eating wild animals. However West and Central Africa aren't as connected as China with the rest of the world so the damage is minimized but the cause is the same - eating wild animals. How many more disease outbreaks that have to happen before you guys stop this practice?
HIV also came from people eating monkeys in Congo, again a case of people eating wild animals. However West and Central Africa aren't as connected as China with the rest of the world so the damage is minimized but the cause is the same - eating wild animals. How many more disease outbreaks that have to happen before you guys stop this practice?
I never ate wild animals in my whole life, we northerners don't eat strange food, only people from Guangdong and Guangxi do, I m also strongly against eating wild animals and hopefully the government can ban their diet.
That being said, even we totally ban eating wild animals, disease can still pop up here and there, 1918 Spanish flu was from pigs in an US farm, and we also have bird flu, mad cow disease, foot and mouth disease... they were all come from animals and some of them we can't live without.
it did......It give me the hibeejibee even if this is fake, but I don't know.
There are certainly such sadistic people. Especially those who have achieved nothing in their lives, so I wouldn't be surprised if there are people who like to spread Corona and taking satisfaction in it.
AIDS was brought in to China by some Americans in the early 1980's,

You really like blaming the US for everything. However please try looking up facts instead of using your default answers.

AIDS in China

In June of 1985, an Argentine–American tourist was hospitalized in Beijing’s Xiehe Hospital with a pulmonary infection and subsequent respiratory failure. During his hospitalization, he was diagnosed with PCP and AIDS, thereby becoming the first person to be diagnosed with HIV in China (First AIDS case, 2001).

In the same year, four hemophiliacs in Zhejiang province tested positive for anti-HIV antibodies (Zhejiang HIV/AIDS patients, 2005). After ruling out other risk factors such as risky sexual contact, intravenous drug use, and mother-to-child transmission, it was determined that all four people had received Factor VIII treatment in which imported HIV-contaminated products were used. This revelation raised the likelihood that HIV had entered China before 1985.


The first Chinese AIDS cases were caused by China not having an adequate domestic Hemophilia program so they imported blood products from outside China and some were tainted with AIDS.

I'm sure American blood products would be expensive and African ones (where AIDS first appeared) very cheap. So now you know what happened. Regular tourism to China was not big in the 1980's. However Shenzen back then was world famous with its "special economic zone" as a hub for Sex Tourism with its cheap prostitution so it is always possible AIDS started there.

1918 Spanish flu was from pigs in an US farm,

That is just a theory put forth in 2003...out of many including a Chinese origin one.


The major troop staging and hospital camp in Étaples, France, was identified by researchers as being at the center of the Spanish flu. The research was published in 1999 by a British team, led by virologist John Oxford.[20] In late 1917, military pathologists reported the onset of a new disease with high mortality that they later recognized as the flu. The overcrowded camp and hospital was an ideal site for the spreading of a respiratory virus. The hospital treated thousands of victims of chemical attacks, and other casualties of war. 100,000 soldiers were in transit through the camp every day. It also was home to a live piggery, and poultry was regularly brought in for food supplies from surrounding villages. Oxford and his team postulated that a significant precursor virus, harbored in birds, mutated and then migrated to pigs kept near the front.[21][22]

There have been claims that the epidemic originated in the United States. Historian Alfred W. Crosby claimed that the flu originated in Kansas,[23] and popular author John Barry described Haskell County, Kansas, as the point of origin.[15] It has also been claimed that, by late 1917, there had already been a first wave of the epidemic in at least 14 US military camps.[24]

Earlier hypotheses put forward varying points of origin for the epidemic. Some hypothesized that the flu originated in East Asia, a common area for transmission of disease from animals to humans because of dense living conditions.[25] In 1993, Claude Hannoun, the leading expert on the 1918 flu for the Pasteur Institute, asserted the former virus was likely to have come from China. It then mutated in the United States near Boston and from there spread to Brest, France, Europe's battlefields, Europe, and the world with Allied soldiers and sailors as the main disseminators.[26] He considered several other hypotheses of origin, such as Spain, Kansas and Brest, as being possible, but not likely.

Political scientist Andrew Price-Smith published data from the Austrian archives suggesting the influenza had earlier origins, beginning in Austria in early 1917.[27]

In 2014, historian Mark Humphries argued that the mobilization of 96,000 Chinese laborers to work behind the British and French lines might have been the source of the pandemic. Humphries, of the Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. John's, based his conclusions on newly unearthed records. He found archival evidence that a respiratory illness that struck northern China in November 1917 was identified a year later by Chinese health officials as identical to the Spanish flu.[28][29] A report published in 2016 in the Journal of the Chinese Medical Association found no evidence that the 1918 virus was imported to Europe via Chinese and Southeast Asian soldiers and workers. It found evidence that the virus had been circulating in the European armies for months and possibly years before the 1918 pandemic.[30]
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Or it may be the people that's the problem

I just found this on a Hong Kong forum, it's a screen cap of someone's WeChat, now I have to say I do not know if this is real or fake, take this post as it is because it will most likely piss off someone.

View attachment 604546

In case you don't read Chinese (Or ask your wife to translate it for you if you don't believe me) It written
(in line)

1.) I think I have caught the Coronavirus
2.) I felt the day before I have symptoms just like what the TV reports
3.) And then I found out people around me were infected
4.) He found out he got it (the virus) from the Hospital
5.) That's why I immediately go to Mall 1 (Name of the mall in chinses), Mall 2 and Mall 3 shopping and cough up more than 100 times.
6.) I think I have infected many people?
7.) I will go to a fair (Probably about Chinese New Year) and infect more people
8.) 11:31
9.) The more I infected the better.

Again, I have no way to know if this is real or not, but it just too spooky and scary would someone say something like that.
It is remind me about SARS story a chinese doctor came to HK, stay a nigt in hotel and infected many people.

Also you know a chinese girl go to french and pass screening beacuse she take paracetamol to cooling her fever. And now french get infected.

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