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Coronavirus latest news: Boris Johnson announces three-week UK lockdown

There is no clarity

" Travelling to and from work , only if absolutely necessary "

so that mean people will keep working if they cannot do their work from home and will be using public transport

Yes if their workplace remains open and they cannot work remotely.

This is not ideal but will increase social distancing that much higher.

This will hopefully have the effect of reducing contact enough that the spread of infection is reduced so the NHS does not get overwhelmed.
A lot of the local shops including takeaways are profiteering like greedy b**tards. They need to be BOYCOTTED. Don't pay £10 for a chicken burger!

Yup! Favorite Chicken charging £10 for a chicken burger.

I recently had this message forwarded to me. Dont know which part of the country these shops are located in:

"Warley supermarket fined £50,000 by Trading Standards for inflating prices of goods.

Pak supermarket and Mirchi fined and closed £25,000

S&D Soho RD should be next

Keeping Passing this message on. BOYCOTT shops and stick to main supermarkets
Posts of No-value/off-topic
There is no clarity

" Travelling to and from work , only if absolutely necessary "

so that mean people will keep working if they cannot do their work from home and will be using public transport

I live in the UK and Pakistani guys are second to Jamaican guys in likes

From Princess Diana to EDL daughters. Every girl likes Pakistani boys. Way more than Arabs by mile shot. Go look at pengest videos for proof
Yes every country is full of imbeciles.

The government really wanted to let people be responsible but see the amount of idiots mixing over the weekend.
It is my distinct dishonor to say that Canada probably leads the world by far with all the spreadnecks we have. The provinces of Ontario and Alberta can give the COVIDiots below us in the States a good run for their money.
His a troll, his probably an Indian working on commission to spread BS across PDF.. I cringe hard reading his posts

I guess but still not sure what the english preference for Pakistani men has to do with COVID lockdown.
If they don't shut down supermarkets it won't help much. Supermarkets are cool and damp and lack UV and lots of people with no physical distancing, perfect place for lots of people to get infected. In fact, more than 90 percent of infections take place in supermarkets. Also they shut down restaurants which forces more people to buy groceries in supermarkets and that made things worse.
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