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Featured CoronaVirus in Pakistan - Updates & Discussion

9 deaths reported in a single day

Balochistan is facing acute shortage of testing
By the way, you want minimum a 10:1 test to +ve ratio. That shows you are testing a wise enough swath of the population and aren’t missing big reservoirs of the disease.
We have been at or about it. The US is something like 5-6:1. Italy on bad days was 2:1.
KP government allows relatives to take bodies of deceased COVID-19 patients home


In this file photo, the Body of Major (retd) Sardar Ilyas being taken for burial by officials wearing protective gear in Abbottabad. — PPI

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on Tuesday allowed people to take the bodies of coronavirus victims home for the observance of last rites — the ghusl and prayer before burial — but under strictly defined guidelines.

According to the KP health department, no case of transmission of the disease from a dead body has been reported anywhere in the world so far.

It said that the decision was made keeping in view the fact that the provincial government has already issued necessary guidelines to relatives of the deceased persons for taking the body home.

Under the guidelines issued:

- Relatives would not touch the body without wearing gloves and masks.

- The body would be covered by either cloth coffin or plastic bags for burial.

- The relatives of deceased persons are allowed to bathe the body but after putting on gloves, masks and other protective wear.

- The last sighting of the dead body is also allowed by the government but all the while maintaining social distancing.

- Staff designated by the government would supervise the whole burial process as part of precautionary measures.

Earlier, the deceased person's body was not allowed to be taken home and burial was also done in isolation by the designated staff of the government.

Meanwhile, the World Health Organisation has also issued guidelines to perform the burial of a coronavirus patient by taking necessary precautionary measures.

- Prior to departure: Team composition and preparation of disinfectants.

- Assemble all necessary equipment.

- Arrival at deceased patient home: prepare burial with family and evaluate risks.

- Put on all personal protective equipment (PPE).

- Placement of the body in the body bag.

- Placement of the body bag in a coffin where culturally appropriate.

- Sanitise family's environment.

- Remove PPE, manage waste and perform hand hygiene.

- Transport the coffin or the body bag to the cemetery.

- Burial at the cemetery : place coffin or body bag into the grave.

- Burial at the cemetery : engaging community for prayers to dissipates tensions and provide respectful time.

- Return to the hospital or team headquarters.
Another bad day for Pakistan. this looks like highest reported cases so far. Deaths are near 40 mark. Recoveries are only 247. Tests conducted per day have reached 12000 mark

19 people died in a single day in Punjab. 9 in each Sindh and KPK and 1 in Balochistan.


Punjab conducts about 5000, Sindh about 3600 tests
WTF !!!

Corona patients in Sindh may opt to stay at home
Patients to be shifted to isolation centre in case of violation of SOPs; provincial govt issues advisory to be followed by police, LEAs

KARACHI: In light of the issues faced by the coronavirus patients and their families, the Sindh government Wednesday issued an advisory to be observed by the law enforcement agencies (LEAs) and healthcare providers.

The advisory, issued in consultation with the healthcare providers and law enforcement agencies, noted that patients either are forcefully being shifted to hospitals or field isolation centres.

For the convenience of patients and their relatives, the government has issued guidelines.

According to the guidelines, every positive case shall be at his/her liberty to be isolated either at home or an isolation centre, none shall be forcefully shifted to an isolation centre, if proper space is available in his/her residence and the patient or the family members agree to his/her home isolation, the positive patient is bound to strictly observe the SOPs explained by the healthcare providers for home isolation, in case of any violation that exposes the community to the infection, the patient will be shifted to the isolation centre.

WTF !!!

Corona patients in Sindh may opt to stay at home
Patients to be shifted to isolation centre in case of violation of SOPs; provincial govt issues advisory to be followed by police, LEAs

KARACHI: In light of the issues faced by the coronavirus patients and their families, the Sindh government Wednesday issued an advisory to be observed by the law enforcement agencies (LEAs) and healthcare providers.

The advisory, issued in consultation with the healthcare providers and law enforcement agencies, noted that patients either are forcefully being shifted to hospitals or field isolation centres.

For the convenience of patients and their relatives, the government has issued guidelines.

According to the guidelines, every positive case shall be at his/her liberty to be isolated either at home or an isolation centre, none shall be forcefully shifted to an isolation centre, if proper space is available in his/her residence and the patient or the family members agree to his/her home isolation, the positive patient is bound to strictly observe the SOPs explained by the healthcare providers for home isolation, in case of any violation that exposes the community to the infection, the patient will be shifted to the isolation centre.

I think this happens all over the world

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