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Punjab Govt to Ease Restrictions for Industrialists and Traders:

Punjab government is planning to allow more traders and industrialists to operate during the lockdown.

Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar announced this in a meeting with a delegation of industrialists and representatives of the trader community. He said that textile, garments, sugar mills and other 35 industrial units would be allowed to open. He maintained that spare part dealers and other related sectors would also be permitted to do business.

Led by APTMA head Gohar Ijaz, the delegation held a detailed discussion with regards to resolving the problems the industrialists and traders are facing.

Usman Buzdar said that the common man is facing difficulties owing to the coronavirus pandemic and our aim is to alleviate them. He disclosed that SoPs have been finalized to grant permission for doing business in a phased manner in Punjab. He warned that the industry would be closed in case of a violation of the SOPs

GB is through the pandemic.

From the Fed Gov App.
Current cases 21501.
New cases 1315.
Recovered: 5782

Daily % increase. 1315/20186*100=6.51%. It’s been between 6-7% daily increase for a while now. Geometric growth. Not exponential. That’s good.

Resolved cases: 5782+486=6278.
% resolved cases: 6278/21501*100=29.2%
Thats encouraging.

Fatality rate total cases:486/21501*100=2.26%
Fatality rate resolved cases: 486/6278*200=7.74%
That’s worrying.
Another bad day. Huge 1315 cases reported. Deaths again crossed 20+ mark and recoveries are only 192. Tests conducted are around 10,000.

12 deaths reported in Punjab, 7 deaths in Sindh and 5 in KPK. No recoveries reported in Balochistan and Islamabad.

Punjab conducted over half of the total tests of Pakistan

GB is through the pandemic.

From the Fed Gov App.
Current cases 21501.
New cases 1315.
Recovered: 5782

Daily % increase. 1315/20186*100=6.51%. It’s been between 6-7% daily increase for a while now. Geometric growth. Not exponential. That’s good.

Resolved cases: 5782+486=6278.
% resolved cases: 6278/21501*100=29.2%
Thats encouraging.

Fatality rate total cases:486/21501*100=2.26%
Fatality rate resolved cases: 486/6278*200=7.74%
That’s worrying.
High Fatality rate is due to KPK. You can check above. Its rate is above 5.5%. AJK and GB have good stats
Believe kpk death rate is very very suspicious..... There is something fishy.... Heart patients ko corona ma dala ja raha h
Coronavirus cases in Pakistan rises to 21,838

The toll cases from Coronavirus (COVID-19 in Pakistan rose to 21,838 here Monday.

According to the details, the number of confirmed cases in the country has mounted to 21,838 after new infections were reported in different parts of the country.

The national database on coronavirus showed that, cases in Punjab jumped to 8,133 the highest number so far in the country, while the confirmed infections tally in Sindh stood at 8,189 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa cases climbed to 3,288, in Balochistan 1321 cases reported, Islamabad Capital Territory covid-19 cases climbed to 464, Gilgit-Baltistan tally up to 372, while 71 cases were reported in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK).
Believe kpk death rate is very very suspicious..... There is something fishy.... Heart patients ko corona ma dala ja raha h
COVID19 kills people who have, serious, chronic, but well-managed conditions. If a heart patient was being managed fine, then its right to say COVID19 killed him
COVID19 kills people who have, serious, chronic, but well-managed conditions. If a heart patient was being managed fine, then its right to say COVID19 killed him
it is also killing people who were in good state of health and had no comorbidity. many young people also have died. so it is matter of luck.the developed countries may find a way in taking control on it but in pakistan pray for some miracle.

I think federal Govt. is going in right direction and public also seems to agree at large. The main thing is implementation of those policies aptly and that power is in the hands of the provincial Govt.

IMO the situation in KPK does needs a careful look. However it also has to be pondered if the climatic conditions (much cooler etc.) and the cultural aspect (interconnected society) have an additional role in it. Remember the hardest hit European countries at least initially were Spain and Italy both known to be very much interconnected, family oriented societies.

GB is exception here for various factors. Generally as a whole the society there is more what can we say rule abiding and well knit and united community. And having the highest literacy rate in the country also helps when following the precautions fully and taking care of themselves..

Situation in Sindh is worrying. It has more active cases than Punjab and equal cases despite much lesser population. It's only good in media else Sindh particularly Karachi has literally and figuratively been left to the dogs..

Punjab is doing quiet well and much to my own surprise too i would admit. Clearly means that we should never fall for the perception build by the media. I never really did but with constant bombardment of same views, a person say ok maybe there is something to it. A permanent lesson learned to never ever slightly trust Pakistani mainstream media unless ones own conscience agrees to something being said..
Looks like bad days are going on. Another 1000+ cases reported in a day. 40 deaths reported in a single day. Thats the highest ever reported. Recoveries are only 435. Good think is tests have increased to 10000.

20 deaths reported in Punjab only, 11 from Sindh, 9 from KPK. No recovery reported from Islamabad

Punjab conducted over half of the total tests. Shameful for Sindh for conducting over less 1000 tests
just watching a program meri jung on bol news, it was eye opener the way Sindh govt is misleading whole country with fake figures is worrisome and Fed govt should immediately put governor raj in sindh or else these PPP thugs will ruin everything. PPP and PMLN main focus is on lock down so that economy goes down and they find it easy to do politics and blame IK.

the show on bol did own research and found that 95% of the cases in sindh and are staying in their home isolation with only very few in hospitals (less than 5%) further sindh govt purposefully exaggerating the covid data of sindh to increase fear among common folks instead of working on ground they are just working on news conferences and the joker bilawal and his cartoon murad are busy blaming fed govt 24/7 and not doing a single work. they think that by just doing lock down things will improve which is impossible, further sindh govt is also trying best to hide recovery numbers in sindh.
just watching a program meri jung on bol news, it was eye opener the way Sindh govt is misleading whole country with fake figures is worrisome and Fed govt should immediately put governor raj in sindh or else these PPP thugs will ruin everything. PPP and PMLN main focus is on lock down so that economy goes down and they find it easy to do politics and blame IK.

the show on bol did own research and found that 95% of the cases in sindh and are staying in their home isolation with only very few in hospitals (less than 5%) further sindh govt purposefully exaggerating the covid data of sindh to increase fear among common folks instead of working on ground they are just working on news conferences and the joker bilawal and his cartoon murad are busy blaming fed govt 24/7 and not doing a single work. they think that by just doing lock down things will improve which is impossible, further sindh govt is also trying best to hide recovery numbers in sindh.
20 deaths alone reported in Punjab in single day. Did you saw stats of KPK?
20 deaths alone reported in Punjab in single day. Did you saw stats of KPK?
still better then other countries, r u PPP paid as i have seen you spreading unnecessary panic?

keep positive or you will die of fear not with disease, do you even know how many people die of road accidents on daily basis? you can also avoid these accidents by stopped going out.

anyways its a different discussion but i still feel the cases are increasing due to increased testings and are still in rage of 10% positive that too mostly are those who are coming back out outside.
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